鱈と蕪の炊き込みご飯 Seasoned Rice With Cod and Turnip

Hearty and mild tasted rice,
cooked with steamed cod and grated turnip.

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  1. In case it's useful to anyone, I've transcribed the text in the video:

    Seasoned Rice with Cod and Turnip


    * White rice – approx. 225 grams
    * Cod fillet – 2
    * Sake – 3 tablespoons
    * Salt as appropriate
    * Turnips 2 (1 when using bigger root)
    * Water as appropriate
    * Light soy sauce – 1 teaspoon
    * Seasoning of your choice, like chives


    1. Rinse the rice in cold water, 30 minutes before cooking
    2. Transfer the rice onto a sieve to drain.
    3. Scale and clean the codes by gently rubbing the fillets with the back of a knife.
    4. Sprinkle unrefined salt generally over the fillets.
    5. Leave for 15 minutes
    6. Wipe the liquid (which should contain the smell) off the fillets, and place them in a pan.
    7. Add sake
    8. Cook the cods over middle heat.
    9. When it boils up, cover the pan with a lid.
    10. Steam on low heat for 3 mins to cook the fillets.
    11. Transfer the soup into a measuring cup.
    12. Peel the skin off the cods and flake the fillets.
    13. Remove their bones if any.
    14. Adjust the flavor with unrefined salt if required.
    15. Grate turnips.
    16. Transfer into a measuring cup.
    17. Add the light soy sauce.
    18. Pour water until the total amount measures 300 ML.
    19. Place the rice in a pan.
    20. Pour the turnip gratings.
    21. Mix them lightly.
    22. Cook it.
    23. Add the flaked cods
    24. Steam for 10 mins.
    25. Scatter the minced chives you like.
    26. Stir the rice to mix well, and serve.