もやしチーズチヂミの作り方☆10分で超簡単&節約おかず!ポリ袋で混ぜて焼くだけ♪少ない材料で作れます☆カリカリ食感チヂミ☆-Bean Sprouts Cheese Pancake-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made bean sprout cheese pancakes.
Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher.
This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information.
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Today I want to make bean sprout cheese pancakes.
This time, I will introduce a simple side dish recipe using plenty of bean sprouts.
This time, Going to make bean sprout pancakes, and this recipe requires only one plastic bag to make the dough.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
I hope you’ll have a great time.
Please have a look at it.
Easy recipes at home
Let’s start with the ingredients for the pancake.
Here are the ingredients.
Bean sprouts, melted cheese, eggs, chicken broth, flour, potato starch, and salad oil for baking.
First of all, I will use bean sprouts.
You can use regular bean sprouts instead of bean sprouts here.
And you can use your favorite melted cheese.
And for seasoning, saltiness of the cheese and chicken stock.
And then we add flour and potato starch.
This makes them crispy and fluffy.
Next, here are the ingredients for the pancake sauce.
Here are the ingredients.
Soy sauce, vinegar, honey, garlic, sesame oil, white sesame seeds.
This time, I will make it with these ingredients.
If you want to add some spiciness to the dish, you can add gochujang (red pepper paste) or raayu (Chinese red chili oil).
So, let’s make it with these ingredients.
Easy recipes at home
Now let’s make it.
First of all, I make the sauce for the pancakes.
Going to add honey to the bowl, but you can also use sugar.
The honey gives it a rich and delicious flavor.
Here, grated garlic, sesame oil, and white sesame seeds.
Mix it all together well.
This is the sauce for the pancakes.
This one should be refrigerated until ready to use.
Easy recipes at home
Then we’ll make pancakes.
So, first of all, we’re going to make it easy with a plastic bag, so set the plastic bag on top of the bowl.
You can also use zip bags.
Then you can put the bean sprouts in this bag.
The bean sprouts are rinsed quickly and then drained before putting them in.
Then add melted cheese, chicken broth, flour, potato starch, and egg.
All the ingredients for the pancakes.
The rest is easy.
So, you take the bag, you take the bean sprouts, you mash them up a little bit, and you mix it all together.
And then, you know, just fir it up like this.
Make sure the eggs and other ingredients are well incorporated into the mixture.
Mix the flour and eggs like this until they are well incorporated into the sprouts and cheese.
Now going to bake this one now.
Easy recipes at home
Now please prepare your pans.
Spread a thin layer of salad oil in the frying pan.
Place over heat.
And then put the salad oil all over.
Let it warm up for about 30 seconds.
Turn off the heat after about 30 seconds of warming.
Then I take a spoonful of this and put it on the pan.
And then going to put it on the pan like this, so that it’s bite-size pieces.
The size can be changed to your liking.
Of course, you can bake a whole piece.
I’m turning off the heat now, so let’s not rush.
I put it on like this.
Then I’ll put it on the fire again.
I’m going to continue to cook both sides.
When you hear the sound, I’m going to press down a little bit on this pancake from the top.
That way, it’s easier to get a crispy finish.
Now, it’s been baking for about two minutes or less.
Check the browning. That’s good.
When they’re nice and browned, flip them over.
It looks like this.
Turn it over and again press it down a little bit with a spatula.
Now going to flip it over.
And on one side, pressing down on it like this, and cooking it over medium heat until it’s crispy.
Now, in total, we’ve burned about 4 minutes.
And the back side, if you’d like to check it out.
If it’s crispy like this, it’s OK.
It’s finished looking delicious like this.
And the surface, too. Crispy.
Now going to bake the rest of them the same way.
I’m using salad oil this time, but you can also use sesame oil if you like for a more savory flavor.
This is how it ended up baked.
This time, 13 sheets were made in total.
This is a rough estimate, but it depends on the size of the piece.
Easy recipes at home
Now you have bean sprout cheese pancakes.
This is how it turned out.
The surface is crispy with cheese.
And plenty of bean sprouts to make it look delicious.
And here is the dipping sauce.
And I also added potherb mustard and chili peppers.
You can serve this one together if you like.
It’s done.
Now, I would like to eat.
Now, I would like to eat it as it is.
Let’s eat.
The cheese is very savory.
And the bean sprouts are crunchy and very tasty.
The bean part of this bean sprouts… very, very good… and it’s also accented.
Now, I’m going to serve it with sauce.
Let’s eat.
Refreshing and delicious again too.
Easy recipes at home
Delicious finished today too.
Here are the key points of this time’s bean sprout cheese pancakes.
First, the bean sprouts. I used bean sprouts this time.
I highly recommend bean sprouts because the bean part adds texture and flavor.
The bean sprouts are very tasty, but you can also make this dish with regular bean sprouts.
You can make it with your favorite bean sprouts.
And this time… it’s very easy to make with just one plastic bag.
You can also use zip bags.
If you don’t have such a bag, you can cut the bean sprouts into small pieces and mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
But if you use a plastic bag, you can make it very easily and with less washing up.
And here’s what you need to know about baking.
When you’re grilling, you know, once you’ve turned off the heat and you’re spooning it, put it on the pan.
That way, you know, you can make it without frying it.
And when you start to hear the sound of the pan slowly burning, you can use a spatula to hold it down a little bit while you cook it.
This will give it a savory finish.
I think it’s best if you cook them until they’re browned on both sides.
I also made the sauce for the pancakes this time.
This sauce is also very tasty, so I hope you will make it as well.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
It’s very tasty, so please try it.
Easy recipes at home
Today I made bean sprout pancakes.
I have many other various videos on my channel.
Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.
I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much.
So that’s all for today.
Thank you for watching to the end today.
Please give us a good button.
See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello☆I’m Yukari, a culinary researcher♪
This time, I made bean sprouts and cheese chijimi ☆ Super easy in 10 minutes! Just mix in a plastic bag and bake! It’s easy to make with a few ingredients ☆ It’s a fragrant pancake with a crunchy texture that’s addictive. Introducing the recipe for the special sauce! It’s very delicious, so please try making it together ☆

