
    Today’s video is about a simple recipe! It is a very useful pasta! Hi! This is MasuoTV Today, I want to make a simple recipe, again What I will make today is Cream Pasta with spinach Cream Pasta with spinach Cream Pasta with spinach

    It is a very useful menu It is a very useful menu Today, after a long time, it is not like a desert, but it is really useful menu It seems like you can prepare the ingredients Here is the ingredients

    ☆Ingredients☆ Pasta 80g Spinach 1/2 bunch Ham (Bacon or Sausage) 2 pieces (as you like) Butter (Margarine, if there is not any) a proper quantity Flour 1 Tablespoon Milk 150ml Boiled juice of the pasta a ladleful Instant consommé seasoning Large 1/2 Meal pepper as you like

    ☆Ingredients☆ Pasta 80g Spinach 1/2 bunch Ham (Bacon or Sausage) 2 pieces (as you like) Butter (Margarine, if there is not any) a proper quantity Flour 1 Tablespoon Milk 150ml Boiled juice of the pasta a ladleful Instant consommé seasoning Large 1/2 Meal pepper as you like Now, I will start cooking!

    First, to boil the pasta, boil water Meanwhile I will cook using a frying pan First, put the butter on a frying pan First, put the butter on a frying pan then, put the bacon and put the spinach, which is cut to 4.5 width I washed them

    And fry it It smells good I want to eat this After frying it, put a tablespoonful of flour evenly put a tablespoonful of flour evenly and avoid being a lump of flour and mix it until moistened I’m not sure it is OK

    It is like a flour, rather than moistened Here, put 150 cc milk little by little Here, put 150 cc milk little by little Here, put 150 cc milk little by little It should be thick, I heard It should be thick, I heard but I’m not sure. Do I make it correctly?

    But I’m not sure. Do I make it correctly? Before I make this, it would be better to boil the pasta Before I make this, it would be better to boil the pasta Before I make this, it would be better to boil the pasta I made a mistake about the order to make

    After pouring the milk, put a ladleful of boiling juice of the pasta, and 1/2 instant consommé seasoning If it is a solid cube, put 1/2 of it OK mix it further As for cream, it is done As for cream, it is done ta dah~~ then, put the boiled pasta

    Into this cream, which is made nicely After mixing it up, it is done After mixing it up, it is done It looks delicious, unexpectedly Finish ta dah~~ This is the pasta I made Creme Pasta with spinach *Masuo-san is saying “salad,”, but actually it is the pasta

    Creme Pasta with spinach *Masuo-san is saying “salad,”, but actually it is the pasta It is thick It is thick I could make it nicely I didn’t know that I could make the creme pasta so easily What is important is the taste I want to check the taste

    Then, I will try the creme pasta with spinach I made Itadakimasu I’m not sure if it tastes good or not Itadakimasu Hmmm It tastes good! It has a robust flavor I could make it so nicely As I thought, it has the flavor of consomme and bacon and butter

    As I thought, it has the flavor of consomme and bacon and butter As I thought, it has the flavor of consomme and bacon and butter it has a rich taste I don’t mind the lump of flour so much If I’m forced to say it tastes like “I put too much consomme”

    But it tastes so good I didn’t know that I could make the cream pasta so easily I’m living alone and I don’t eat vegetables so much If I do, cabbage is the most I can do So, it would be nice if I could eat spinach regularly

    So, it would be nice if I could eat spinach regularly So, it would be nice if I could eat spinach regularly Surprising This is the last bite. Itadakimasu Good So Today’s Masuo’s point It is 100 point With a few ingredients, It tastes good

    And you can make it so easily Perfect This was very good So, if you are wondering what to make for your lunch or dinner today, I recommend you to make this So, if you are wondering what to make for your lunch or dinner today, I recommend you to make this

    So, if you are wondering what to make for your lunch or dinner today, I recommend you to make this Really, Even I could make it so good I think everybody can make it easily In MasuoTV, Other than the pasta I made today, there are various recipes I tried to make, so

    There are various recipes I tried to make, so please check from the PLAYLIST, if you like So, again today, Thank you for watching until the end of this program So, again today, Thank you for watching until the end of this program Those who are lucky tomorrow, is the one who is Aquarius

    Those who are lucky tomorrow, is the one who is Aquarius So, This is MasuoTV Bye Bye Cream Pasta! It surely tastes better to make it by yourself, rather than to buy at the supermarket Cream Pasta! It surely tastes better to make it by yourself, rather than to buy at the supermarket

    Cream Pasta! It surely tastes better to make it by yourself, rather than to buy at the supermarket Cream Pasta! It surely tastes better to make it by yourself, rather than to buy at the supermarket


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    1. これ簡単で美味しいから


    2. なんだろ、、食べてるところが
