Japanese food cooking recipe 【Soup】 / 豆腐とお麩のお吸い物

I made a soup of simple tofu and your bran! !

The last time, when you have made a soup of eggs and mushrooms but I was firmly seasoned with bonito soup stock and soy sauce,
Making it easy to drink very Since this soup was a simple seasoned with light soy sauce in white soup and flavor! !

Egg and mushroom soup recipe videos here
→ https:? //www.youtube.com/watch V = TGJv2_lYgd4

ーーー with foodstuffs (2 servings) ーーー

8 slices of tofu …
Contact bran … about twelve
2 knob about green onions …

It’s white … 1 tablespoon
Soy sauce … 1 teaspoon
Water ··· 400cc





豆腐  ・・・  8切れ
お麩  ・・・  12個程度
青ネギ ・・・  2つまみ程度

白だし ・・・  大さじ1
醤油  ・・・  小さじ1
水   ・・・  400cc

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