【リアルな夕食 船橋支店】野菜たっぷりヒレ肉のトマト煮【Full version】ウチの豚ヒレ肉のレシピは簡単です。


For real dinner, it is “simmered pork fillet with tomato”. The ingredients are pork fillet, carrot, onion, garlic, silk sheath and tomato can. Carrots are peeled and cut into half moons. Onions come along the fibers. Garlic is a slice. Cut the fillet into 5 millimeters. Oil the frying pan and grill the meat. I will put the lid on after cleaning. If both sides are baked, add whole water while crushing the whole tomato. Put the cut vegetables and red wine in a lid and simmer. Add spinach after 5 minutes. Cook for 3 minutes. The water is moderately boiled and looks delicious. You can leave it as it is, but this time I put it on “Spaghetti”.

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