
This is surprising. The time limit is 50 min and the total amount is 5.5 kg. Please enjoy! Let’s do it! I’m here at “Tosukana” in Tachikawa! These videos were all shoot here. What I’m going to eat is a pasta with meat sauce and steaks, on top of which cheese is added.

This is essentially… Karioru… It’s a Tosukana’s version of Kariosutoro castle. The time limit is 50 min and the total amount is 5.5 kg. It looks so delicious. I’ve been here so many times so far, but I’ve never eaten a pasta with meat sauce, I’m so excited and

Doing a challenge menu here is always so difficult. I’ll do my best! Let’s do it! I’ll do a countdown. 3, 2, 1, Let’s start! Thank you! Let’s dig in! Let’s go! Wow! Cheese is melted! It’s fantastic! Look at this! It’s like… The steam itself smells so good. It’s really good.

It’s been added for 60 years. The sauce is used to make this pasta, too! This sauce lives for twice as long as I do. Should I say it’s mild? It’s the one and only sauce. It’s so good!

Tomato is nicely sour and the sweetness of the tomato and the umami of meat are to the fullest extent, everyone likes the taste! There’re a lot of meat in there, but it’s fresh and the sauce is mild and overall, it’s so good! I’m winding the pasta with rhythm.

I feel like I want to dip bread into it. I want to eat the steak. It’s so soft. It looks so delicious!! I’ve eaten a lot of hamburger steaks before here, but this is the first time I’ve tried to eat this size of a steak!

It’s actually the smallest size and it’s a bit crispy outside and it’s soft inside, the sweetness of green onion and the gravy spread! The demiglace sauce is on top of it and it’s so good! I don’t think anything is inside of it this time, because of the height of the pasta.

It’s either a good guess or not. I tend to be careless if I rely on my appetite. I cannot eat it with one bite. It’s so thick. I’d like to eat a pasta with a hamburger steak. If I break the mountain down, then the amount of the pasta will increase.

This meat pasta is so delicious. There’re thick or fresh (plain) meat pastas out there, but this one is more on a fresh side. So, it goes well with a hamburger steak that has a lot of gravy! I really like to eat the pasta with this steak. It’s become big.

I’m trying to put it into my mouth. Does it actually work? I’ll use a bit of a tabasco, It’s a tabasco. I don’t think anything is hidden inside. If egg or something shown up later on… If it happened, I wouldn’t be able to succeed in this challenge… I’ll eat the second hamburger steak.

It’s dense inside of it and heavy. I want to bite it anyway. I’m wondering how such a big steak is baked well and soft inside. It’s so good… This hamburger steak is so good. Thank you for saying that. It’s hot inside even after 20 min has passed. I’m seeing the goal.

This texture and elasticity are good. My stomach hits the table. I’m hot… Wow… I’m put off because of the amount of sweat. It’s delicious, but it’s going to be the last hamburger steak. Its density covers the heat and umami. I sweat too much and a fork slips.

The amount of sweat of my hands is crazy. There’s the pasta for one person and a hamburger steak for one person left. It’s been 30 min since this meal was cooked, but it remains so soft. My voice fades away.

I want a U-shaped table because my belly sticks to the edge of the table. Good luck! Yes! I’ll do it! I’ll try to eat everything in 3 min! I’ve finally finished! Congratulations! Thank you! It was so delicious, but it was crazy… ahaha. The meat pasta wasn’t that sour, but

It was kind of fresh and got the umami taste of meat, it was more of a fresh side, not oily side. It’s the kind of meat pasta that doesn’t make your lips shiny if that makes sense ? Does it make sense? It was so good.

When it comes to the steak, I usually this size of it, so I’ve never eaten this size of a steak today. The hamburger steak was actually really good. It was so soft inside and it was a bit crispy outside because it was a bit baked. The sauce is so good!

It’s used in various types of food actually! Please try it out! Whatever you eat here is delicious, really good! Food is amazing here, this place is so lovely, so why don’t you come here if you live close? What I ate was fantastic! I’ve finished! Bye!


○イタリアン ピザ レストラン トスカーナ


えびまよ はプロとして特殊な訓練を積んでいるため、早食い大食いが可能となっています。










「株式会社KNOCK えびまよ」宛




#えびまよ #海老原まよい #えびまよ大食い


  1. パスタではテンション上がりませんか?大好きなハンバーグがあるのに!あまりやる気無し、えびまよ姉さん表情に露骨に現れすぎますよ❤❤❤❤

  2. You looked so much like Chaewon from Le Serrafim in the thumbnail that I had to look twice to confirm if it was you

  3. このパスタが食べたくて検索した

  4. 먹는 스타일과 생김새가 한국 먹방 유튜버 쯔양과 비슷한데 둘이 한일전 한번 해봤으면 좋겠어요

  5. Так смешно и убого, когда взрослая баба имитирует маленькую девочку, хочет казаться школьницей😢 фу!

  6. Beautiful i never ever seen any pasta big as your's, are you sure you can finish it?😀i know you can because your the best eater 👍

  7. А Вы можете сказать Как можно стелька есть и Не Набирать весь Есть у вас инструкция по этому поводу напишите Если я так буду кушать как вы я стану бочкай слоном ❤😊

  8. she should've broken the meatballs apart in the beginning so the heat would've dissipated by the time she gets to them. it's gonna save her time.

  9. 付近に店主が居たら、よいしょーは、当たり前じゃろ。それに60年継ぎ足しているんなら、自分は生まれているよ。

  10. TVの食番組もだけと ハンバーグ食べて柔らかいとよく聞くが 当たり前 逆に硬いハンバーグてあるのか!? ハンバーグを食べ柔らかい言う必要無し!

  11. え~びまよ❗️え~びまよ‼️ミートボールのパスタ🍝おいしそうだなぁ~😋💕ミートボールのパスタ🍝といえばディズニー映画🎬️の「わんわん物語」を思いだしますねぇ~😄あ~あ食べてみた~い😋💕❗️