きのこ山盛り!スーパーに売っているきのこだけで作る「きのこの炊き込みご飯 」|菊乃井 村田主人|【日本料理】【和食】【後世に残したい】【ミシュラン三ツ星】【旬】【家庭料理】

[Seasonal dishes for posterity] [Today’s dish is rice cooked with mushrooms.] This is Murata of Kikunoi. So, it’s mushroom rice for the autumn. You’d want to add a little matsutake mushroom, but they’re expensive, so add it if you want. Today, it’s all going to be mushrooms you can readily find in the supermarket.

Although it’s still very tasty and can feel plenty of autumn, so please give it a try. Here, we have shimeji mushrooms. Cut off the hard stem. And tear them into pieces like this. Here are white maitake mushrooms. There are also gray-colored ones, but the white ones don’t make the rice cloudy.

The black color will transfer to the rice, so you should use the white ones instead. Chop the bottom part a little. There we no such white maitake in the past, but nowadays you can find them at any supermarket.

If they are too long and big, you can have them cut into two or three pieces. This maitake mushroom gives a lot of flavor. This is king oyster. It has a similar texture to matsutake mushrooms. It’s better to cut them into less than 3 cm so that they don’t choke.

Mushrooms are mostly water, so you don’t want to cut them too small or you can’t tell what they are. It has to be at least a certain size to make it not look like junk when the rice is cooked. Remove the hard stem for the shiitake as well.

You can break the stem into pieces like this so you can eat them together. There’s no really an inedible part in mushrooms. The really hard part is already removed. Just break it by hand and you can put them together. How you cut the mushrooms depends on how you want to present it.

The easiest way is to cut it like this. If you cut it in a radial pattern, it will have a nice crunchy texture. Cam: The shiitake mushrooms today are a little small. Is it better to use small ones for cooking with rice?

Chef: There are some very thick shiitake mushrooms out there, but they’re expensive. These are the cheapest. But if you ask me, do I need such thick ones? It’s difficult to say. Now, deep-fried tofu. We just need a little bit of oiliness.

Cut it into about 3 cm pieces, and then into about 7 mm. Now all the ingredients are ready. This always tastes better when cooked with dashi. If you don’t have dashi stock, you can put some kombu to it instead. As for seasoning, first, we put light soy sauce.

In Kyoto, we tend to cook only with light soy sauce. But in the case of mushrooms, it’s better to add a little bit of dark soy sauce, so that it matches with a darker color. This is sake. Now we added sake, dark soy sauce, and light soy sauce.

At the restaurant, we make it more lightly seasoned. Because it will be too heavy to palate after all the other dishes. We always use Tsuyahime as the brand of rice. We wash it and let it sit in a colander for 30 minutes.

For the right amount, add a cup of dashi to a cup of washed rice. Some people may think they should increase the amount of water for cooking with mushrooms, but that is not the case here. You don’t need to do that for any kind of takikomi rice (rice cooked with other ingredients).

Just put the water as when you cook normal rice. A common mistake in making takikomi rice is to increase the amount of water, thinking they need more water for more ingredients. But that will end up with soggy rice. This may seem like too many ingredients at first.

But once they cook, they’re completely fine. For cooking in a pot like this, first, set the heat on high, and turn it down to low once it boils. After about 10 minutes, turn off the heat and let it steam. And it will be ready to eat in about 20 minutes.

If you use a rice cooker, it will take about an hour. Cam: Does the temperature of the dashi matter here? Chef: If the dashi is cold like if you took it out from the fridge, then you have to cook it longer.

If you warm the dashi beforehand, then it will be a little faster. Cam: So it’s really just the speed that changes and nothing about the taste or anything? Chef: Well, yeah. In the old days, we used to say, “Low heat in the beginning, high heat in the end,”

But that was about when people were cooking with wood. So just start on high heat, and turn it down to low once it boils and it will be ready in 10 minutes. Even if you turn off the heat at this point, the rice will still be cooked well.

Once you’ve come this far, just lower the heat, cook it for 10 minutes, and it’ll be ready to go. Okay, it’s done cooking. As you can see, the ingredients have come down to just the right level. Listen carefully and if you hear a bubbling sound inside,

That means the bottom is completely dry and burnt. So if you want to make a burnt bottom, you can turn the heat up again. And you will get a nice, partially burnt rice in the bottom. You don’t necessarily have to decorate it after all.

But we’re a chef, and the dish looks nice with some greens like this. This is mitsuba. Normally, we put yuzu for something like this, except when we use matsutake mushrooms which yuzu erases their flavor. But for this, I think it’s okay to put some yuzu for more aroma. Now it’s ready to eat.






0:00 オープニング
0:32 きのこと油揚げを食べやすくカット
3:10 出汁へ味付け
4:08 炊き込む
6:37 完成
6:55 店舗紹介

一番出汁 3カップ
酒 15cc
薄口醤油 15cc
濃口醬油 15cc
占地 50g
椎茸 50g
白舞茸 50g
エリンギ 50g
油揚げ 50g

三つ葉 適量

・菊乃井 村田シェフ「塩昆布・糠漬け」調理術|後世に残したい季節のお料理Vol.3
・「ぜんまいと揚げの白和え・めばるの煮付け」| 後世に残したい季節のお料理Vol.4

・冬瓜を誰でも簡単調理!「冬瓜の海老あんかけ」| 後世に残したい季節のお料理Vol.5

・新生姜で「枝豆の生姜御飯」| 後世に残したい季節のお料理Vol.6

・ご飯が進む!「茄子田楽」| 後世に残したい季節のお料理Vol.7


・美味しく食べるポイントはお酢にあり!? 「しめ鯖」|後世に残したい季節のお料理Vol.9


・誰もが食べたことがある懐かしの味 ご家庭の一品にいかがでしょうか?|後世に残したい季節のお料理Vol.11

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#伝統料理 #日本料理 #japanesefood


  1. 村田先生の気軽さって本当凄いなぁと思います。


  2. まさに先生の仰る通り具材が水分を吸ってしまって足りなくなるんじゃないかと思って水増やして炊いてました😂

  3. 庶民的な…食材でも、楽しみながら作る作り方が、一流なみの献立にしてしまう村田マジック!

  4. 松茸のことをまったけと発音されるのは関西だけなんですね 初めて知りました