・もやし 200g
・とろけるチーズ 50g
・卵 1個
・鶏ガラスープの素 大さじ1/2
・薄力粉 大さじ1.5
・片栗粉 大さじ1.5
・サラダ油 適量

・醤油 小さじ2
・酢 小さじ2
・はちみつ 小さじ1
・おろしニンニク 小さじ1/2
・ごま油 小さじ1
・白胡麻 小さじ1

・200g Bean sprout
・50g Melting chees
・1 Egg
・1/2 tbsp Chicken glass soup
・1.5 tbsp Cake flour
・1.5 tbsp Potato starch
・Vegetable oil

・2 tsp Soy sauce
・2 tsp Vinegar
・1 tsp Honey
・1/2 tsp Grated garlic
・1 tsp Sesame oil
・1 tsp White sesame seeds






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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#もやし #チヂミ #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. ヒルナンデス📺にご出演されているのを拝見して嬉しくなりました🥰

  2. 夕食にもう一品何か欲しかったのでもやしもあるし早速作ります🎵

  3. 休みでたまたまヒルナンデスみたら出演されていて、得した記聞でした❕


  4. ヒルナンデス見ましたよ〜😆キャベツ焼売とそぼろ味噌のおうどん作ってみます!

  5. やっとチャンネル登録させて頂きました。ほんとに簡単美味しく苦手な私でも、出来ます

  6. 仕事から帰って来て 録画予約しておいた ヒルナンデス観ました📺
    どれも美味しそうで すぐ作れそう🎶
    肉味噌冷やしうどんは この時期ピッタリですね☝️

    もやしチーズチヂミ も美味しそうなので 作ってみます😁

  7. 明日もやし買って作ります!一昨日ナスそぼろ丼作りました♪美味しかったです!ありがとうございます😊

  8. お疲れ様です(^.^)安上がりの超カンタンレシピ~👍最高!(^^)!⤴️⤴️⤴️作ってみます。TV見ましたいつ見てもかわいいです。冷やしうどんも作って見たいです。

  9. もやしを持て余していたので、今晩作りたいと思います。他の材料も揃っています☺️

  10. たまたま家に全ての材料があったので急遽作りましたが、子供も美味しい♡と言ってくれました。もやしを粉物を使ってまとめるのは無い発想でした。ヒルナンデスに続き、アイデアをありがとうございます😊

  11. もやしで、チヂミが出来るなんて❗️

  12. ゆかり先生~✨

  13. ヒルナンデス見ましたよ〜😊

  14. チヂミは嫁さんが好きなので是非作ってみます。

  15. ゆかりさんこんばんは🤗

  16. 今日ドラッグストアでもやしが10円で思わず買ってしまいました。どうしようか悩んでいたところゆかり先生のこの料理すぐ作ってみました。

  17. モヤシとチーズのチヂミ、、こんなに簡単でいいね❗️モヤシメニュー増えた、、明日つくってみます❗️ありがとうございます‼️

  18. ほんといつもおいしそうなレシピばかりで、参考になります🙏🏻

  19. 「ヒルナンデス」拝見させて頂きました。気が強そうな女性芸能人に囲まれて、繊細なゆかり先生のガラスのハートが傷つきませんように🙏ってドキドキしながら見てました。


  20. こんにちは🌞お久しぶりです、ゆかりさん😊今回は手軽な材料で作るもやしチーズ🧀チヂミを紹介して頂き、ありがとうございました🙇‍♀️これまでの他の作品も

  21. 5人家族なのでモヤシを2袋使って作りました。安くて簡単で美味しい!ぺろっと食べてしまいましたよ。

  22. 今日つくりました。豆もやしは食感あって、栄養価あってよいですよね。子どもはもやしを食べにくいからピッタリレシピです

  23. 作って見ました!チーズが入っているのにあまりチーズの味はしなかった感じでした!簡単にある材料で作れて家計に凄く助かりました!💗