
Weekly Dinner
copi no gohan
This week’s "cheap and delicious" dinner
Easy-to-make dinners from Monday to Friday
Today I got some mackerel, so it’s a fish recipe
Going for an easy fish dish
Instead of simmering, we’ll steam it with miso
Since it’s not too fishy, it’s a simple recipe
Slice the green onions and simmer them together
I love wilted green onions in this dish, so I use a lot
Chop the green part for topping
First, prepare the miso sauce
Mix well until the miso is dissolved
Wrap it up like this again today
Arrange the green onions around the mackerel and pour the miso sauce
I thought it might make it tender, but it’s not necessary (laughs)
Roll up the edges tightly
I was planning to use the microwave again this time, but
It started acting up at that time, so I changed to steaming
I’m glad I also posted a video of microwaving mackerel miso
Please take a look at that too
Steam with about 3cm of water in the bottom of the frying pan
While steaming, prepare the soup and side dishes
Slice the onion for the soup
Side dish is marinated eggplant and cherry tomatoes
Drizzle with sesame oil and microwave…
But the microwave broke and couldn’t be used 🥲
It would take 2 minutes in the microwave
Since there’s no other choice, change of plans.
Add wakame to the soup and it’s ready to serve
Sauté in a frying pan until cooked through
Losing the microwave as a partner resulted in decreased firepower
Regaining composure and finishing up
Mix in seasonings and ingredients
After sautéing, it tasted different but still good
Since the mackerel is cooked through, remove it
Fold over the edges and plate
Since the microwave is unusable, warm the rice in a frying pan
Realizing how much I relied on the microwave…
Successfully reheated somehow
Let’s eat~
Today’s dish is bamboo shoot mixed rice
Freshly harvested bamboo shoot
Cut it into small pieces
Also add enoki mushrooms
Mix the seasonings and add the ingredients
Just a normal rice cooking process~
Leave the rice to the rice cooker and start making side dishes
Start with a simple side dish of cucumbers
Put them in a bag and let them soak
When in doubt, add some salted kelp
Next, prepare miso soup
Today, it’s miso soup with Chinese cabbage
Once chopped, put it in the pot
Simmer until tender
Put the ingredients in a frying pan and knead them.
Knead it as if crushing the bean sprouts.
Once it’s well mixed, shape it as it is.
Just keep rolling it into balls.
Then cook it in the pan.
Once both sides are cooked, add water and steam.
After steaming for 3 minutes, season it with a sweet and savory sauce.
Once it’s nicely browned all over, it’s done.
The rice is also cooked〜
The cause was not properly soaking the unwashed rice.
On another day, I soaked it for 30 minutes before cooking and it was successful.
This time, I quickly cooked it again and recovered, but when using unwashed rice, please soak it〜
I was disappointed by the failure, but there are days like this.
It’s a positive thought that I’ve learned something new.
Finally, I’ll finish the miso soup.
Serve the revived rice〜
Today, I put plenty of Napa cabbage to make it more Chinese-style.
Since the volume of cabbage decreases, I put plenty of it.
I also recruited carrots for color.
This time, I kept the ingredients simple, but it’s also delicious with shiitake mushrooms or quail eggs.
Use the green onions in the soup.
When buying a week’s worth of groceries, it’s a battle against the expiration dates of vegetables.
I always wonder if the vegetables will go bad first or if I’ll use them up.
I spend a week while gambling (?).
If you store them properly from the beginning, you can usually win.
Today, I used chicken stock powder for the soup.
Next, the side dish is the classic namul.
Wash and cut them thoroughly.
Since the microwave was sometimes usable and sometimes not on this day,
I tried again by microwaving.
Season the pork with salt and pepper.
Start by sautéing the ginger in sesame oil.
Once it’s fragrant, add the pork.
This extra step enhances the flavor, so if you can, try it.
Add the carrots and cabbage and sauté until the volume decreases.
Add the forgotten shimeji mushrooms and simmer.
While that’s simmering, finish the namul.
This was the last time the microwave worked 🥲
Sprinkle sesame seeds on top and plate it.
Add wakame to the soup, adjust the seasoning, and it’s done.
Once it’s thoroughly cooked and infused,
Thicken it with a water and potato starch mixture.
Adding a little thickener makes the sauce cling better and taste delicious.
Serve the soup〜
Today, starting with the side dishes,
the main dish is rich chicken nanban, so I made a refreshing salad.
Once the dried daikon radish is rehydrated, start cutting the other vegetables.
This salad is
so easy to make with just rehydrating the dried daikon radish,
so it’s recommended when you’re tired of simmered dried daikon radish.
Next, cut the ingredients for the miso soup.
Today, it’s komatsuna and bamboo shoots.
Bamboo shoots add texture to miso soup👍
Simmer until soft.
Now, the long-awaited tartar sauce.
I’ll never improve at mincing onions.
In the end, I chop them like this.
I found a quick way to make tartar sauce.
Bring about 2cm of water to a boil in a frying pan.
Then drop in the eggs.
Flip them over and steam them further until they’re firm-boiled.
Meanwhile, finish the daikon radish salad.
Mix until the miso is dissolved.
Once you sprinkle ground sesame seeds to your liking, it’s done.
Take out the eggs and mash them.
This method is faster than making boiled eggs, so I recommend it.
Season it, add the onions, and mix well.
Next, prepare the main dish with chicken breast.
Chicken nanban is delicious even with chicken breast.
Once it’s cut into large pieces, coat them well with potato starch.
Fry them in plenty of oil until golden brown.
Steam to cook through.
Meanwhile, finish the miso soup.
Coat well with the sauce.
Looks so delicious with plenty of tartar sauce〜
Serve topped with tartar sauce〜
Today, it’s a simmered dish with ponzu sauce.
Thinly slice the long green onion to cook with it.
I also included the green part, but you might not need it.
Flatten the chicken breast evenly.
Tenderize it〜
Season both sides, then grill them.
Add the thinly sliced green onion.
Once both sides are browned,
Leave it to the ponzu sauce today.
Let it simmer for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, finish the miso soup and side dish.
The miso soup is a frequently appearing eggplant miso soup.
When you buy a pack of two eggplants, one is for miso soup.
The side dish is cucumber and chikuwa with sesame mayo.
Just cut and mix for an easy side dish.
Since the microwave wasn’t usable, my repertoire of microwave-free side dishes has increased!
Chikuwa is convenient for increasing satisfaction.
Mix well and it’s done.
Once the eggplant is cooked, finish the miso soup.
Flip the chicken several times to let it marinate.
Once both sides are colored, remove them.
I’ve been making various chicken dishes in a frying pan,
but leaving it to ponzu sauce was easy.
Plate it on a dish with lettuce.
Pour plenty of onions and sauce.
It was tough without a microwave,
but my cooking skills have expanded a bit, so it’s okay!
I’ll get through the weekend〜









