【うどんレシピ】丸亀製麺風 肉たまあんかけうどん | Udon Noodles with Beef and Starchy Egg Drop Soup

How to Cook Udon Noodles with Beef and Starchy Egg Drop Soup Heat cooking oil and stir-fry 5 g of shredded ginger. Add 200 g of thinly sliced beef belly and stir-fry them. Add 1 tbsp of sugar. Add 1 1/2 tbsp of each sake, mirin (sweet sake) and soy sauce.

After simmering this a little, remove the pan from the heat. Mix 2 tbsp of potato starch and 3 tbsp of water. Beat 3 eggs. Put 800 mL of water in the pot and heat it.

Add 1/2 tbsp of Japanese soup stock powder, 1 tsp of salt, 2 tbsp of mirin and 2 tbsp of soy sauce. Turn off the heat when the soup is boiling. Mix the mixture of water and potato starch again. Add the mixture little by little while stirring the soup.

When putting all the mixture, turn on the heat, and cook the potato starch well while stirring the soup. When the soup boils, pour the beaten egg like a thread. After taking one breath, mix the soup and the beaten egg. When the beaten egg is mixed whole the soup, turn off the heat.

Put 2 frozen udon noodles in boiling water and boil for 2-3 minutes. Dish up the udon noodles drained hot water well. Pour the starchy soup. Dish up the beef. Add thinly sliced green onions as needed. Completed! The salty-sweet beef goes well with the mild taste starchy egg drop soup. It’s delicious.

Please try it♪ Thank you for watching!



牛薄切り肉(バラ・小間) 200g
サラダ油 少々
生姜 5g
砂糖 大さじ1
酒・みりん・醤油 各大さじ1と1/2

卵 3個
水 800cc
粉末だし 大さじ1/2
塩 小さじ1
みりん・醤油 各大さじ2

冷凍うどん 2玉
青ねぎ(小口切り) 適量

◇Ingredients (2 Servings)
200 g thinly sliced beef belly
cooking oil
5 g shredded ginger
1 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tbsp sake
1 1/2 tbsp mirin (sweet sake)
1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce

2 tbsp potato starch
3 tbsp water

3 eggs
800 mL water
1/2 tbsp Japanese soup stock powder
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp mirin
2 tbsp soy sauce

2 frozen udon noodles
thinly sliced green onions as needed




  1. 丸亀店員です!クオリティ高すぎてびっくりしました🥺肉玉あんかけのお肉にも水溶き片栗粉入れて煮てるので(肉うどん等の肉は別)そうしたら完全本物?!😳てなると思います!おいしかったです!!!

  2. 牛肉は他で使うので余っていた豚肉を使って作ったのですが、とても美味しくできました!汁が少し多かったので残りましたが最後まで美味しく頂けました😋

  3. これ好きでよく作ります!

  4. 寒い時期にはかきたまうどんが美味しいけども味噌煮込みうどんもつくって一味唐辛子をかけて食べるのが美味しいから気に入っています♪