Spinach and Pumpkin Dal with Coconut | Fresh P

Spinach and Pumpkin Dal with Coconut is pure deliciousness in a bowl. Serve it over rice, quinoa or on it’s own.
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 medium onions, chopped
2-3 cloves garlic, slivered
1 cup dried yellow split peas (chana dal)
1 /2 red lentils
2 cups (1 can) chickpeas
5-6 cups water
1 1/2 teaspoon cumin seed
1 1/2 teaspoon coriander seed
1 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
3/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 small winter squash, kabocha, buttercup or butternut are all good
1 can (15-ounce) coconut milk
6 ounces fresh spinach
2 hot chiles, finely diced
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
1/3 cup shredded coconut, toasted

Using a spice grinder or mortar and pestle, grind the spices to a powder and set aside.

In a large sauté pan, heat the oil over medium high heat and sauté the onion for about 10 minutes, or until lightly brown. Add the pumpkin, garlic and spices; cook for 2 to 3 minutes longer.

Rinse the lentils thoroughly and add them to the pot. Pour in enough water to cover your vegetables by 1″ (2.5cm).

Cover, bring to a boil then reduce to a gentle simmer over medium low. Cook about 45 minutes or until the lentils and peas are tender. Add at least 1 tablespoon of salt and taste, you’ll need close to 2 tablespoons, but taste as you adding a little at a time and give the salt enough time to dissolve before adding more.

Stir in the coconut milk and spinach. Cook a few minutes longer, or until the soup is once again hot and all the spinach is wilted. Do not allow the soup to boil.

Serve over rice or quinoa. Top each bowl with a chile, cilantro, and toasted coconut.

For more delicious recipes visit www.thefreshp.com


  1. Oh my goodness you might as well have reached out and slapped me in the face with that one. I'm ashamed of my diet and lifestyle. Also, have a father-in-law battling two cancers and a friend at work, well, it's not looking too good. Tried veggie a while, but gave up due to availability of foods. Maybe it's time to try again and put more effort into taking care of myself. Thanks!

  2. I wish your friend a speedy and full recovery. My wife and I have been eating organic, "plant based" for 2 years now. Pre-this whole eating plant based thing we didn't eat too much processed foods maybe half of what we ate was processed stuff from the center isles of the store, I drank a-lot of diet sodas, and we really were not paying attention to what had HFCS in it. I started having crazy bad painful migraines 4-8 times a month, and ended up on a daily medicine to control those.

    Needless, to say I was looking for answers, and started by getting off the Diet Soda, and then off anything with HFCS, we started eating more vegetables, and 1.5 years ago we took the plunge into signing up for a CSA share. My occurrences of migraine headaches are virtually non existent now. My wife and I have cut way down on the meat we consume also, and it strange to say but it was probably about 15 months back where I felt like I could finally think clearly again.

    I know it sounds a little strange, but when you are a slave to caffeine addiction, aspartame, HFCS, and whatever other crap that is in your food. You can never think clearly because your body is dependent on the chemicals in the processed foods.

    TL;DR: Western culture does not treat food as medicine, and many have paid dearly because of this.

  3. i dont want to be negative but you cant  ever get rid of the cancers inside you. you can only slow the cancers down or stall the cancers.at some point the cancers will come back in control. people get serious about not letting cancers get you.

  4. As my wife and I as well as my sister and her husband are getting up in years. We are learning more of what you said about refined and highly processed food items not being food for us. I try to grow a decent garden every year and my success is about a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10. I won't give up.

    Right now I have a large pumpkin cleaned, cut up and baking in the oven. And more of it in our slow cooker to make Pumpkin Butter.

    You inspire me to do better. Thank you for your videos.

  5. I am praying for your friend Kate, her loved ones, the medical professionals caring for her and you as as well Princess….Peace and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  6. My dad was diagnosed with cancer. He refused chemo and changed his diet and by the time he had his next doctors appointment 3 months later there was not a trace of cancer that remained in him. I'm also into nutrition and know a bit about supplements that have been known to cure cancer. I've researched this and also work with a team of people who are knowledgeable in it.

  7. Prayers to your friend. My sis in law was just diagnosed. She's lucky as they said it is not malignant. It always makes me sad when good people are tested in life like this. Anyways, great recipe and good use of the fast motion.