〜 肉・魚類 〜
鶏むね肉 700g
さば   2切れ
豚肉    200g
鶏ひき肉 200g
卵    2個
ちくわ   4本

〜 野菜類 〜
人参   1本
なす   2本
白菜   1/4個
もやし 1袋
小松菜 1束
長ねぎ 2本
しめじ 1パック
たけのこ 2個
玉ねぎ 1個
レタス 1個
きゅうり 1本






⭐️Instagram 毎日のご飯をのせてます

◉さば 2切れ
◉ねぎ 1本
◎砂糖 小さじ2
◎味噌 大さじ2
◎水  大さじ2
◎すりごま 大さじ1


◉なす 1本
◉ミニトマト 6個
◎ごま油 大さじ1
◎酢  大さじ1
◎砂糖 小さじ2
◎醤油 小さじ1

◉玉ねぎ 1/2個
◉わかめ 2g
◎コンソメ 小さじ1
◎水 400ml

◉鶏ひき肉 200g
◉もやし 1/2袋
・片栗粉 大さじ1
・マヨネーズ 大さじ1
◎醤油  大さじ1
◎みりん 大さじ1
◎砂糖  大さじ1

◉米 2合
◉たけのこ 200g
◉しめじ 1/2パック
◎醤油  大さじ2
◎みりん 大さじ2
◎だしの素 小さじ2
◎生姜   5cm
◎水  2合の線まで

◉きゅうり 1本
◎めんつゆ 大さじ1
◎塩昆布  ひとつかみ

◉白菜 3枚

◉豚肉 200g
◉白菜  300g
◉人参  1/2本
◉しめじ 1/2袋
◎水 100ml
◎醤油 大さじ2
◎みりん 大さじ3
◎水溶き片栗粉 大さじ1 

◉小松菜 1/2束
◎中華だし 小さじ1
◎醤油  小さじ2
◎酢   小さじ2
◎ごま油 小さじ2

◉長ネギ 1/2本
◎水 400ml
◎中華だし 小さじ2

◉鶏むね肉 350g
◎酢    大さじ2
◎醤油   大さじ2
◎砂糖   大さじ1
◉卵   2個
◉玉ねぎ 1/4個
◎マヨネーズ 大さじ2

◉切り干し大根 10g
◉人参 1/4本
◉きゅうり 1/2本
◎酢  大さじ1
◎味噌 小さじ1
◎醤油 小さじ1/2
◎すりごま 大さじ1

◉小松菜 1/2束
◉たけのこ 1/3節

◉鶏むね肉 400g
◉長ネギ 1/2本
◎ポン酢 100ml
◎水 75ml

◉ちくわ 4本
◉きゅうり 1/2本
◎マヨネーズ 大さじ1
◎醤油 小さじ1
◎鰹節 1パック

◉なす 1本


曲名『Everyday (Acoustic)』


こぴ(27) 転勤族の妻

#1週間献立 #晩ご飯 #まとめ買い #二人暮らし #夜ご飯 #晩ごはん#夕飯

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