#37 冬に嬉しい2日間の白菜レシピ | 温かい食卓と夫婦の会話 | 鏡開きと揚げ餅, 素敵な漬物石 [Cooking vlog of a Japanese housewife in winter]

    It’s a sunny, clear, cold winter morning. I got this big Chinese cabbage today! I’m excited and happy as I prepare breakfast. Whenever I have access to rare ingredients, I feel like baking bread. Wow , that’s huge.

    At my house, we make pickled Chinese cabbage every year when large Chinese cabbages are sold at supermarkets. Pickled cabbage is my husband’s favorite. So you must eat it at least once during the winter! It is a seasonal taste that is indispensable to us.

    Today, while preparing pickled Chinese cabbage, I would also like to eat some Chinese cabbage dishes. So I decided to use 1/2 of the Chinese cabbage in cooking instead of making it into pickles. Today’s breakfast is bread, so I’m going to make a sandwich using Chinese cabbage and eggs!

    My grandmother loved bread, and we always had bread for breakfast at my parents’ house. But my grandmother loved toast with margarine, so I wasn’t very familiar with sandwiches. It wasn’t until I entered university and had the opportunity to buy breakfast at a convenience store that I discovered how delicious it was.

    I always bought sandwiches and canned corn potage. It was a blissful winter morning spent arriving at school a little early. Today I will make potage using Chinese cabbage instead of corn. It’s gentle, healthy, and has a comforting taste.

    And I finally wrote down the recipe for our home-made bread, which has been requested for a long time! Sorry for keeping you waiting. Pan: Sorry to have kept you waiting! Please take a look at the summary section. Today we will make a luxurious sandwich with plenty of cheese and ham!

    Since the bread is freshly baked, you can enjoy it without letting it rest and keep it fluffy! It’s nice to have a moist sandwich that has been left to rest, but it’s also delicious if it’s fluffy. Chinese cabbage potage has a simple taste, so I sprinkle it with olive oil and pepper.

    We will also prepare hot coffee. A breakfast celebrating the encounter with Chinese cabbage is now complete. A sandwich made of fluffy bread. If you hold it in your hand, your fingers will sink into it, so you must handle it carefully.

    The texture is indescribably moist and fluffy, and the crunch of the Chinese cabbage is pleasant. Chinese cabbage potage has a gentle taste. How will pickled Chinese cabbage turn out this year? I’m looking forward to it now. I’ll start preparing right away.

    It seems that if you make a cut at the base and split it by hand, the leaves will be less likely to fall apart. Let it dry for about half a day to a day to dry the surface. The menu continues to use Chinese cabbage for dinner.

    Today I’m going to make Chinese cabbage and meatball soup that my grandmother always made every winter. If you want to consume a large amount of Chinese cabbage, this dish is recommended. Minced meat Microwaved onion Ginger Salt Pepper Nutmeg Knead well. Shape it into a circle with a spoon. Put it in boiling water.

    Prepare as much Chinese cabbage as you may feel is a bit too much. Add it to the roots first. Add the leaf tips at different times and simmer. Prepare a mushroom salad for garnish. These are mushrooms baked in a toaster oven that I’ve been hooked on this year. Drizzle with olive oil.

    Bake slowly at a slightly lower temperature. Only soy sauce is used to season the soup! It brings out the flavor and sweetness of Chinese cabbage. I’m going to make another dish that I wanted to try using Chinese cabbage. Osaka style okonomiyaki! ! I put in a lot of things that I like.

    Chinese cabbage Pickled ginger Tenkasu Dried shrimp Egg I will try making it with rice flour, which I recently discovered goes well with okonomiyaki. Pork belly is an essential ingredient! Place the dough on top and bake. This moment is the biggest test of okonomiyaki. I will do my best! Success!

    Grilled mushrooms are served with lettuce and served with ponzu sauce. Today I’m going to eat it with the okonomiyaki sauce (adult spicy flavor) that a friend gave me! The correct answer is to add more sauce and mayo. Sprinkle with bonito flakes and green seaweed and it’s done!

    Tonight’s menu is again full of Chinese cabbage. It is highly recommended to make okonomiyaki with rice flour. Not only will the inside be chewy, but the outside will be super crunchy! The freshness of the Chinese cabbage is also very good. The texture is very well balanced. Anyway, this spicy okonomiyaki sauce is delicious.

    If you like okonomiyaki, please try it. The Chinese cabbage soup is also great. The simple seasoning goes perfectly with the rich soup stock made from Chinese cabbage and meatballs. I am from Hiroshima Prefecture, which is famous for okonomiyaki. This sauce is an okonomiyaki sauce that even I like.

