#1鶏団子の中華春雨スープ Chicken-Meatball Vermicelli Soup
Basic meatball arranged recipes challenge series #1
This is really easy one-pot cooking using broth of meatballs.
You can add some vegies or beancurd to make the soup more filling. Basic meatballs already have plenty of vegies such as Japanese leek, carrot and mushrooms inside though.
I recommend you to cut vegies and put in the freezer in advance so as to use it whenever you need.
Toppings such as coriander or chill oil with chopped ingredients enhance the flavor of the soup.
If you are in Japan, the chill oil I used in the movie (Momoya’s Shibire to karasa ga gatturi kiita mahlah shang yu) is available at the ordinary supermarkets.
The soup is good especially for your snack time and late dinner.