高級ホテル・ルームツアー|パリの素敵なスイートルームで宿泊体験|オテル・ド・クリヨン|Hôtel de Crillon Room Tour|フランス暮らしVlog

Continuing from the previous article, this time we will visit the rooms of Hôtel de Crillon, A Rosewood Hotel, which is a top class “palace” hotel above 5 stars. We’ll start with the standard rooms (they say they are the second class rooms from the bottom).

Continuing from last time, MashAya’s friend Crillon is showing us the rooms. There’s a bed right when you walk in! It’s a beautiful room! Pretty colors. It’s a simple room, but it makes your heart dance. What’s this one? A bath! How is it? It’s so beautiful! This room has a lot of light, doesn’t it?

This room has a very feminine feel to it. This is a toilet. It’s very simple. Everything is mirrored, so you can practice dancing in front of it. This is the shower room. There are two types of showers, one that falls down from above and one that you can hold by hand.

I really like the hardware and decoration on this door. Look at the beautiful decoration here. These colors are also very gentle. Is this a closet? There’s a set of toiletries here. There’s also a bathrobe. It’s wonderful. You have a very, very soft bed.

The bed is Simmons, the top brand in France. It looks very comfortable. That’s how it looks, you know? Disney is about to start. Aya starts singing (laughs) I’ll go next. Yes, sorry (laughs) This room has a high ceiling and a big window.

Next is one of the special suites, “Atelier d’Artiste Le Peintre”, which has a different concept from the other rooms. Next is one of the special suites, “Atelier d’Artiste Le Peintre”, which has a different concept from the other rooms. Let’s go see. Yeah! What does this mean? Isn’t it amazing? That’s where I was!

Wow! It’s amazing! A counter in this place! A bed here! This is an amazing room! It’s almost outside. It has a big balcony with a nice view. It’s beautiful! It’s so nice outside. Look, you can see the Eiffel Tower right in front of you. Aya, this is an amazing place! There’s nothing to block the view.

Nice sky and nice scenery~! It’s a great view. I can see the Eiffel Tower, Grand Palais, and Les Invalides over there! Is that the tour montparnasse? I think so. You can see everything from here. So this hotel is right in the middle. There’s a terrace here too! It’s true, there is a small terrace.

This place makes me want to get up in the morning and go outside. I want it to be like this, yes. That’s what it’s for. This is the same bed. It looks very soft. That’s a very soft-looking bed. And here are two sofas. There’s a TV here. You can relax here.

That’s a great speaker! We have some cool speakers! That bar counter right as you walk in is awesome! This is really magnificent! Do you do it this way? You call for someone to make you a drink in the evening. If you ask Butler, he’ll make you some things at the bar.

Butler is a guest room attendant who will take care of your every need, just like a butler for an English aristocrat. If you have any problems, they will be there for you. I think the tableware is good.  It’s amazing. I’m really surprised! You’ve got a surprise for me!

Let’s take a look at this one too. Wait a minute! Here it is again! We can do this one more time here, in the morning light, at the place where we were. The balcony makes me excited. It’s great to have three balconies. It’s also nice to have different directions to see.

Here’s the vanity, and it has the same amenities. This nice amenity is “buly” I’ll explain in detail later in the video♪ Is this a TV? I don’t think this is a TV (laughs) It wasn’t. Isn’t this a mirror that makes your face bigger? It’s not, is it? Ah! It’s true, it might be… (laughs)

Two people who don’t know what’s going on because it’s their first time in a luxury hotel (laughs) There’s a mirror here too, so we can practice dancing. When I wake up in the morning. Does Aya practice her dance here? (laughs) Note: Aya can’t dance (laughs)

Is this a shower room? There’s a place to sit! Look at this. It’s true! I guess I’ll sit down and take a shower! This is good! Yes, very interesting! This room is treated as a studio, so it’s the only one without a bathtub. Look at this! There are so many switches! I swear, there are so many!

There’s only one in my house, but there are five here! And look at this! The amenities are wonderful! Wonderful. It’s so wide! Wow! Hello! I haven’t seen a toilet seat that opens automatically in ages!

