

8枚切り食パン 2枚
バター 大さじ1

ゆで卵 2個
むきえび 10尾
ブロッコリー 3房
マヨネーズ 大さじ3
ブラックペッパー 少々

Shrimp and broccoli egg sandwich

2 slices of 8-slice bread
1 tablespoon butter
your favorite vegetables

-Egg salad-
2 boiled eggs
10 peeled shrimp
3 bunches of broccoli
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
a little black pepper

①Crush the boiled eggs and mix all the ingredients.
If it seems dry, stir in a little milk.
② Spread butter on both sides of the bread and place the ingredients on top.
③Wrap tightly and let it absorb for about 5 minutes.
④Cut to your desired size and you’re done!


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