【プロが教える雑煮】超簡単1番おいしい正月用お雑煮の作り方simple is best Most delicious! How to make easy New Year’s ozoni!

新年には「おせち料理」とあわせて「お雑煮」は外せません。数あるお雑煮レシピですが、ぶうちゃけ「simple is best」が一番おいしい!下手に凝りすぎてしまうと高級素材を使って高くついたり、具沢山で鍋みたいになったり迷走してしまう事も…




0:50 調理開始 
1:22 里芋のむき方【重要ポイント】
2:55 鶏もも肉調理
3:32 煮汁作り
4:55 素材の切り方の豆知識
5:30 万能出汁投入(白出汁でも可)
6:05 煮汁で使用した調味料の割合のおさらい
6:26 醤油のブレンド【本日の拘りポイント】
7:15 鶏肉投入
7:35 具材と煮汁を合わせる
8:00 餅の調理(時短バージョン)
8:32 のびるお餅を選ぶ時の注意点
9:00 青菜の調理
9:30 一度煮汁の味見を行いましょう
9:28 塩投入
10:32 本日の重要ポイントについて
11:10 万能出汁の裏技(シイタケ投入)
11:55 ゆず皮調理
12:30 煮汁を温めなおす
12:45 青菜投入
13:20 盛り付け
14:20 完成
14:32 総括おさらい

里芋 1個
人参 1/3個

料理酒 36㏄(2)
本みりん 18㏄(1)
万能出汁 360㏄(20)
塩 少々


ホームページ http://www.coharuya.com/
Instagram  不明
Twitter    不明


In the new year, you can’t miss “Ozoni” along with “Osechi cuisine”. There are many ozoni recipes, but Buchake “simple is best” is the most delicious! If you don’t care too much, you can end up going astray by using high-quality materials and becoming expensive, or with a lot of ingredients that look like a pot…

Spend the New Year with an easy, simple and delicious ozoni that is easy on the wallet and satisfying to both the maker and the eater!

[How to make a universal dashi soup]

Add 1-2 handfuls of bonito flakes to make it darker.

(table of contents)
0:50 Start cooking 
1:22 How to peel taro [Important points]
2:55 Chicken thigh cooked
3:32 Boiled broth making
4:55 Trivia about how to cut ingredients
5:30 Add all-purpose dashi (white dashi is also acceptable)
6:05 A review of the proportions of the seasonings used in the broth
6:26 Soy sauce blend [Today’s key point]
7:15 Add chicken
7:35 Combine the ingredients and broth
8:00 Mochi cooking (time saving version)
8:32 Points to note when choosing stretchy rice cakes
9:00 Cooking green vegetables
9:30 Let’s taste the broth once
9:28 Adding salt
10:32 About today’s important points
11:10 Universal dashi trick (insert shiitake mushrooms)
11:55 Yuzu peel cooking
12:30 Reheat the broth
12:45 Adding greens
13:20 Arrangement
14:20 Completion
14:32 Summary review

1 taro
1/3 carrot
chicken thigh
Vegetables of your choice (I used spinach this time)
Dried shiitake mushrooms reconstituted in all-purpose broth
Yuzu Peel

Cooking sake 36cc (2)
Hon mirin 18cc (1)
All-purpose soup stock 360cc (20)
Light soy sauce + dark soy sauce (9:1 blend ratio) (1)
↑ You can use either one without blending!
A little salt

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shop details
Shinyo family
30-1 Kamigawara, Miyagocho, Konan City, Aichi Prefecture
Homepage http://www.coharuya.com/
Instagram Unknown
Twitter unknown

#Ozoni #Ozoni recipe #How to make Ozoni #New Year’s dish #Mochi #Mochi #Shinyoya


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