
Hello, I’m Mimi. Thank you for finding this channel. I am a housewife in my 30s living in Osaka,Japan. I live in this house with my husband. I went shopping for food for dinner. I was tempted by the specials and bought some vegetables that I hadn’t planned to buy. I will prepare the vegetables so that they will last as long as possible before storing them. Remove the heft from mini-tomatoes, wash them, and wipe them dry. Store in the vegetable room. The standard storage period is about 7 days. Wash cucumbers and wipe dry, then wrap them one by one in plastic wrap. Put them upright with the bottom part up and store in the vegetable compartment. The estimated storage period is about 7 days. After washing them well in ginger water, put them in a storage container and soak them in enough water to cover the entire container. Store in the vegetable compartment; if you change the water every 2 to 3 days, it will keep for about a month. I bought chives at a low price without a second thought. I don’t think I can use it up right away, so I freeze it. After washing and wiping off the water well, put them in a storage bag and store them in the freezer. The standard storage period is about one month. Make a chopped version for easy use in cooking. Chives are easily dried and lose their aroma when finely chopped, so they should be divided into small pieces, wrapped in plastic wrap, and placed in a storage bag. The standard storage period is about three weeks. I took a chance and bought one ball of cabbage on special sale. I plan to eat one of the four equal portions in the near future, so I will refrigerate it. After cutting off the hearts, wrap them in damp kitchen paper and place them in a plastic bag. Heat-sensitive cabbage should be stored in the refrigerated room, not the vegetable room. The estimated storage time is about 7 days. Half of the cabbage can be cut into appropriate sizes and frozen. I now have a reassuring option when I want to cook quickly and easily. Estimated shelf life is about 1 month. It can be used in various dishes such as yakisoba and pot-au-feu. The remaining quarter will be used for today’s dinner, so prepare it. Once shredded, soak in water and place in the refrigerator. Remove the sand from the clams to be used for dinner. Soak the clams in 3% salt water (600 ml water, 1 tablespoon salt). Cover fluffily with aluminum foil and place in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours. Start cooking dinner. First, start with the sweet summer orange and cabbage salad. One sweet summer orange, a quarter of a cabbage, salt, pepper, and a dash of olive oil. I remember that my mother used to make a salad with oranges in it at my parents’ house. I decided to use cod as the main ingredients of the aquapazza-style pasta. I let the asari leave for three hours and then removed the sand. After replacing the water and removing the dirt from the shells, this is also added to the pasta. Brown the cod in olive oil and garlic. Then add the clams, mini tomatoes and 100ml of sake, cover and cook for 10 minutes. Smells great ☺️ Add the pasta and toss well. Let’s eat. It is full of seafood flavor. The sweet summer oraneg salad was very refreshing and tasted somewhat nostalgic. I am in the mood for Chinese food today. I decided to make gyoza using cabbage and chives I bought yesterday. First of all, I will make bang bang ji. Put chicken breast, ginger, green part of green onion, enough water to cover all of it, and 1 tablespoon sake in a pot. Bring to a boil and then heat over medium heat for about 6 minutes. After 6 minutes, remove from heat, cover and let sit for 20 to 30 minutes. Making the sauce for the bang bang ji Since we did not have sesame paste at home, we decided to make a light soy sauce-based sauce. Ginger, green onion, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1/2 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon white ground sesame seeds Chill in the refrigerator, as I want to pour it on just before serving. After the chicken breasts are roughly heated, cut them into bite-size pieces and set aside at room temperature. Making dumpling seeds. 200 grams ground pork, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon chicken broth, garlic, ginger Mix chopped cabbage (one-eighth) and chives, and the seeds are ready. Twenty dumplings are ready. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add salad oil, place the gyoza on the pan, cover with a lid and heat. When browned, add 50ml of hot water, cover and steam over high heat. Making soup Fry wakame seaweed in sesame oil, add 500ml water, beef broth, 1 teaspoon and beaten egg. Good browning. It did not turn out well.LOL I eat it. I usually eat this with sesame sauce, but I also liked this sauce with spicy ginger and green onion. The crispy and savory dumplings were a big hit with my husband. The extra portion will be my lunch tomorrow. I also have a lot of leftover rice, so I will freeze it. Since I am not cooking rice today, I am going to use the rice cooker to make pork kakuni. First, I will brown the pork in a frying pan. It looks like I can eat it already, but I hold back my desire to eat it. LOL! This is ginger to remove the smell of pork. I really wanted to use the green part of the green onion, but I used it up yesterday. 300g pork belly block, ginger, 400ml water, 100ml sake, 4 tablespoons soy sauce, 3 tablespoons mirin, 1 tablespoon honey Cook them for 50 minutes. While cooking pork, make the side dishes. One eighth of a cabbage, salted kelp, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, white sesame seeds I also made cucumber and mini-tomato salad using yesterday’s bang bang ji sauce. After cooking pork, add boiled egg and keep for 20 minutes. Make miso soup with frozen komatsuna and deep-fried tofu. After 20 minutes I will eat it. I can still only make simple menus, but The big change in the past year is that I have come to enjoy cooking. ☺️ What did you guys eat today? Thank you for watching this video to the end. I hope to see you again in the next video. ☺️



00:00 野菜の保存方法
02:53 夕食の下ごしらえ
03:37 甘夏とキャベツのサラダ
04:03 アクアパッツァ風パスタ
05:14 Day1いただきます。
05:50 棒棒鶏
07:03 餃子
08:00 わかめと卵のスープ
08:34 Day2いただきます。
09:16 豚の角煮
10:31 副菜づくり
11:31 Day3いただきます。







【Mimi vlogごあいさつ】


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