
Hello Everyone!
Kaneko here! Our main ingredient for today is this!
We have "Maru Aji" [Round Mackerel]
Let’s now start preparing!
[Cooking Start!]
Alright! Once again, our main ingredient for today is this! "Maru Aji"
Anyways, When I went to the Weird Fish Man’s shop he was selling this for really cheap!
It was like 5 for 200 Yen!?
The freshness isn’t the best but
The price was a steal so I bought it for us today.
And today I’d like to introduce you guys to my new knife!
That would be this,
The name of this knife is called Mezzaluna
In Italian, "Mezza" means half
And "Luna" means Moon
So it means "Half Moon"
It has the shape of half of a moon.
That’s how this knife is known.
And when you use this knife, mincing becomes real easy.
I had some radish, we wouldn’t need the leaf so let’s mince that.
So we have this right here,
With a regular knife, it would just go like this,
But with this Mezzaluna, grip both handles tightly,
And all you have to do is this.
This is amazing! It’s so easy to mince!
And the very first thing that came up to my mind was
It’ll definitely help make Namero [Minced Mackerel] much easier!
Soo, I would like to make Namero with our Maru Aji today.
This knife is really useful when it comes to mincing.
but not the best with preparing a fish so,
So I’ll be using this knife to skin and prep the fish,
and finish it off with the Mezzaluna to mince the Mackerel.
Let’s prep this mackerel into portions.
So first, Mackerel has this bumpy part by its tail called "zeigo"
The bumpy part, scale, head and then the organs will be the order of our preparation.
There are many ways of removing zeigo.
One way is to cut it upwards or even from the other side.
I personally start from the bottom.
You start from the bottom,
Something like this and this would be the zeigo.
After that, we start removing the scales.
Round Mackerel has a pretty stiff scale so make sure you scrape properly.
If you don’t remove the scale properly now, it makes it harder for you to remove the scale.
We have now removed the scales, then we’re going to remove the head,
Then we move on to the organs.
Just like that,
Now i’m going to use this knife right here.
It’s so sharp!
This knife is amazing.
So when you’re removing the zeigo from the top,
it’s actually pretty dangerous so, make sure to hold it like this once you’re half way through.
Make sure to lift the head up like this.
Why? So if you accidentally put too much force while cutting it,
the head will work has a stopper so you won’t cut your fingers.
If you don’t the knife will go straight to your fingers.
Once you remove the zeigo, scales, head, organs, and the blood clots.
Now we’re going to cut this into 3 pieces.
Today we are using this technique called, "Daimyou Oroshi" and "Hou Oroshi"
The way I usually cut my fish is the "Hou Oroshi" way.
cut, 1, 2, 3, 4 sections.
And cut through across from the tail. That’s the way I usually cut fish.
Let’s try it out!
Then insert the knife from the tail.
There goes 1 piece.
Then, 1,
Once you do that,
There should be 1, 2, 3 pieces
No Tora!
Hey you!
Oh my, look at him! Looking like a little raccoon!
You’re so cutee, Look!
Look look, why don’t you say hello to everyone?
So cuutee.
The efficient thing about the Hou Oroshi is that you wouldn’t have much meat around the bones.
Let’s move on to the Daimyou Oroshi technique.
Daimyou Oroshi is a way to cut it with just one stroke!
We occasionally use this technique.
Just like that, and the other side as well.
The good thing about Daimou Oroshi is that,
It doesn’t take that much time.
You can prepare it probably twice as fast as the Hou Oroshi.
But, As you can see, there’s always going to be some meat leftover on the bones.
You can’t be too precise with this method.
So the top two is the Hou Oroshi, and the bottom two is the Doumyou Oroshi.
The first two look a little plumper than the other two pieces.
Can’t help it but the other two look flatter.
Alright, let’s move on to peeling the skin.
Start from the tail,
The tip for this is to cut straight through without hesitating
