【検証】意外に合う!?天ぷらにしたら100倍美味しくなる食材を探る!! which tempura filling do you like?

A variety of member (filling)^^ I made a basic tempura at last video. (Please also watch this^^) Today! Tempura’s filling! ‘The filling goes well with tempura!!’ So I look for the filling that goes well with tempura!! For example, I’m making cheese, fish paste tempura. And sushi, meatball , and apple tempura!!

There is a gap between tempura and the filling^^ I look for the tasty combination! So I’m looking for the filling that goes well with tempura! (Which tempura filling do you like!? ) I’m going to introduce the filling^^ A variety of the filling^^ It might become a beautiful^^

If I deep-fry it, it might become like a crab!? I think^^ I want to go well with tempura♪ It might be delicious! I want to melt it when I cut ^^ I found the information on the internet. It might go well with tempura! Let’s try it^^ (Is that information true??) Maybe, It’s tasty!

There is a tamago-yaki too (Japanese omelet)^^ There is a apple tempura in Japanese high-grade restaurant So let’s try it♪ Finally^^ At first glance, It doesn’t go well with tempura (><) I found deep-fried banana in Southeast Asia! It looks like a tempura! So let's deep fry^^ Prepare to make the tempura! I made a basic tempura (batter's recipe) on last video .So please also watch the video♪ Entry No.1! Hampen^^ It looks tasty^^ Tamago-yaki! (Japanese omelet)^^ Cheese^^ Good!! It looks tastier than I think^^ Good!! Remove the cheese quickly because it melt. beautiful shape^^ Very good^^ Round 2^^ Sushi!! It's strange^^ Meatball! Crab stick (imitating the real curb) There is a bland space, So let's add the hampen^^ A variety of filling^^ They look tasty!? Remove the cheese quickly because it melt too^^ Sushi! Wonderful^^ It's tuna-sushi. but it doesn't look like tuna^^ Apple and banana! Remove the apple. And remove the banana. It's ready^^ Hampen, cheese, meatball Tamago-yaki Crab stick Sushi Apple and banana. They looks good! Let's eat! Cheese! It's chewy(~~) Because it sweat down!? so it's chewy (~~) Hampen! Very good!!! It goes well with tempura!! Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside! And it smells good! (seafood☆) Delicious!! Meatball! Unchanged (~~) It hasn't changed・・・ Crab stick! Not texture (~~) The taste and smell is good,but・・・ No texture(~~) Tamago-yaki! (Japanese omelet) Good! The flavor is better than before deep-frying. Next! Sushi! Very good!!!!!! The flavor is better than before deep-frying! And the rice became chewy. Wonderful!! Oh my god!! Apple! Sweet^^ Because tempura's batter used the same ingredients as pancake, It is similar to pancake^^ Finally, banana! I'm afraid (><) I'm afraid of the smell^^ It depends on his or her preference, It's not bad^^ So I tried the filling that goes well with the tempura. Cheese, Crab stick, Meatball⇒ not so good (~~) Banana ⇒ not bad^^ Apple ⇒ good (like a pancake!) Hanpen, Sushi, Tamago-yaki Very good!! They are better than I thought^^ If you try it, please be careful to splatter grease on you! Please try it^^ (If you try the house party, It's interesting^^) 【Result】Hanpen, Sushi, Tamago-yaki, Very good! Thank you for watching! See you next time!


★Tempura おうちでサクサク!!天ぷらの作り方【ご家庭で本格料理/和食レシピ】

★Potato Salad おうちで感激の味!ポテトサラダの作り方【レシピのポイント・隠し味をご紹介】

★Tatsuta-age サックサクで超ジューシー!竜田揚げ・作り方のコツをご紹介【から揚げレシピ】






「食の贅沢/Food luxury」は、毎日の食卓を手っ取り早く「贅沢」にする料理を、「簡単・分かりやすい・ゆるい笑い」をモットーに、あの手この手で紹介します。




  1. おぉ~\(^^)/全部私のおつまみになりそうです🍻好きなものばかりで嬉しい

  2. いいですね。そういえば私がまだ