豚肉の生姜焼きの作り方!大人気!定番おかずレシピ|お肉が柔らか!ちょっとのコツで美味しくなる方法!-How to make Grilled Pork Ginger-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made gingerbread with pork.
Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher.
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Today I would like to make gingerbread with pork.
I think pork gingerbread is a classic, but this time I will show you how to make the meat tender.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
There are some key points here and there, so please enjoy to the end.
Please have a look at it.
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First of all, here are the ingredients except for the seasoning.
Here are the ingredients.
Sliced pork belly, onions, ginger, garlic, sake, and salad oil for grilling.
First of all, pork, this time I’m going to use thin slices of pork belly.
Thin slices of pork belly have quite a lot of oil, which makes it easier for the meat to become tender.
If you don’t like fatty meat, you can use pork loin.
Can make it with any part of the meat you like.
But if you use too much red meat, it tends to be tough, so if you use red meat, try to use thin slices as much as possible.
This will make it less likely to become tough.
And we will add onions in addition to pork this time.
The rest is ginger.
I will use fresh ginger here.
Can use tube type ginger, but fresh ginger has a totally different flavor, so use fresh ginger as much as possible.
And one more thing, in addition to ginger, we will also add a little bit of garlic.
Well, about 1/2 of a clove, or roughly 3 grams in grams.
If you want to cut back on the garlic, or if you are using it in a lunch box or something, you can leave it out.
The other thing is alcohol.
Make sure to use clear sake here, not cooking sake.
Next, here are the ingredients for seasoning.
Here are the ingredients.
Soy sauce, mirin, sake, sugar, honey, here are the ingredients.
First of all, sake used here is also sake.
And for sweetness, we add sugar plus honey.
The addition of the richness of honey makes for a very flavorful and delicious gingerbread.
However, if you cannot eat honey, substitute sugar.
I will make it right away.
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Now let’s start making them.
First of all, you have thin slices of pork belly.
The one I am buying this time will be cut in half like this.
I think you can use these things as they are.
But if you have a long piece, you should cut it in half or into thirds.
Then I’ll start with the preparation.
First of all, you have to pour the liquor around here.
Soaking the sake first like this will make the meat more tender.
In addition, it removes odors from the meat.
Now turn the whole thing once.
If this pack is a little small, you can put it out on a bat or something.
Blend the liquor throughout the pack like this.
Then grind the ginger here.
I grind about half of the ginger first.
When you use a grater like this or a grater, just be careful not to injure your hands.
If you are worried about it, please peel off the excess skin before grating.
It looks like this.
Leave about half of it.
The garlic should be cut in half and the garlic sprouts should be removed.
This one can cause sogginess and burn easily, so be sure to remove it.
Then grate half of this garlic first.
Again, be careful not to injure your hands.
Once both pieces are grated, blend them all over the pork.
If you do it this way, the meat will be very tender.
Just be careful not to overdo it and ruin the shape of the meat.
Then put a piece of plastic wrap snugly on top and leave it like this for 10 minutes.
Do not need to put it in the refrigerator.
While the meat is marinating, we’ll cut up the onions.
The onions are first cut in half.
I’ll cut it in half again and cut it into about three equal pieces again.
Roughly cut into 1 cm wide combs.
Cut off this core.
Can cut it in a way that is easy to cut.
I think it is easier to put the cut end on the cutting board and put the knife in at an angle.
Cut the onions into combs like this.
Now let’s make the sauce.
First, add soy sauce, mirin, sake, sugar, and honey.
Now mix well.
Mix well until the crunchiness of the sugar is gone.
Then grate the ginger here.
Here is the rest of the ginger.
Grate like this.
And another garlic clove is also grated.
And once the garlic and ginger are grated, mix them well.
The sauce is now ready.
Ten minutes have passed.
The status hasn’t changed.
It looks like this.
So now I’m going to burn this one.
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Now please prepare the frying pan.
Spread a thin layer of salad oil here.
Spread with paper.
And put it on fire.
Heat is medium.
Heat for 30 seconds once.
Once warmed for 30 seconds, put the meat here first.
Then we’ll fry the meat first while breaking it up.
The heat is kept on medium.
Stir-fry while breaking up the meat properly so that it does not stick.
Spread and fry as much as possible like this.
Just be careful not to burn yourself.
Spread the meat out like this and fry it.
So I just put it all in the pan, but I think it’s easier to clean it if you place it on the spreader pan.
Roughly 60-70% of the way through cooking.
Then put the onions in here.
Let’s fry the onions together.
Saute the onions, placing them in the spaces between the meat.
The heat can be kept on medium.
Also, fry the onions while breaking them up.
Fry the onions until the water is gone and the onions are softened.
I just sauteed them for roughly 4.5 minutes.
Can you see that the water content is less than before like this?
When the onion is softened like this, it is ready.
Then the sauce that has just been made is passed around.
And let’s boil this one.
The heat is medium as it is.
Cook and stir until the amount of sauce is reduced to about half.
Soak the onion and meat thoroughly with the sauce.
If the sauce is slightly thickened and the meat and onions are well coated with the sauce, it is OK.
This is how it turned out.
Now I would like to serve it further.
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Now the pork is ready to be cooked with ginger.
This is how it turned out.
The meat is finished very soft like this.
The sauce is now firmly involved and looks delicious.
It’s done.
Now, I would like to eat.
Let’s eat.
The meat is tender and very tasty.
And the thickened onions and ginger are great.
This seasoning is also perfect.
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It finished well today.
This is the key to this pork gingerbread.
First of all, the meat, this time I used thin slices of pork belly.
Can use any part of the meat you like.
Pork belly is a bit fatty and tends to be more tender.
If you don’t like it a little bit oily, you can use pork loin.
I recommend using thin slices of meat when making this recipe.
And first of all, marinate the meat with sake, ginger and garlic.
This will make the meat very tender and will also remove the smell.
As for the sake, use clear sake, not cooking sake.
And as for the seasoning, please prepare the seasoning by mixing it in advance and then grating the ginger and garlic.
I only added a little garlic this time, but you can leave it out if it bothers you.
A little bit of garlic adds flavor and makes it very tasty.
And here’s the key to grilling meat.
When grilling meat, try to spread the meat out as much as possible.
I put the meat in all at once, but it is better to spread it out one piece at a time so that it does not clump together.
When the meat is about 60% cooked, add the onions and fry until the onions are softened.
Then add the seasonings and heat until the flavors are well combined.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
It is very tasty and you should try to make it.
Easy recipes at home
Today I made pork ginger yaki.
I have many other various videos on my channel.
Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.
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So that’s all for today.
Thank you for watching to the end today.
Please give us a good button.
See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make grilled pork with ginger. A very popular classic side dish recipe! Introducing tips to make your meat tender and juicy! This is an easy side dish recipe that goes well with rice. Perfect as a side dish for lunch boxes! It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・豚バラの薄切り肉 250g
・玉ねぎ 1/2個
・生姜 20g
・ニンニク 3g
・酒 大さじ1.5 / 大さじ2
・醤油 大さじ1
・みりん 大さじ2
・砂糖 小さじ2
・はちみつ 小さじ1
・サラダ油 適量