In France, it is rare to find a toilet seat that opens automatically, and by the way, it also has a simple bidet (also rare in France). Interesting. It’s amazing! The whole room was modern and open. They have a total of three rooms with this kind of concept.

It’s nice to see the scenery of Paris. And the last room is Suite Duc de Crillon, which was originally a chapel. Wow! It’s amazing! What is this traditional room? It’s amazing. The voices echo. The ceiling is so high! Is this a hotel? Is this a hotel? It’s going down slowly. It’s a museum.

It’s amazing. Look at this! It’s a very big mirror.

This room was originally a chapel, but was restored rather than renovated, so the interior is said to be as it was then. There are two of these rooms, and the other room is being exhibited in its entirety at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the United States.

It’s very high quality and classic, and it’s really a museum-like place! Aya, look at this desk and chair, it’s like a novelist staying in this hotel to write. It really feels like that! There’s a totally different vibe here! It’s still a very calm design. This is a modern design.

There’s a sofa in front of the bed. It looks like a harmony of classic and modern design. Look at this mirror. It’s an artistic mirror. Maybe they made it specially for you. Wow! What’s going on here? This is the kind of bath a millionaire would take. This one looks like there’s a maid next door.

This looks like something from the movie “Coming to America”. It’s so golden! But it has a modern feel to it. It really does. Is this a toilet, by any chance? It’s a toilet. It’s got a pink light on it. This is a shower room, isn’t it? It has a shower, right?

Look, it has a place to sit, too. The washbasin here is also divided into two. It’s true. They have two sinks for each person to use for their own use. That’s a nice chair. It’s compact. I can do a little work before I go to bed.

It’s a different kind of desk than the one next to it, which looks like a novelist’s. Crillon told me that the room I was looking at earlier had a feminine feel, but this room has a slightly masculine design. It’s true that the objects, designs, and colors in the room give me that feeling.

It looks like an adult’s room, even with all these accessories. Bourbon goes well with it. I’ve never had it, but I think bourbon would go well with it. Oh! The lights are on. Dumbbell? What is it? Dumbbell ・・・・ Dumbbells? I just asked Crillon about it, and he said it’s a dumbbell. That’s great!

A lot of people are health-conscious, so some people do a little training in their rooms. The hanger is also beautiful with crystal. It’s amazing that every time I open the door, there is a surprise.

It’s a shoe storage room. There are so many of them. I think I need it because I think I’ll bring a lot of shoes. This box underneath is also for shoe polishing, and Butler will polish your shoes too.

You can also ask Butler to polish your shoes. In addition, you can ask him to pack your luggage. He really takes care of everything and is wonderful! This is a brush for dusting clothes. This is a steam iron. Actually, MashAya was looking for a steam iron.

Mash’s shirts sometimes need to be ironed, and I always have trouble finding an iron when I travel! It’s amazing. The moment you enter this space, your voice will echo.

Every time I saw the lovely ornamental balustrade on the balcony of a nice house in Paris, I was wondering what kind of room it was. So it was a room like this. See, this is what I mean by a parapet like this.

A balustrade of this shape! I see. This is what you’re talking about. And look how beautiful the knobs are on this window. It’s so amazing that it makes me laugh. It’s so gorgeous I don’t even know if I can touch it anymore. It’s true.

KURIYON told me that this room is being restored in its old form, so it really looks the same as it did in the past! The other room has been moved to The Metropolitan Museum of Art in the United States.

The decoration on the legs of this desk is also very beautiful, and I’ve never seen anything like it.  It has been restored, so it has a different shine. And the pattern on this wall is also very beautiful. The curtain rail is also very cool. It’s true.

I’m often impressed when I go to castles and churches and look up at the ceiling, but I never thought I’d be able to experience the same feeling in a hotel room! Yes, it’s like a church or a museum, but this was originally a church, so it’s not wrong to feel that way.

Crillon told me that this is a classic room, so he dared to use modern furniture like this. This room is a mix of classic and modern. This room originally had a fireplace too. It’s so cool! What kind of people were sitting in these nice chairs? Every detail is beautiful. What do you think?

