【美食ダイエット】コブサラダの作り方|絶品鶏むね肉の高タンパクサラダ|低糖質|Chicken Cobb Salad recipe|Eng Sub


Hello. I made an excellent Cobb salad that I learned to make in California.
It is a luxurious salad with delicious, nutritious, high-protein chicken meat as the main ingredient. I highly recommend this recipe for dieters, and it is a gastronomic diet recipe that is also delicious.

Thank you for watching my video 🙂
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*材料 (3~4人分)*
 レタス 1個
 ミニトマト 5個
 アボカド(大) 1個
 きゅうり 1本
 ブロッコリー 1房
 紫玉ねぎ 1/2個
 ゆで卵 2、3個
 鶏胸肉 350g
 ベーコン 2枚
 ブルーチーズ 40g

 1. 鶏胸肉は半分に切り、塩・胡椒・ドライハーブ類をまぶして、両面焼く。
 2. ベーコンは細切りにし、カリッと焼く。
 3. ゆで卵・チーズは食べやすい大きさに切る。
 4. 野菜はよく洗い、食べやすい大きさに切る。
 5. お皿に盛り付け、ドレッシングをかけていただく。


 オリーブオイル 50ml
 バルサミコ酢 大さじ3
 レモン汁 大さじ1
 ディジョンマスタード 大さじ1



*** Chicken Cobb Salad ***

*Ingredients (Serving for 3 to 4)
1 head of lettuce
5 cherry tomatoes
1 large avocado
1 cucumber
1 bunch broccoli
1/2 red onion
2 Boiled eggs
350g chicken breast
2 slices bacon
40g blue cheese

* Cobb Salad Recipe*

1. Cut chicken breasts in half, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and dried herbs, and stair fly on both sides.
2. Cut bacon into small pieces and grill until crispy.
3. Cut boiled eggs and cheese into bite-sized pieces.
4. Wash vegetables well and cut into bite-sized pieces.
5. Arrange on a large plate and serve with dressing.

*Salad Dressing*
50ml olive oil
3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
Salt and pepper

*How to Make the Dressing*
Mix all seasonings together.

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