🤩海鮮チヂミ レシピ(完結編)🤩「油少くても」サクサクカリカリのチヂミ 作り方!!チジミレシピの最高峰|人気料理教室講師が全てをさらけ出す|海鮮チヂミのタレも美味しい|目次付き|英語字幕

Hi, I’m Yeon joung.
Today, I’ll teach you how to make seafood pancakes (Chijimi).
What? Didn’t we do this before?
Yes, we did!
I’ve this with everyone.
Yes, but…
There were so many people who watched me make it last time.
I’ve received photos and comments from you all.
I was so happy to get so many comments.
But I thought, I could explain things better,
Not only to make your pancake taste better but look better too!
Ways to help you make a better pancake…
If I could tell you tips of how to make a pancake with a good amount of filling…
I think you could have made a pancake more confidently and had fun!
I muttered all this to myself.
And then my husband said,
Why don’t you just make another video?
I took his advice.
So please let me make this dish again with you.
I will explain everything that I need to! I will have nothing more to add after this.
This is the best version of my seafood pancake.
I will include the sauce too.
Ladies and gentlemen! Please watch this again.
It will be the "strongest pancake" that’s crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside!
It will have the perfect balance of shape and ingredients.
Let’s try make pancakes again!
For the whole process and recipe, see below↓
Please click to see the recipe.
Let’s make the same pancakes as each other👍.
Let’s take on the challenge! Let’s do this!
I will show you how to cut all the ingredients in my blog.
However, because appearance is important,
I’ll show you how to cut chives and squid in this video.
The basic ingredients are,
Onions, carrots, chives, squid, eggs…
If you can find zucchini, it’s good to add it too!
Let’s cut them up.
Today’s chives are thin and fragrant.
Any kind of chives will do!
But we’re lucky to have these chives today.
I like short chives.
Korean chives are even shorter.
They are thinner and tasty to eat raw or in salads!
Some pancake recipes don’t use cut chives, just chives in a row coated with batter.
Chive pancakes taste great too.
If you go to Korea, you have to try this!
The chives are cut about 5 cm long.
Some people will make it shorter.
But this size retains more aroma and nutrition!
Don’t cut the squid vertically. No no!
Vertical slicing is the way to cut squid sashimi.
If you cut it vertically the squid will curl and pop out of the pancake 😭
Curl like a ring.
The squid should be cross cut.
It should be about 1cm wide.
Cut the squid into two or three equal pieces.
As it cooks, it bends and will stick out of the pancake.
So, It’s good to cut the legs in half!
I’m not going to peel the skin off the squid.
But if you don’t like it, you can peel it.
The skin smells good and tastes good.
As for the vegetables, they have been thinly sliced.
Like this, all the vegetables are sliced thinly.
Let’s add flour.
Just put it in as you usually would.
You can also use pancake flour.
I’d never used it before, but I wanted to talk to you guys about it so,
I tried it, but…
Can I be honest? I didn’t see much benefit in using it 😨.
The most important point of this pancake is how you cook it.
If you cook it well
It’ll be delicious with flour and
It’ll be delicious with pancake flour too.
Egg – 1
Salt – 1 pinch 
Mix the egg first.
▶ Double speed.
I’ve been making pancakes since I was little.
I put a little bit of water in and mix it.
I can always make the same batter just by eyeballing it.
Mix the eggs well.
Batter should be loose, this is Yeon joung style!
It looks a little bit hard.
If the batter is hard, it’s easy to turn over.
It’s turned into a good mixture.
Ah – easy to mix means
The batter is light! It means it’s a loose batter.
Let’s check the batter.
It’s a little thicker right?
This is good if it’s your first time making this.
Look at how loosely it’s dripping.
If you have confidence in your pancake cooking ability,
Add 10ml water to the recipe.
Oh, it’s so much smoother!
It’s dripping faster than before!
This is going to be a delicious pancake, that’s for sure!
So! batter is done.
If you have any left over, put it in tupperware and refrigerate it.
The next day’s pancakes will taste even better!
If you leave the pancake batter…
To sit for a day, the flavor of vegetables and squid taste even better.
Restaurants often cook it after leaving the batter overnight.
Restaurants use the batter for up to three days.
Try saving enough batter to make a pancake the next day.
I’m sure you’ll agree that it tastes better cooked the next day!
We haven’t finished the batter yet. Here’s the secret ingredient!
Add a little potato starch.
It will enhance the texture and make it slightly chewy like mochi.
But if you put in too much, you will mess up the pancake.
It’s best to use about 2 teaspoons.
Keep it this amount. Don’t add anymore.
Ladies and gentlemen keep this in mind about potato starch.
If you put the potato starch in and leave it there
Even in a small amount of batter, the starch will sink to the bottom.
This results will be the first and second pancake tasting great!
But the last one will have all the potato starch in it.
The pancake will be so thick that it will be a failure.
You have to mix the batter every time you cook a pancake!
Don’t forget.
Mix it up! Cook it! Mix it up and cook it !
This is an important tip.
Before we cook it, here’s another important explanation.
Oil. I’ll prepare the oil in a bowl and in the bottle.
I’ll pour a little bit of oil from this bowl as I cook.
Restaurants often deep fry the pancakes.
They add oil up to around here and fry them.
Even if it tastes good at first…
You’ll get over it after eating about one pancake.
Your stomach gets oily.
And you will want to eat kimchi.
But Yeon joung style pancakes are not greasy!
You don’t need a lot of oil to make them crispy!
That’s where the oil in this bowl comes in handy.
You can pour a little bit of oil from the bottle, but…
There’s definitely going to be spills!
Put a spoon in the bowl and stand by!
Here’s a tip about the ladle!
I cook with a regular ladle but,
This type of ladle is a must for first time cooks!
Prepare a ladle with holes!
That way it’ll be a beautiful pancake!
You can turn it up to high heat.
But when you start cooking, use medium heat.
I’ll just use high heat at the end. It’ll make the pancakes crispy to the max.
