田舎流 ‼ 里芋の煮っころがしとヌタ芋の作り方 How to Make Traditional Simmered Taro (Nikkorogashi) and Nutaimo!


    里芋      1Kg
    自然塩     一つまみ
    醤油      大さじ1(煮っころがし)
    味噌      小さじ1(ヌタ芋、適量)
    すり胡麻    適量
    ネギ      適量











    ※好みで刻んだ柚子の皮などを加えても 美味しい。



    #里芋 #煮っころがし #ぬた芋 #伝統料理 #マクロビオティック #ヴィーガン #田舎料理


    To make traditional simmered taro (nikkorogashi), leave the skin on the taro to bring out its full flavor. The same is true for nutaimo taro. Please refer to the preparation of taro and enjoy the taste of traditional country food.

    1Kg taros
    A pinch of natural salt
    1 tbsp soy sauce (boiled)
    1 teaspoon miso (nutaimo, as needed)
    A pinch of ground sesame seeds
    Proper quantity of green onion

    How to make:
    1. Put taros in a washing bag and wash by rubbing them. Remove any whiskers from the skin, then remove from the bag and rinse in cold water.

    2. Remove any dirt, rinse with water, and transfer to a pot.

    3. Pour in enough water to cover the taros and bring to a boil over medium heat. When it starts to boil, add a pinch of natural salt, lower the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.

    4. If it looks about to spill over, move the lid and continue to simmer.

    5. When a bamboo skewer pierces the taro, remove about 1/3 of the taros and put them in a bowl. At this time, reserve 1 tablespoon of the cooking water to dissolve the miso.

    6. Cook the remaining taros in the pot. Add a tablespoon of soy sauce and simmer over medium heat, uncovered the pot, to release the water.
    If they are about to burn, shake the pot and lower the heat. When the water is gone, it’s done!

    7. Place in a bowl and sprinkle ground sesame seeds on top.

    8. Make nutaimo using the transferred taros in the bowl. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of miso in the reserved cooking water, and dress the taros.

    9. Add a good amount of ground sesame seeds and dress further. Add the desired amount of chopped green onions and dress.

    10. Serve in a dish and sprinkle ground sesame seeds. Finished!

    If you like, you can add chopped yuzu peel.
    Use miso paste of your choice, depending on the season and environment.

    Taro has two layers of skin: the outermost layer is called the “shuhi” and the inner layer is called the “hisou”.

    The inner layer of the taro has a lot of sticky substance to protect the starch it contains. It is best to leave the skin on so as not to lose the umami taste of the gooey skin.

    #taro #simmered taro #nutaimo #traditional food #macrobiotic #vegan #country cooking #Japotese food

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