【麺大盛り】油カス入ったなみなみつけ汁と大盛り麺!ショッパウマくて止まらない。をすする Clutch Hitter【飯テロ】SUSURU TV.第2496回

It’s tasty.. -It’s tasty! Zuru zuru Hey, this is SUSURU! As always I continue to slurp everyday ramen for my health This is the ramen shop I always wanted to visit in the Hyogo Prefecture

It’s easier to reach by car, it’s 10 minutes away by car from the Itami Station on the Itami Line The shop is called “Clutch Hitter” This shop opened in 2016

There are various reasons when I want to go to a specific ramen shop, but this time I really liked the name Clutch Hitter is a baseball term, right? But I really like how it’s kind of niche, and not that famous. I think they got a lot of sense

Their Tsukemen is also kind of unique I really wanted to go, it’s the ramen shop I looked the most forward, on this Hyogo trip Let’s go slurp their ramen! We’re almost at our goal We’re in middle of our Hyogo tour, make sure to check our 2nd channel as well

Clutch Hitter reopened after a renewal in 2016 Their shop used to be called “Oomaida” They changed their name in Clutch Hitter and reopened I don’t know why, but they reduced their prices after the renewal, for example the tsukemen got cheaper

It’s pretty rare, right? Usually, most ramen shops raise their prices after a renewal But they apparently lowered their prices Depending on the menu, some were even reduced by like 300 Yen I wanna ask them about the reason I also still haven’t decided what to slurp

There is one menu that sounded really nice, a salt flavored tsukemen with oil cake But since it’s my first time I think I’ll have soy sauce flavored tsukemen I still have a few minutes left to decide, I think I’ll worry until the last second Let’s go!

Well then, let’s take an order in Clutch Hitter In the end I decided to order salt flavored tsukemen 300g with oil cake, with extra ajitama toppings I was even allowed to flim their kitchen, and also got to talk with the staff

I really like you’re name, Clutch Hitter – Oh, really? It was Ichiro’s nickname when he still played for the Mariners – I see, so it was Ichiro’s nickname Yeah, I really love baseball, especially Suzuki Ichiro Next door is a batting center, right? – Yeah

I love baseball just that much, the person who taught me ramen, gave my shop the previous name A lot of things happened between that person, and I don’t have contact to him anymore – I see

Since it happend around the time of the renewal, I also wanted to change the shop’s name As I was worrying about the name, I read a baseball news magazine – I see

And I saw that Ichiro was called Clutch Hitter during his times at the Mariners – I see The chef prepared the ramen perfectly, as he talked causally about the name As expected! I wanted to come for 2, 3 years – Oh, really?

Yes, since I really liked the name Also since salt flavored tsukemen with oil cake is pretty rare But since you’re really famous, it’s quite the pressure I waited while thinking that the chefs in Kansai are all really smooth in talking

This is Clutch Hitter’s salt flavored tsukemen 300g with oil cake, with extra ajitama toppings The thin homemade noodles look really delicious The dip got spring onions and oil cakes on the surface, It looks like a really rich soup, even though it’s salt based

Well then, Itadakimasu Let’s start with the noodles It’s tasty! The noodles are made of whole wheat flour, and taste so nice Even though they are wet, they aren’t too soft, they are just perfect to slurp I really like this type of noodles

Let’s slurp them with the dip The salt flavored soup tasted quite sharp and strong It got quite the kick The dip is quite salty, but it’s not bad at all! I really like this The oil cakes do such a good job

Thanks to the oil it almost tastes like a meat based soup, I’m really glad I chose this menu, I don’t regret anything Eating just the oil cake is nice too Let’s eat the meat next! Aside from chashu, it also got pork meat inside the dip

It’s very tasty and juicy, each time you bite on them, you can taste the pork and it’s fat Having such rare toppings, shows how particular the chef is! It’s so tasty This is the chashu made of pork sirloin

It tastes really good, it got a nice texture and it’s a bit salty Just like the noodles, the chashu is quite chewy too, I have a feeling that I will enjoy it though and through Just like this, copied Ichiro’s routine for when he’s about to bat

Let’s use this chance, and keep slurping The menma are so soft, tender and on top they are seasoned rich Since the taste is in general very thick, you have to like rich ramen But the amazing thing about these tsukemen is, that you don’t get tired of this taste

My friends shoot the 2nd channel, while I concentrate on the main channel Let’s face the tsukemen again, and slurp them with the ajitama Let’s add a bit hot water to the soup To be honest, I kind of wanna have more noodles too. This is the hot water