First of all, you need oil, but if you use 26cm frying pan.
Let’s start with 1.5 to 2 tablespoons of oil.
Wait until the oil heats.
Here’s a tip!
Don’t put the batter in until the very last minute!
Or else you won’t be able to make crispy pancakes.
Stretch the batter so it’s 2cm away from the edge of the pan.
If you use 26cm frying pan, you can make a 24cm pancake.
2cm from the edge gives the pancake room to breathe.
Let’s give it some room.
The pan is hot.
Today is for the beginners.
First, we’ll use a ladle with holes.
Remember the potato starch! Mix the batter before you cook a pancake!
I have another tip again! Let’s turn down the heat and talk 😂
Ahh, sorry for the long talk 😂.
Pancakes make me excited as a cooking instructor.
It’s not cool when the batter flows everywhere.
Remember! Too much liquid batter in the pancake is not good!
The filling in the batter is most important! It’s the true winner!
Let’s let the batter escape through the holes.
Let a lot of the liquid go before putting it on the pan.
Turn the hot frying pan to low heat.
Give yourself enough time to shape the pancake!
Don’t look at the pancake closely!
Stand back and calmly look at the balance of the ingredients.
The liquid batter isn’t flowing – It’s a success!
Here’s a first-class pancake!
Don’t worry – I’ll add some more batter.
The chives are clumped together here… I’ll break them up!
Let’s mix all the colors.
We’ve got some squid on the outside.
If you put some vegetables in there, the squid won’t come off.
It should be about 1cm thick.
Check the balance of ingredients on low heat.
Chives and squid are all in the well distributed.
Okay! Let’s turn up the heat.
I usually use a slightly higher heat.
So that the frying pan is always hot.
If it looks like it’s going to smoke, you can grease the pan.
Also, if you lift the frying pan, the heat goes down.
I do this raising and lowering.
And then when the bottom is cooked, I’ll flip it over.
I don’t need more batter yet. Just wait!
Be careful! Sometimes squids flies out when you look at the pancake.
Don’t let your pretty face get burnt.
A little oil is all you need!
If you don’t have any oil at all, the pancake will burn very quickly!
A thin coating of oil! Keep that in mind.
It’s better for it to be undercooked!
Let’s add the batter now!
I’m going to mix it first~ Remember the potato starch!?
You can add batter with a regular spoon.
Before you turn it over! Add more batter.
That way both sides will be browned.
Don’t add too much! See there’s no liquid flowing!
As soon as you add the extra batter in, turn it over.
Now this is what you call " a good-looking pancake".
If you push too hard, the pancake will break. That would be sad.
The oil is gone!
Here comes the oil!
This is all you need! Add 1 tablespoon to the whole thing.
Move the pancake around as soon as the oil is added.
I want the oil to go to the middle!
I’m going to push it again gently.
Careful not to crack it.
The trick is to rotate the pancake.
The key to doing this is to use a light frying pan.
No more pressing. Let’s just concentrate on the cooking.
It’s good for it to have an oil glaze.
Like this is fine.
When you are about to finish cooking it… Add a little more oil.
To make it crispy.
When we do tempura at home
Mom’s always on her feet, isn’t she?
It’s the same with pancakes! You can’t just cook them on both sides and say it’s done.
It’s better to take your time and cook it gradually.
This looks done now.
However, let’s add a little more crunch to the middle!
So, I’m going to cook it some more.
Add about a tablespoon of oil.
When you see smoke, raise the pan and rotate it.
Then the pancake will be shiny in the middle.
It’s good if both sides are browned evenly like this.
Here we go again.
Turn the heat down to low.
This will make it taste better.
I’ll flip it over one more time! Almost there.
I’m satisfied with this! It’s cooked hard.
Add another tablespoon of oil here.
After adding the oil, rotate it~.
Take a look at the ideal amount of oil!
I’m not going to push it down anymore.
I’ll make it crispy without touching it!
Keep rotating it so it doesn’t burn!
I can hear the joyous sound of pancakes crackling.
Let’s be careful and persistent when we cook it.
It’s ready when it looks like this.
It’s ready. Let’s crunch it up even more! Cook on high heat for 30 seconds.
It’s okay to raise the heat! We’ll go ahead and cook it well.
▶▶ 2X speed
The perfect color. ~~~~
It takes 5-6 minutes to make one pancake.
Just like Japanese tempura.
As the family eats this, let’s ask for a bite and continue to cook the rest of the pancakes.
Let’s cut it.
And watch how to make the sauce that goes with it!
It sounds crispy just putting it down.
You can cut it like a pizza too! I will cut it like this.
It sounds so crispy.
Pancakes cooked in just the right amount of oil.
I’m cutting it into squares.
This sound makes me happy. I want to eat this delicious pancake with you all!
Pancakes are best when eaten with many people.
I’m sure you can see how crunchy it is.
My hands are so hot, they’re shaking. 
Even though it’s hot, I want to show you.
You can make it too!
Let’s get ready for the pancake party! 
Let’s see the pancake sauce.
265 00:18:39,900
00:18:39,900 –> 00:18:45,220
You can use pancake sauce in many dishes.
I’d like to show you one more time.
It can be made and refrigerated.
The red pepper powder melts and becomes smooth.
Keep it refrigerated, it’ll be good for a month!
3 tablespoons soy sauce – 1 tablespoon mirin 
1 tablespoon sesame oil – 1 teaspoon red pepper powder 
You can also add chopped green onion and sesame seeds before serving.
You can eat it right after making it.
You can cut green chili pepper and add it too.
Grated garlic also tastes good added.
Crunchy outside and soft inside.
It’s crispy and fragrant even when it’s cold.
Pancakes and Japchae are served for celebration in Korea.
It’s a dish to make when something good happens.
When I think of pancakes,
I remember seeing the back of my mother while she made them.
When I remember those pancakes,
I see my father and mother laughing and giggling,
eating pancakes.
That’s how I feel about pancakes.
It makes me happy and forget the bad things.
The pancakes make me feel like, I want to try my best again!
This positive pancake is delivered to your table.




