Home made Fukujinzuke pickles for Japanese curryrice

Fukujinzuke pickles are often served with Japanese curryrice. It matches very much. Ofcourse you can eat with fresh cooked rice or any other food. Why not make this pickles at home! I strongly recommend this Fukujinzuke to eat with Katsu curry. Oh yummy 🙂 Please enjoy this crunchy texture pickles

What you need

〇 Daikon white radish             500g
〇 Renkon Lotus root            1 medium size
〇 Konbu dried kelp            little bit
〇 Ginger             1tbsp
〇 Chilli pepper             if you like
〇 Soysauce              150cc
〇 Mirin             150cc
〇 Water (from rehydrated konbu)     100cc
〇 Vinegar              50cc
〇 Vinegar water             (500ccwater、1tbsp vinegar)
〇 Sugar(zarame )          50g

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How to make

〇 Cut vegetables to small size
〇 Sliced Renkon Lotus roots in vinegar water for 5min.
〇 1tbsp salt to sliced Daikon white radish to remove water
〇 Boil the sauce to remove alcohol and bring it to boil again with vegetables. If boiled, turn the heat off
〇 Get the vegetables out from the sauce and Boil the sauce only again to reduce
〇 Mix vegetabls and sauce in plastic container
〇 In the fridge for 1day if cooled (3days in the movie)

1 Turn the heat off when boiled with vegetables to enjoy the texture
2 Carefull to cut Renkon Lotus roots it is very hard
3 You can cook ginger at once but Better to mix at last to enjoy the fresh & spicy fragrance
4 If you like spicy and Hot, adjust red chillipeppers

Comments & Questions welcome 🙂

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〇 大根             500g
〇 蓮根             1 中サイズ
〇 だし昆布           少々
〇 生姜             1片
〇 唐辛子            お好みで1~2
〇 醤油             150cc
〇 味醂             150cc
〇 水(昆布の出汁)       100cc
〇 酢               50cc
〇 酢水             (水500cc、酢大さじ1)
〇 砂糖(ザラメ)         50g



〇 大根と蓮根を食べやすいサイズにカットします
〇 蓮根は酢水につけて変色防止とアク抜きをします 5分位 
〇 カットした大根は大さじ1程度の塩で水分を出します
〇 一度沸騰したタレに大根、蓮根、昆布、唐辛子を入れて再度沸騰させます。沸騰したらすぐに火を止めます
〇 具材を一度とりだして煮汁だけ強火で再度半量になる位まで煮詰める
〇 タッパーなどに具材と煮汁を入れ、ここで生姜を入れます。
〇 粗熱が取れたら冷蔵庫で一晩ねかせて出来上がり(動画は3日)

1 具材を煮る時沸騰してすぐに火をとめる。シャキッとした歯ごたえがなくなってしいます
2 蓮根は固いので切る時に注意してください
3 生姜を一緒に煮る方法が多いですが、一緒に煮るのと後から入れるのでは味が変わります。後から入れた方が爽やかな香りが残り美味しいと思います。これは好みです
4 唐辛子は入れすぎると辛くなるので注意



#ご飯のお供 #福神漬け #gontaskitchen


  1. I just tried this out and it's sooooo delicious! 😍I had no lotus root at home so I used carrots and white radish and it turned out great. Just ate it on blank jasmine rice for breakfast and it's just perfect. It also gives a wonderful crunch as a topping on Kare Raisu.
    Thank you for this great and simple recipe 🙏