I added hot water to my preference Let’s enjoy the less salty soup until the end I experienced myself how you get hooked to this ramen shop As I finished the soup, I’ve finished today’s ramen too

It was very tasty to slurp, my expectations were shattered in a good way Their tsukemen with oil cake was very unique too I really wanted to slurp more of their noodles Well then, thanks for the food Gochisousamadeshita I just went to Clutch Hitter

It was tasty! I really like the tsukemen The chief was really friendly too Since we are in Itami, the airport is really close, there are so many planes The chef was really friendly, it kind of feels like Kansai

Even though I was a bit nervous, thanks to him I was able to calm down The tsukemen were nice too, the noodles were homemade They were too soft, their thin texture was just right

The noodles themselves didn’t taste that strong, but once you slurp them with the dip, they felt just perfect I really liked the noodles They fit well with the salty dip Since the dip had oil cake in them, it tasted like beef

The soup was based on rich beef meat, and on the salt It was a light but thick soup I really like that kind of ramen The oil cake was really juicy and delicious too I like the finishing soup, by adding hot water to the dip, it kind of tasted like seafood

Even though it’s salty you wanna keep drinking it I really liked how addicting the soup is The interior of the shop looked really fancy too This ramen shop left a big impression on me, and I wanna go visit it again to slurp their tsukemen

I’m glad I went, I loved it Next comes my official catch phrase Clutch Hitter-san Imaoka is such a clutch hitter Who do you think of when hearing clutch hitter? Leave it in the comments Hey, this is Chalzou – This is Nobee Today was Clutch Hitter – Yes

Another Hyogo episode – Yeah, thank you so much Thanks In this corner we edited the video, so that we can introduce your comments Thank you for you comments – Thank you First is this one – Yes

“I look forward to the Benten-ya episode on the 2nd channel” Yes – We are releasing Hyogo episodes on the 2nd channel as well We cover the whole Hyogo tour, so check it out – Check it out The Benten-ya episode too – Yeah, it will come out soon

If we’re fast it will come out around the same time as this episode – Since it’s Clutch Hitter The meaning is different though – Anyway, it will come out eventually Next is “Your impression sounded almost like Sakurai from Mr. Children” What does he mean? – Which part does he mean?

Which part is it? – Does he mean the live coverage? “Let me do it again! One more chance!” That would be the recording “Please start singing from the 3rd verse” – Like I said that’s the recording! Is it… – Nishida?

Nishida isn’t the MC, he just likes to sing in-between Show me how – I think he means this part: “♪fanfare♪” “♪ Do you know this song♪ ? “♪The new guy♪” If your a Mr. Children fan, please tell us which part he means “♪ Fanfare ♪” “♪ Fanfare ♪”

Their tension is so high, right? – Yeah Especially when they sing The last one “Who edits SUSURU’s offical clip videos?” I see Nobee and Ikeda do it most of the times Please check it out – Yeah There was another answer to this – Yes

This guy Battle Kintama Epidode 2,5 Director’s cut said “Me” This must be Ikeda – Yeah, this is his sub account, probably Battle Kintama Epidode 2,5 is Ikeda’s sub account – What does he mean by episode 2,5? And don’t director cut it! His head also looks like golden balls – Oi!

〔編集 ノビー〕

Clutch Hitter

★SUSURU TV.の公式グッズサイト★

『毎日ラーメン健康生活 SUSURUが選ぶ!極上のラーメン84杯』










#ClutchHitter #兵庫 #ラーメン #毎日ラーメン生活


  1. カスつけ麺うまそう!遠征したら、こういうご当地麺みたいな食べたいですよね。

  2. 隣のお客さん、顔はでてるわ、話し声聞こえるわ、包み隠さず出てるのが若干遺憾です。

  3. クラッチヒッターといえば田口壮。

  4. 仙台のキリンジというラーメン屋にも油かすのラーメンがあります。めっちゃうまいのでオススメです・・・

  5. 店名が好きで、2、3年前から来たかったお店に来られて、良かったね。塩分濃いめのつけ麺旨そう。

  6. 千葉県船橋市の家系ラーメン、北習家に来てください(17日目)

  7. Clutch Hitterさん行ったことあります!美味しかったし、店内も綺麗なんですよね!

  8. いつか兵庫県でSUSURUさんに会いたいですね~

  9. 兵庫来たら前すするさんが行ってた、タンロンの隣にある贔だしやってとこほんまにうまいんで是非行ってみてください!