
    材料 4人分

    ・干し椎茸 4枚
    ・人参   1/2本
    ・ごぼう  1/2本
    ・れんこん 1/2本
    ・里芋   2個
    ・たけのこ 1/2個
    ・サヤエンドウ 数本

    ・鷄肉 200 g
    ・塩麹 全ての材料の重さの10%
    ・米油 適量
    ・干し椎茸の戻し汁と水を合わせて 250ml




    Ingredients for 4 people:

    Your choice of vegetables (used in this recipe):
    Dried shiitake mushrooms 4 pieces
    Carrots 1/2 piece
    Gobo (burdock root) 1/2 piece
    Renkon (lotus root) 1/2 piece
    Satoimo (taro) 2 pieces
    Konnyaku (konjac) 1/2 piece
    Taneko (bamboo shoots) 1/2 piece
    Sayaendou (asparagus) a few stalks
    Chicken meat 200g
    Koji salt 10% of all ingredient weight
    Sesame oil, as needed
    250ml of the soaking liquid from the dried shiitake mushrooms mixed with water

    Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in water beforehand and save the soaking liquid for later use.
    Measure out 10% of the total ingredient weight in koji salt (in this recipe, with 600g of vegetables and meat, use 60g of koji salt).
    [Key points]

    Taste the dish after it has been cooked and add more koji salt if needed.

    #お正月 #こどものいる暮らし #シンプル #古民家 #古民家暮らし #旬 #無添加 #献立 #田舎暮らし #簡単レシピ #免疫力 #腸活 #麹 #塩麹 #筑前煮 #おせち#Japan, #Fukuoka, #JapaneseCulture, #TravelJapan, #JapaneseTraditionalHouse, #JapaneseArchitecture#OldHouse, #HeritageHouse, #HistoricHome, #Rustic, #VintageHome, #CountryLiving, #CharmingHome #JapaneseFood, #JapaneseCuisine, #Foodie , #JapaneseCooking, #Washoku #HealthyEating#CleanEating #GlutenFree #organic
    #allnatural #cleaneating #farmtotable #realfood #Foodie #healthylifestyle


    1. 塩麹で筑前煮は初めてなのでぜひ作ってみたいです!