If you hesitate and stop in the middle you won’t be able to make it all the way through.
Now that we removed the skin from the mackerel.
Then we add some water into the bowl and also add some vinegar.
Once you’ve done that, you add the mackerel that we just prepped inside.
And quickly sanitize the mackerel with vinegar water.
This removes the fish smell and makes it easier for you to eat it as sashimi.
Once we rinse the mackerel and make sure to remove the excess water.
Finally, let’s move on to making Nemuro.
Let’s use two pieces for today.
This should be good.
Now I’d like to cut all the ingredient necessary in order for us to make Nemuro.
Ginger, Ooba, Asatsuki,
Let’s wash all of the ingredients.
First, we have ginger.
This depends on your preference but, I like to add a good amount of ginger.
We’re now going to mince this.
Let’s use this knife to mince the ginger since we have it.
I see.. I see.. There’s one thing I found about this.
It’s really uncomfortable to cut it like this.
I mean, I guess once you get used to it, it wouldn’t that bad.
I always use the regular knife so it feels really weird cutting it this way.
Hm.. We are able to mince it nicely though.
Then we’re going to cut the Ooba into thin slices.
After that, we’re going to cut the Asatsuki.
Now that we’ve finished preparing the ingredients.
Then with the mackerel that we prepped earlier,
There’s still some bones left inside the fillet so we’re going to cut it in half and remove all the bones left inside.
These bones for the Round mackerels are pretty hard so let’s make sure to not miss any.
Let’s not forget to remove all the excess layer of skin on the side.
Alright finally, it’s time to use this knife!
Ready andd..
Wait a minute..
wait wait wait!
It’s not cutting at all!
Are you kidding me?
It’s not working!
You could kinda cut it but, it’s not cutting through the thick layer.
This guy’s no good.
"Shiden Issen"
It’s cut way better!
Way to go G-Sakai!
Then we add the rest of the ingredient with the minced mackerel.
And mix it real nicely.
Once all the ingredients are mixed thoroughly.
We’ll place the ingredient into a bowl.
Then from here, we add miso into the bowl, I’d recommend using low-sodium miso for this.
Then we add Sake.
A little bit of soy sauce.
Rice Vinegar,
Then, Garlic.
Once it’s all in the bowl we’re now going to mix it again.
Finally, we are going to serve it onto the plate.
It’s now complete! Itadakimasu!
Alright! Let’s eat!
The nice smell of the green onion, miso! It’s amazing!
Let’s take a little piece from here.
Ahhh it’s delicious! Woow!
This right here is perfect for drinking!
This is definitely delicious!
I was worried about the freshness of the mackerel but, if you make it into a Nemuro, it’s alright!
I have prepared myself some white rice today.
Place the Nemuro on top of the white rice,
And I also prepared some tea as well.
So we’re going to pour some tea into the bowl.
Just like that~
Mix it well.
Eating it like this is amazing too!
"Namero Chazuke"
It runs smoothly through your mouth like that!
Now that we have the Nemuro, the drink for us today is..
Reaadyy.. and..
The Silver Guy!
7 by 3! Itadakimasu!
When it comes to summer, Chazuke is the best!
Now I’d like to peacefully enjoy the rest of the meal!
Thanks for the meal! Anyways! Today,
We’ve made a dish called Nemuro with a Round Mackerel that wasn’t that fresh but,
It was so goood!
Isn’t my arm pretty long?
When I stretched my arms out like this, I thought it was freakishly long.
I’ve heard that the length of your arms extended is your actual height. But I think for me..
So I guess the we’ve been able to catch a lot of mackerels this year.
So I believe that you’ll be able to find some nice mackerel at a cheap price.
If you ever find a cheap mackerel at your local supermarket, or a fish market.
I’d definitely reccomend for you to try to make some Nemuro out of it!
Thank you for watching!
Bye bye!












  1. 食戟のソーマでのイメージよりも結構小ぶりな気がする🤔

  2. ぜいごは鯵系の魚特有のものとされています

  3. 動画の最初の部分ですが、