    My husband makes his own refills. He is very good at baking! Chinese cabbage that has been dried for a day. We also prepare kelp for flavor and homemade chili peppers. I always make shirogami pickles by soaking them only once. Add salt to about 3% of the weight of the Chinese cabbage.

    It will have a salty finish similar to pickles. That’s why at my house, we eat it with a little less salt. Since the salt is strong, it lasts a long time, so I’m thankful that I can consume it slowly. Sprinkle with kombu and chili pepper. Also add the yuzu peel.

    Cover with the outer leaves you saved. Apply pressure to make it as flat as possible! And there are some special items found in the garden. This is the pickle stone! ! ! ! When water starts to come out from the Chinese cabbage, reduce the weight by half.

    I use a lot of Chinese cabbage for lunch too! I’m going to add a little Japanese sake left over from New Year’s to the combination of salt koji and miso that I’ve been into lately. Rub the salt koji grains well until they become smooth. Today’s main dish is Chinese cabbage and pork belly!

    Speaking of Chinese cabbage, this is the way to eat it! This is my favorite steamed mille-feuille with a little twist. Choose Chinese cabbage leaves that are large enough to match the length of the pork belly. Chinese cabbage, pork belly, miso Layer these repeatedly. This process feels like crafting and is fun.

    Cut to match the depth of the pot. Pack it tightly. Fill the gap left by not having enough Chinese cabbage with potatoes! ! I had some extra space in the middle, so I added it in on a whim. Sprinkle a little bit of Sho-sake , cover and steam-fry.

    Heat over medium heat for about 15 to 20 minutes, keeping an eye on it. I had some soybean rice mix that my mom sent me, so I’m going to make bean rice too today! Wash with rice and soak in water. This is my favorite shumai pattern tenugui that my mother gave me.

    I will make miso soup using the dashi soup that was sent with the soybean rice base . The ingredients are homemade dried daikon radish and curly spinach, which is currently in season! Among leafy vegetables, this curly spinach may be my favorite. My husband and I are both big fans of it.

    That’s why I buy it every time I see it this season. Drain the water from the kiriboshi daikon radish and cut it into bite-sized pieces. We also prepare fried tofu that has been drained of oil. It looks like it’s going to be a winter-flavored miso soup.

    Season with the miso and salt koji left over from steaming the Chinese cabbage mille-feuille. Dissolve it with the stock and add it to the pot. What a nice scent! I will also finish cooking the rice. I also added a little salt and alcohol as written on the package.

    This is the pickled radish I made the other day! I feel like the saltiness becomes more mellow as it ages. The small inner leaves are soft and delicious raw, so you can chop them finely and make them into a salad! Top with sea chicken and mixed beans.

    1 and 1/2 tablespoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 and 1/2 tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil A pinch of ground sesame seeds It’s a Chinese style dressing. Mille-feuille steamed soup is delicious. Soybean rice and miso soup are also ready. Today is also full of Chinese cabbage!

    I ate almost 1/2 of the plant between yesterday and today. Lol I usually eat steamed mille-feuille with ponzu sauce. However, today’s recipe has a very rich taste with the richness of miso and the sweetness of Chinese cabbage. I added potatoes on a whim and it was a great answer!

    It’s meltingly sweet and goes well with miso. This soup stock that my mother sent me is so delicious! ! It has a complex flavor that is different from the usual dashi soup. I always end up cutting more Chinese cabbage than I expected and panic while cooking. LOL

    I thought so and tried to eat less, but it wasn’t enough for today. I yearn to pickle Chinese cabbage kimchi every year. Is there a kimchi teacher somewhere? But if I make that, my house will be full of pickles, so I think I’ll have to build a pickle shed.

    This combination of steamed mille-feuille with miso and potatoes is highly recommended. Please give it a try! If you can think of anything else that would be delicious, please let me know. This is a kagami-mochi that was displayed throughout the New Year. It has cracked nicely. I was looking forward to cracking this.

    There are cracks all the way to the inside! I bought this tool because I absolutely needed it for something. But it’s a mysterious tool that I can’t remember why I bought it. lol From now on, I’m thinking of making it an item exclusively for mirror splitting.

    This is still moist inside and can be eaten as a rice cake as is. Break it up into bite-sized pieces by hand. I plan to eat the ones that are soft on the inside as mochi. I want to use the crunchy edges as okaki or gravy.

    For dinner, I will arrange the Chinese cabbage dishes I made a lot yesterday and today. Sprinkle cheese on the steamed mille-feuille to make it gratin style. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees until golden brown. I also add some grilled vegetables because leftovers are bland. Saute the slow-roasted pumpkin and leftover spinach.

