19席を1人で捌く!鮮やかな鍋さばきが炸裂するワンオペ調理店主丨Egg Fried Rice – Wok Skills in Japan

    店名 麺屋 幻海
    地図 https://maps.app.goo.gl/9Jj4PF622t2F8eEg7
    住所 奈良県北葛城郡広陵町馬見北1丁目7−21

    0:00 ダイジェスト 
    0:28 本編

    うどんそば 大阪 奈良 Udonsoba Osaka Nara

    #ラーメン #炒飯 #ホルモン #つけ麺


    1. I believe his dad play the biggest role in supporting him👏🏻 all we need are parents help and support 👌congratulations to both dad and the son (owner). May success be yours and keep filling people’s stomach with delicious meals 😊

    2. I like to watch videos of Japanese restaurants, and the grand majority of the owners take pride of maintaining their Kitchens very clean, but in this case I think the young owner might want to take more interest on cleaning his Kitchen.

    3. I would visitvthis restaurant every single day if I live in the neighborhood 😂😂 the ramen guybis soo handsome and cute he could be an idol! ❤😅