
As the autumn season is deepening, I’ve decided to make a new pasta dish that is more like an autumn dish. I think it’s a kind of autumnal pasta. I’m going to make it. So here’s what I’m going to use.

Mushrooms in season, about 2-3 different kinds. And fresh fall salmon, which is in season right now. First thing I’m going to do is peel off the skin of the salmon. Pinching off a little bit of the flaky bits.

Slide the knife up while pulling the skin off And this time it’s raw salmon, but When using salted salmon, salt adjustment will be necessary later If you have leftover skin, you can grill it to a crisp and use it as a snack. Unlike salted salmon

Raw salmon has a slight odor. salt on both sides and let it sit for a while. This way, the osmotic pressure will bring out the water inside with the smell. Leave this for a while. In the meantime, I’m going to prepare the other ingredients. First, garlic

This time it’s larger, so about 2 pieces. If it’s smaller, you can use about three. We’re going to grill the mushrooms slowly this time. Use whole garlic cloves so they don’t burn. If they are large, divide them into pieces and keep them somewhat uniform in size

If the garlic sprouts are bare, they should be keep them because they burn easily. The garlic scapes are lightly crushed with the belly of the knife so that the aroma of the garlic can be easily absorbed into the oil.

Then chop the parsley. If you have it, you can of course use Italian parsley. As for dried parsley, it’s quite a different aroma. If you’re going to go all out on the pasta, I’d recommend fresh parsley. Prepare the mushrooms. I’m using shimeji, maitake, and hiratake mushrooms this time.

Other mushrooms: enoki, eringi, shiitake, mushrooms, etc. You can use whatever you like, whatever you have left over. At least one kind is good, but you can use a variety of mushrooms. A little bit of a blend goes a long way. The taste, aroma, and texture become more complex and delicious.

Break into pieces by hand. The cross section becomes jagged and the flavors become more entwined This is about 100g When the salted salmon meat starts to sweat a little bit like this This moisture should be wiped off with kitchen paper Cut the drained salmon meat into bite-size pieces.

If you find bones, save them at this point. So that’s it for the preparation. Hot water for boiling pasta. What is the salt concentration? Opinions differ widely. The reason for adding salt to pasta water in the first place is to make the pasta firmer.

It is meant to give the pasta a good salty taste The higher the salt concentration, the more plump and firm the surface of the pasta becomes. But that makes it too salty and difficult to season. So far I think the best I’ve come up with is

1.5% salt concentration. 1 tablespoon of salt to 1 liter of hot water. You can tell by licking the hot water that it is quite salty. Calculate that adding 1.5% will result in a final salt concentration of 0.8% in the cooked pasta.

The salt concentration that humans find tasty is said to be between 0.8 and 1%. Boiling in 1.5% water gives the noodles a firm texture and makes them taste more crisp. However, this is not absolute. It depends on the situation. For example, if the water to boil is too little

It is easy for the water to be skimmed off and the salt concentration to become too high, and If the ingredients contain strong salt content For example, in this case, when you use salted salmon or smoked salmon trimmings instead of fresh salmon

Sometimes we keep the salinity of the hot water to about 1% When using a lot of boiled water, or when making one-pan pasta, or when It is better to reduce the salt because it becomes too salty. You can get a sense of this when you make various pasta dishes.

You’ll get the hang of it. The frying pan is going to give you the garlic aroma. The olive oil we’re going to use this time is this one that was given to us by a company Fruity olive oil that can be found in many supermarkets. There are many different types of this one.

This brand’s Dolce olive oil is less fruity and easy to use for frying. I think it’s supposed to be used as a finishing touch. Now that we have it, we should use it. If you’re willing to use it, you might get it back. Until you get a light foam from the garlic

Heat oil over high heat. When bubbles appear, reduce heat to low and slowly bring out the aroma When the aroma starts to build up, chili peppers are added These are Italian peppers. They are small, but definitely hotter than the typical hawk’s claw.

It has a sharp aroma and pungency not found in Japanese chili peppers. You can buy it by mail order, I’ll put it in the overview section. Looks expensive at first glance, but the grains are small and in such large quantities that I don’t think I’ll ever run out.

If the chili pepper is about to burn, evacuate to the top When the garlic aroma is sufficiently reflected in the oil, throw in the mushrooms Once in the pan, toss them all in the garlic oil At first the mushrooms absorb the oil, but there is no need to add more oil here

If you add more water later, the oil will ooze out of the mushrooms Then you fry them for a while without moving them to brown them. If the garlic and chilies are about to burn, you can shelter them on top of the mushrooms

Turn them over periodically to burn them over medium-high heat so they don’t get burnt Most of the mushrooms are water. If you bake them for a while like this the amount of water is reduced and the flavor is concentrated. Does steam come out of the mushrooms?

This is the signal that Steven is out. Repeat this a few more times and you’ll see When it’s down this much, and it’s got a nice, tasty sear on it, we’re good to go. Throw in the raw salmon. Stir fry them together and lightly heat them up

Water comes to a boil, so I boil pasta. I make pasta a lot, so I buy Barilla number 5 in bulk by mail order. They sell it everywhere, and it’s very cost-effective to buy in large quantities. Noodles don’t stretch easily, good for beginners.