    I feel like curly spinach tastes best when sautéed. And the rice cake from earlier! I’m going to take as much of the soft part as possible and make it into fried mochi! Crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside! The Chinese cabbage gratin style has also been completed.

    I’ll try another twist on fried rice cakes. I’m going to put yesterday’s Chinese cabbage soup on it! ! Let’s drink that sake that we haven’t been able to finish for a long time. Arranging leftovers is really fun.

    It’s easier than making it from scratch, but it’s nice to have a different and elaborate dish. Fried rice cakes are delicious as is. Occasionally, it’s extremely hard, so be careful. Lol I’m looking forward to drying it even more and making it into okaki, but I can only enjoy this crunchy texture now!

    I feel like I’ve discovered a new way to enjoy mochi. It’s already the end of winter, but it looks like the cold days will continue. Please take care of yourself and avoid catching a cold.




     白菜 3枚
     長ネギ 1本
     水 200ml
     牛乳 300ml
     固形ブイヨン 2個

     白菜 2枚
     卵 2個
     マヨネーズ 大さじ3
     ディジョンマスタード 小さじ1
     塩胡椒 少々
     ロースハム 適量
     スライスチーズ 適量

     強力粉 380g
     ドライイースト 8g
     砂糖 20g
     塩 7g
     スキムミルク 15g
     水 300g
     バター 40g
     溶き卵 少々


     白菜 6枚(大きめの葉っぱ)
     玉ねぎ 1/2個
     ひき肉 200g
     生姜 ひとかけ
     塩胡椒 少々
     ナツメグ 少々
     水 1L
     醤油 30ml

     白菜 4枚くらい
     米粉 150g
     片栗粉 大さじ3
     卵 2個
     水 150ml
     紅しょうが 60g
     乾燥エビ 5g
     天かす 20g
     豚バラ肉 100g

     白菜 1と1/2株
     粗塩 白菜の重さの3%程度
     赤唐辛子 2本
     昆布 30cmのもの2本
     柚子の皮 2個分

     白菜 8枚くらい
     豚バラ肉 200g
     じゃがいも 2個
     味噌 大さじ2
     塩麹 大さじ2
     酒 大さじ1

     白菜 適量(内側の柔らかい葉っぱ)
     シーチキン 1缶
     ミックスビーンズ 適量

     砂糖 大さじ1と1/2
     塩 小さじ1/2
     酢 大さじ2と1/2
     醤油 大さじ2
     ごま油 大さじ1/2
     すりごま 少々

    Thank you for watching my video.
    Every year during this cold season, we always buy big Chinese cabbage and make pickles🤤
    Today I made a video of how to use up a large Chinese cabbage!
    Having this much food makes me want to make more and more things, which makes cooking even more fun✨
    I hope you enjoy the video.

    #ぬし #ぬしキッチン #ぬしごはん


    1. 至福の時間がやってきた😂


    2. 何時も感心しながらの視聴❣️今回も素晴らしかったです♪

    3. 関西の我が家では、お好み焼きの粉を出汁でまずとき、そしてキャベツを足して混ぜていき、卵を投入して再び混ぜます。焼く時はタネを引いてその上にバラ肉を乗せて焼いて、ある程度焼けたらタネを被せ焼きます。フライパンで両面を焼けたらフライパンからホットプレートに移して中まで火を通します。こうすると厚みのあるふわふわお好み焼きが出来ます。

    4. Dear Nushi, I love your videos and never miss one! I cannot recreate all your recipe because I don' t have all the ingredients you have in Japan but I enjoy the same way and you are doing soo good! elegant, clear, inspiring, fun! If you want to know how to make kimchi , I suggest you to watch the vlog of ' Kitchenstory' from a Korean woman, she is also fantastic, I'm sure you will like her videos! Take care!!!!Love🥰

    5. はじめまして。とても素敵なご夫婦で、お料理もまねしたいです。

    6. いつも動画をご覧くださりありがとうございます。

    7. こんにちは😃

    8. I am so glad I found your channel. Thank you for sharing these wonderful moments and recipes 🙂 You are a very good cook!

    9. 初めて拝見しました。

    10. Thank you for the video. This is the first time I have watched your channel. The mysterious tool you used to crack the mochi was a "slot" screwdriver, used to turn screws.

    11. 영상이 너무 깔끔하고 예쁩니다… 저도 이렇게 잘 찍고 싶네요!
      배추는 한국에서도 많이 먹는데, 새로운 요리법을 알게 되었네요~ 감사합니다 🙂

    12. 旦那様との笑い声がとても心地よいです!

    13. Google翻訳より


    14. こんにちは。1つの材料でこんだけの料理ができるなんて、本当に感心しながら視聴させていただきました。