What is this experience… When I go to the Palace of Versailles, I sometimes feel like I’m going back in time. There are a lot of tourists there, so it feels real! But if you stay here and spend time in this place, you’ll really feel like you’re traveling back in time!

There are many more rooms, and I think you can see them on the website, so if you’re interested, please take a look. They also have other amazing rooms, such as a suite that was once used by Marie Antoinette! After this, we’ll have dinner and stay overnight, and then we’ll have breakfast!

This room is not only for staying but also for holding exhibitions and sales of jewelry and watches. It’s good to stay in a room like this at least once in your life experience! Lastly, I’ll take the time to introduce the room we’ll be staying in.

It’s an amazing place, and the chandeliers are gorgeous! It’s an amazing place. The building is still very magnificent. There is also a nice space here. It’s true. This staircase is amazing, too. How was everyone’s experience? We’re back in our room. I’ve seen a lot of rooms, but I like this one very much.

We haven’t seen the balcony yet. Can I see it? You can look. It’s a lovely balcony! It’s true. There was a small balcony. The view of the city from here is also very pretty. It’s a bit far, but you can also see the Eiffel Tower from here. It’s nice. What is this diagram?

What does it look like? It’s really more like a private balcony. As I mentioned when I came here, there was champagne in the room service, though. There were also nectarines here, and they were allowed to eat them because this was also service. And a chair placed next to the nectarines!

Eating a nectarine! I guess. Yes, I did. It comes with an amazing ballpoint pen. A ballpoint pen and a postcard of Hôtel de Crillon. And this is a letter set. Perhaps you can draw letters from here. I see! It’s very nice! That’s cool. What’s that round thing? This is… It’s a yo-yo. It’s true!

I’ll ask Crillon later what this is placed at. The yo-yos are put there for fun, to help people relax. A hygiene box to prevent the spread of the new corona infection There’s alcohol gel, two masks, and a hand sanitizer sheet. It’s nice that the hotel has thought of every detail of infection control.

Wow! It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Mash likes this place very much. It’s like a living room. What do you think? Let’s have champagne here. Cheers! I’d like to do it with you two. There’s a handwritten message card here. Is it in French? It’s in English.

It’s already evening here now, so there’s not much light, but it’s going to be very beautiful light in the morning. I’d even like to see the champagne left intact. This is the relaxation area. It’s nice to have a more realistic feeling when people are sitting there. Not at all. Next is the bedroom. Let’s go!

We’ve arrived! It’s quite a nice modern design. It looks awfully soft, doesn’t it? Ahh! It feels so good~! Is it soft? This is good! I don’t think I’ll be able to wake up tomorrow because it feels too good… (laughs) Will you stay asleep? (laughs)

Was it a closet? There’s a bathrobe in there that was in the other room earlier! You mentioned that there are differences between men and women. Which one is this? I found a pair of well-made slippers. We’ll change them later. Wow! Those bathrooms are fun!  This marble pattern is so nice!

You can soak in the bath! Let’s soak today! MashAya’s house doesn’t have a bathtub, so I’m so happy to see her handsome! The shower room is over here. There’s another shower room up there.

I think it was explained in the first half of the video, but the point is that there are two sinks. There is one for each of you. So it’s your own personal sink. And they’re using a brand of toiletries called BULY!

OFFICINE UNIVERSELLE BULY is a cosmetic brand born in Paris, France. For more than 200 years, this general beauty pharmacy has been offering perfumes, room fragrances, natural cosmetics, plant oils, and beauty accessories that follow the original philosophy of the company. What’s inside this case? What’s this? It’s a cool package.

00:22:14,633 –> 00:22:18,603 This is mouthwash. What’s this? Oh! It’s toothpaste. That’s a toothbrush in the back. Wow! It’s wooden and pretty. It has such a nice toothbrush in it. It’s so nice, I’m surprised. And then there’s a shower cap, cotton swabs, and cotton wool. You also said that I could take this shower cap home with me.

I think women will be very happy with this. It’s a nice amenity that makes them excited. Shampoo, conditioner, and body soap are also Buly Wow! It smells so good! What? Smell it and see. What? It smells so good.