  8. My mom died last year from cancer, it was probably the food that got her. She was a fat girl, loved to eat. I called her fluffy. She probably made the last decent meal Ive had. Good luck to your friend. Your meal looks like it could cure anything and taste great doing it.

  9. I'm guessing the intuitive ability to come up with unique, interesting camera angles is a genetic trait you share with Cody? I love the overhead view, it conveys more information to the viewer. Also both of you make frequent use of multiple views of a given scene where the amateur will use a one scene/one angle deal. That makes it feel like we are there with you. I'm also guessing that you were both taught growing up if something is worth doing it is worth putting your heart and soul into it. This is what makes both WS and FP so pleasant to watch. Thanks, all the thought you put into these videos is really appreciated 

  10. Great professional video! Can you recommend a good "beginner" cookbook to get away from processed foods? I would like to start cooking better for the family and sometimes between the kids school and work it's to easy to depend on processed foods for dinners because they are quick.
    Maybe something not as advanced as the one Cody was using I'd be lost too! It would be hard to transition from meat since that's how we've been raised and being a Texan, BBQ is king
    We like your videos and will be trying some off the recipes you've shared! Thanks!

  11. Your videos just keep getting better and better. I really appreciate all the time and effort you and Fresh Prince put into your videos. I'm building confidence in trying new delicious recipe ideas. Thank You. 

  12. That looks nice. We will have to try this one. I can say from my own exp. that getting away from the bad foods makes a huge diff. I am trying to make a transition ATM. If I go a few days and then back slide, it wrecks havoc on my body. You are what you eat : )

  13. Hey! I went to our local Asian store and stocked up on yummy, healthy spices today. I plan to make this in a couple of days (tomorrow I am trying your gratin). I have two young kids and am (grudgingly) carrying about thirty extra pounds. I read tons about nutrition and have dabbled in everything from vegan to paleo eating. With all the expert advice around, I stopped trusting my own instincts a bit, I think. All this to say that your nutritious and loving approach to preparing food has really inspired me to look at food in a whole different light. Blessings to you for the new year. So happy I found you!

  14. Definitely lifting Kate up to the Throne of Grace, asking for total healing. While He does His work, may she, and all of us, enjoy this wonderful dish. 

  15. Sorry to hear about your friend Kate. This sounds really good! I hope she does well through her course of treatments. Keep the great videos coming.

  16. Mmmmmm.  I know your kitchen smells good!  I wish I could get cilantro to grow but have never had any success with it. 

  17. Fresh P I lost my wife to brain cancer 11 years ago.  After watching this video, you touched me in so many ways.  Your mannerisms, voice inflections, facial empathy, the back ground music, the cooking channel would take a back seat to your delivery of the message of your friend cancer.  Plus the raw talent you portray in the in the art of cooking healthy.  Never and I mean never have I watched a woman talk about cooking,  in this way,  A gift from God I'm so moved by your friend, and your kitchen.  WOW. 

  18. I'll have to try this. I have terminal cancer and am only 33. I have been wanting to eat healthier, but I just don't know where to start. I heard about your page from your brother's page. My dad and brother got me hooked on his videos first. Now I love your food ones.

  19. Sorry, I can't seem to reply right under your post. The cutie in my picture is one of my beautiful nieces. I don't have any of my own which now I am thankful for since I don't know how I could leave them. But you are right neither of my parents ever really cooked growing up, we usually ate out because we were so busy with school and sports.
    I'm actually very interested in juicing. I've heard a lot about it but I don't get the differences in types of juicing. I just moved out to Michigan farm country from Chicago so I'll be starting my own garden. And I'll also have access to lots of fruits and veggies. Do you think you could do a video about juicing? I'd love to learn about it.

  20. Can you please write out the recipe? I think I have most of it, but not sure what you have put into the small food processor. Thanks much.

  21. my mom is going to ferment turmeric, loved your nutrition talk at the front. btw, how long have you been back from your trip because those were the last videos I watched and you have a ton I haven't seen.

  22. I made this last night with pumpkin from the freezer, and kale out of the sleeping garden instead of the spinach. On top was a dollop of homemade yogurt and pea shoots out of the window sill. No rice, we just scooped it with toasted pitas. It was a crowd pleaser, my 15 month old scooped it up with both hands! This has gone straight into the "favorites" recipe card box!

  23. I think I have one small kabocha left from last fall. I'm going to make this immediately. Delish – I'm so glad I found your channel. These gems are renewing my love of cooking.