【煮物レシピ】旨味たっぷり、しゃきしゃき蓮根と鶏もも肉のうま煮【JAPANESE FOOD RECIPE】Simmered lotus root and chicken thigh


    It is a delicious simmered dish with plenty of chicken flavor while retaining the crispy texture of lotus root. The stew time is only 15 minutes, and it is a nice dish that you can make quickly even when you are busy. You don’t need as many ingredients like as Chikuzen-ni(筑前煮). Enjoy a simple simmered tender chicken thigh and lotus root.

    鶏もも肉 500g
    蓮根 350g
    しし唐 100g
    出汁 300㎖
    しょう油 大さじ1
    塩 小さじ 1/2
    みりん 大さじ2
    酒 大さじ2
    ごま油 適量
    いりごま 適量

    Chicken thigh 500g
    Lotus root 350g
    Sweet green pepper 100g
    Bonito broth 300㎖
    1 tablespoon soy sauce
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    2 tablespoons of Mirin ( Japanese sweet cooking wine)
    2 tablespoons of Japanese cooking wine
    Appropriate amount of sesame oil
    Appropriate amount of roasted sesame seeds