・250g Thinly sliced pork belly
・1/2 Onion
・20g Ginger
・3g Garlic
・1.5 tbsp / 2 tbsp Sake
・1 tbsp Soy sauce
・2 tbsp Mirin
・2 tbsp Sake
・2 tsp Sugar
・1 tsp Honey
・Vegetable oil







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#生姜焼き #おかず #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. 白米泥棒の代表選手の1つ!

  2. 昨日、バラ肉で、生姜焼き作りました🙌

  3. ニンニクはチューブを使いがちですが生姜だけは生じゃないと香りや旨みが全然違いますよね?

  4. いつも参考にしてます。ストレートに美味しさを追求した料理を作る姿勢が気に入ってます。

  5. こんにちは♪下準備の時に生姜とニンニクを加えるのですね😊そのようにした事がなかったので作ってみたいと思いますが、お砂糖の代わりにラカウントは味が変わってしまいますか?

  6. 生姜焼き大好きです。楽しみですご飯が進みます、子供達も大好きなので夕食🌿ハハハ決まりました、😊😊😊😊😊

  7. 生姜焼き美味しそうです(^^)玉ねぎ🧅の甘みも出て更に美味ですよね😄💘✨✨いつもありがとうございます(* ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)”✨

  8. 生姜焼き大好きですが毎回味が違ってしまいます。割合が難しい。

  9. 生姜焼きの味がいつも定まらず調整に自信がなかったのですが、ゆかりさんのタレたっぷり感のレシピ美味しそうなので作ってみます♡

  10. こんにちは😊

  11. 今日たまたま生姜焼きの予定だったのでもやしも入れて早速作りました🐷🤍とっても美味しかったです😊✨️

  12. 仕上げて夕食として食べております

  13. 生姜焼き大好きです😍いつも男の私でも簡単に作れるメニュー、動画も🎥ありがとうございます♪♪

  14. ウインナー卵焼き丼で食欲増進したばかり……😅

  15. さっそく作りました!
    ゆかり先生 いつも

  16. 暑くなる時期にスタミナついて生姜焼き肉はいいですねぇ!ニンニクは入れた事がないので早速作ってみます。いつもいつもなるほど〜といったレシピをありがとうございます。

  17. こんにちは お久しぶりに コメ です 拝見はしてますよ✌ 今回 ご飯 泥棒でしょう いや 流石です 分かりやすい 作り方 気遣い 要所に関しては 流石プロですね 感謝いたします😂
    自分も 作りましたよ もちろん ゆかりさんの参考に それで今回 福島県で有名な 吾妻食品 うまくて生姜ねぇ!! 使いましたら 最高でした 個人的 意見で すいません でも 福島 吾妻食品 うまくて生姜は おすすめですね 
    それでは ゆかりさん 今後も 応援しますので よろしくお願いいたします 最後に やはり ブラボー ⚽ですね ありがとう ございます

  18. 豚の生姜焼き😊美味しそう✨

  19. せんせーのお料理はサムネだけで美味しそう。

  20. 清酒を先に肉にかけるのかぁ。いつも生姜焼と言えばロースを使ってました。今度はバラ肉使ってみます。また、ハチミツや砂糖を入れてトロトロにする方法も知りました。今夜、早速作ってみます。

  21. 豚の生姜焼き、今まで、少々適当に作ってましたが笑、定番だからこそあまりレシピ気にしてなくて、、、

  22. こんにちは。


  23. 豚の生姜焼きだけは、手を抜いてチューブ生姜使っちゃダメですよね。面倒くさくても実物の生姜をすりおろして使うと段違いの出来栄え。