This pasta is popular all over the world. I prefer pasta with some thickness. 80g of noodles, 100g if you want a full meal. The larger the amount of noodles, the more difficult it becomes to adjust the moisture content and the more difficult it becomes

Boiling time should be as indicated. Al dente is ideal, but it is quite difficult to achieve the perfect al dente The worst thing you can do is raise it too fast in a weird way, and you’re left with a core. It’s better to overboil than to have a core.

Boil as indicated and toss quickly with sauce for the least chance of failure. Making the sauce If you use all of the cooking water, it will be too salty, so you can use about half and half of the cooking water and half of the water. Salt adjustment is done in the boiling water.

I use kelp water, which I keep on hand at home for this, but, well, water is fine. Maybe 50 cc of the water you put in. Well, just add enough water to get a sauce-like moisture content. If not enough, add more. If not enough, add more; if too much, reduce.

Once the water is added, pull off the flavor that has stuck to the bottom of the pot. I’m thinking of pasta this time, but this time it’s fall pasta. To be more specific, something like this, something earthy, something powerful. That’s why

The butter gives it a richness. I use unsalted butter, but when I use salted butter I want you to adjust the salt content of each. Here we’re going to add even more flavor with the fish artisan. In this case, I use

Ishiri” given to me by a viewer. It is a fish sauce for squid made in Ishikawa prefecture. It has a deep, autumnal flavor. It goes very well with this pasta. In this way, the final result is

I want to live only with what I get. By the way, soy sauce is not used in Italian cooking, but Collatura, a fish sauce, is often used to add flavor. It’s salty, so you only need about 3 to 1 teaspoon, just to add flavor.

If I didn’t have “ishiri,” or maybe not, the gnocumam featured in the previous Salmon Racas video. Not as deep as ishiri, but easy to find and close in taste.

If you don’t have that either, soy sauce will do. If you don’t have enough salt at this point, you can use the boiling water or salt. I want you to adjust it. If it looks ok, throw in the parsley.

If you use Italian parsley, you don’t need to cook it that much, just put it in at the last stage of finishing When the sauce is ready, turn off the heat and let it sit.

Noodles are cooked. When you drain the water, you can leave a little of the hot water for m final adjustment Put the pasta into the reheated sauce From here, it’s all about speed. Quickly tossing them together

Extra virgin oil for the finishing touch. This stuff is delicious when you add a lot of it. Lightly peppered to add strength. The key to pasta is the balance of moisture and oil Fine-tune it with the heat and the time it takes to dress the noodles. Stirring the pan naturally promotes emulsification

You don’t need to be that nervous. If you overmix, the pasta will absorb more and more water. It’s not a pasta stir fry. This is not a pasta stir fry. Just a quick stir and toss with the sauce and you’re good to go.

Cheese to finish. But of course it’s delicious, but I’m going to use sudachi to make it more autumnal. I have recently started seeing this kind of sudachi juice in supermarkets. They are quite convenient. So it’s done! Autumn peperoncino. Pasta gets worse as time goes by, so eat it as soon as it’s served!

It’s so good. And very autumnal. Mushrooms, fresh salmon seasonal ingredients. And the strength of the garlic and butter. The deep flavor brought by ishiri. Feels as powerful as the earth. I’m listening there, sudachi. The refreshing acidity of the sudachi tightens the flavor and covers up the overly heavy taste

Very exquisite balance. This is a fusion of Japanese and Western flavors. A true autumn pasta. When I become rich, I want to add matsutake mushrooms and other mushrooms Pasta is a very deep dish, and it’s quite difficult to make it like in a restaurant.

The balance of salinity, water and oil, and the awareness of this change. If you make it enough times, you’ll get good at it naturally. Once you have a peperoncino base, you can reduce the ingredients as you see fit. I hope you’ll give it a try! I usually make a lot of pasta.

I haven’t made many videos, so I’ll be making more regularly. I’m going to make pasta like me! I’m going to make a complete meal








秋鮭 1切れ
お好きなきのこ3種類ほど 100g
パスタ 80~100g
にんにく 2、3個
唐辛子 1個
バター 5g
魚醤 小さじ1/2 〜 1

すだち 適量








ファンレター・プレゼントの送り先はこちら —————–
株式会社Carry On


#武島たけし #極み飯


  1. 今日のお昼、作ってみましたー!!!

  2. この方の料理 悪魔的な魅力があるなあ😂試したことないけど 色々チャレンジしてみます

  3. テレビで見るドラマみたいな感じ構成?bgmとかの変化でめっちゃくちゃ見やすくて面白い!!料理も当然のように美味しそうだから絶対作る!

  4. 鮎の魚醤と玉ねぎを加えてこのレシピで作った結果、めっちゃ美味しかったです🍝

  5. 俺も飲食の仕事をしてますが家庭でも簡単に出来る料理を紹介してるのはすごいと思います…

  6. 去年にこのレシピに出会って美味し過ぎて秋はこれ鬼リピしてました。多分今年もやる。本当にありがたいです

  7. パスタは、バリラNo5推しなんですね!



  8. 塩分濃度の話を聞いていたら、ヤンキー君と科学ごはんとコラボしてほしいなと思ってしまいました😊