I don’t know if there was a concept behind this, but it smells like I’m a noble lady! It’s not a sweet or pretty scent, it’s more like a noble lady. It was a bathroom like Last but not least, we have the Bar corner! It’s just as you explained in the first video.

Here we have a pot of tea, tea leaves, a small glass A large cup in the drawer, and a refrigerator underneath. And it’s all beautifully hidden. These are some of the rooms at the Hôtel de Crillon, the most luxurious Palace hotel. It was a very nice space… ♪

In the next article, I’ll tell you about our stay at the hotel from dinner. Please take a look if you like. It’s a luxury hotel, but I was relieved to find that everyone was very kind and easy to spend time with so that I could relax without feeling nervous! Thank you for watching!

Good bye. I’ll see you soon!



Hôtel de Crillon, A Rosewood Hotel




パリの散歩動画チャンネル「Mash Photo Film」





#Paris #スイートルーム #ホテル #パリ旅行 #パリ観光 #フランス #夫婦


  1. ため息が出るほど美しい💓

  2. ココ・シャネル…。とか世界中の有名セレブな方々が逗留されていたとか納得ですね。トリコロール旗も海軍省のお隣だから見える。リッツとかジョルジュサンクも名門ですが、クリヨンはパリのランドマーク超高級オテルですね。

  3. 現実逃避、楽しみました❣️お二人と一緒に、ドアが開くたびに驚きの連続、非日常感がたまりませんね。ステキなホテルのご紹介ありがとうございます😊

  4. 凄いですね‼️

  5. 最高級のホテルはやっぱりステキ(^^)最後に出てきた部屋はまるで宮殿の中の一室のようでとても素敵な空間でした。そしてなにより、あやちゃんのはしゃぎぶりがかわいくて見てるこっちまで一緒に見ているようで楽しかった~🥰

  6. マッシュ、あやちゃんこんにちは😃素晴らしいお部屋ばかり!いつか泊まってみたいなあなんて思いながら楽しみました❤️

  7. 動画見過ぎて、mashが呟くシュペー❤️を私も連呼してました笑

  8. 伝統的なお部屋に配置するモダン、とっても難しいことをハイセンスにクリアしていて感動がありました!

  9. クリヨンがヤバいのは内装ではありません。昔泊った際、今日夕飯食べるとこ決めてないので適当にパリ代表クラス予約して、と言ったら10分後にジョエルロブションを予約したった。普通に予約したら2か月待ちのところです

  10. 素敵ですね〜😍

  11. je passe tous les matins sur la place de la Concorde, et dans la rue Boissy d'Anglas je suis toujours emerveillé par la beauté Architectural. Mais je ne suis jamais rentré dans l'Hôtel Crillon vous avez beaucoup de chance!

  12. Bonjour Mash et Aya
    オテル・ド・クリヨンのルームツアー ありがとうございます
    たぶん一生行けないお部屋 楽しませていただきました
    アメニティがBulyだなんてオシャレですね アニメだけでも欲しいです
    朝食はお部屋で?ですか いいなぁ。。。

  13. ふぅ〜💦素敵過ぎてため息〜😩




  14. いたる所の金具が~

  15. マシュアヤさん
    最近、ご飯の時や寝る前にマシュアヤさんの動画をつけてます。音を聞くだけでもなんか落ち着きます笑笑 次も、メッチャ楽しみにしてます!

  16. うっとり😍
    普通では見られないお部屋✨素晴らしいですネ😮✨✨✨ 次回が楽しみです🤗💓

  17. Such a beautiful and luxurious hotel! Every corner of the hotel looks awesome. You guys are so lucky to get to stay there for a night. Envious..

  18. フランス旅行に出かけた時、たまたまこちらのホテルの前を通りかかって、あまりにも美しく素敵だったので次来た時はここに泊まろう!と思ってホテルの看板の写真を撮りました。

  19. ごめんなさい🙇

  20. キラキラの映像に癒されました✨お二人の感動が詰まった素敵な映像をありがとうございました。

  21. びっくりしました。ホテル・ド・クリヨンに泊まったのですか、凄ーい凄いですね。