How to Make Hamaguri Clear Soup (Osuimono) はまぐりのお吸い物の作り方 – OCHIKERON – CREATE EAT HAPPY


Very simple yet tasty soup!

I made it with Hamaguri (common orient clam) but with fish, tofu, seaweed, and/or vegetable is good 🙂

Dashi I used in this video:
Yamaki Kappo Shiro Dashi (White Dashi) ヤマキ 割烹白だし

I made it for my daughter’s 100th day celebration: Okuizome 🙂

Hamaguri no Osuimono (Common Orient Clam Clear Soup)

Difficulty: Easy
Time: 10min
Number of servings: 3

3 Hamaguri (common orient clam)
diced Kinugoshi-dofu (silken tofu)
Umefu (or Kamaboko fish cake)
Mitsuba (Japanese wild parsley)
60ml Yamaki Kappo Shiro Dashi (White Dashi)
540ml water
*Umefu is made from wheat gluten, very sticky like mochi

1. If your clams have some sand in them, place the clams in a dark container and fill it with salted water (as salty as sea water). And let sit for several hours. The clams push salt water and sand out of their shells. Then drain well.
2. Put water and Yamaki Kappo Shiro Dashi (White Dashi) in a pot, then bring to a boil. Place Hamaguri, when they are open, add Umefu and Tofu, then simmer for a few seconds.
3. Serve in a dish and garnish with Mitsuba.


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  1. 彩がとても綺麗!ハマグリは女の子の幸せな結婚生活を祈って「ひな祭り」に食べる縁起物でもあるそうだけど、この貝のお吸い物は本当に美味しいですね!  赤ちゃんの「寝返りの努力」が感動的!手を胸に引き寄せて回転したり、足を上手に使うなど、頑張屋さんだが、決して無理矢理に行わず、考えながら慎重に動作しているのは偉い!練習中は静かだけど、毎回「反省会」もやってるのかなw

  2. I want to make this yet all the ingredients are not at my local stores. I will have to order all this online, well maybe not the clam but everything else. I must eat it!

  3. I make something similar all the time but I also added bunashimeji and matsutake mushrooms. And a touch of white miso 🙂

  4. Ochikeron sweet mama, stop apologizing for your baby, you are a mommy and we all understand that, I wish I could be as telented mom as you are. One day your daughter will watch your videos and learn how amazing her mom was even with a new born. You are wonderful!

  5. Thank you for the video. I would like to try out this recipe soon. I have one question about the soup. Would this soup taste similar to 'Kozuyu' Soup?

  6. The umefu looks so pretty!  I still need to try and find some… do you think the recipe would work if I used mussels instead of the clams?  They're very easy to get around here.

  7. お吸い物って実は白だしで簡単に作れるんですね!(*_*) 知りませんでした! さっそく試したいと思います(*^^*)

  8. Are the clams alive?  I've read that only clams that are alive will open and if a clam doesn't open, then it shouldn't be eaten. Thanks for your reply.