■【マイナビBOOKS限定 サイン本】ヨンジョンの幸せ韓国ごはん







いつでもむらなくサクサク中はとろもちする チヂミを求めて作って来ました。

0:00 海鮮チヂミの作り方 (完結編)
2:00 ヘムルチヂミの材料の切り方
4:07 生地作りま~す
7:43 ここからが本番!焼き方~
17:30 最後が大事!切り方~
18:43 タレの作り方

イカ --1ぱい(200g)
玉ねぎ --中1個(120~150g) 
にんじん --1/2本(60g )
ニラ (小ねぎでもいい)--1束(80~100g)
あればズッキーニ ー 60g

 ・小麦粉 --  280g
 ・水 ーー 400~450ml(初めての方は400mlにしましょう)
 ・塩 --  小さじ1 
 ・片栗粉 --小さじ2 
 ・卵 -- 1個 
【好みで唐辛子粉、いりごま】 入れれば美味しくなります。^^

・ヨンジョンの超簡単「3行レシピ」ツイッター https://twitter.com/kankoku_ryouri
・ヨンジョンブログ【韓国調味料紹介】はこちら→ https://kankoku-ryouri.jp/ajituke/

◆公式ブログ 韓国料理店に負けない!韓国家庭料理「眞味」著者。
◆韓国料理教室「韓サモ hansamo」主宰
🔽・ヨンジョンの超簡単「3行レシピ」ツイッター https://twitter.com/kankoku_ryouri



◆NHK BSプレミアム 「食材探検おかわり!にっぽん」
◆テレビ朝日 「スゴ~イデスネ視察団」
◆「韓国農水産食品流通公社」 韓国料理レシピコーナー担当
◆統一日報 韓国料理レシピコーナー担当
◆富士食品 豆もやし料理コーナーレシピ

◆韓国料理フェア イベント多数担当

#海鮮チヂミ作り方 #海鮮チヂミカリカリ作り方 #海鮮チヂミレシピ #韓国料理レシピ #チヂミ #韓国海鮮チヂミ作り方 #チヂミレシピ #ジョン作り方


  1. 油少なくでもカリカリサクサクに作れます!絶対に美味しく焼けるコツを教えます!!









    ■【マイナビBOOKS限定 サイン本】ヨンジョンの幸せ韓国ごはん






    0:00 海鮮チヂミの作り方 (完結編)

    2:00 海鮮チヂミの材料

    2:23 材料の切り方

    4:07 生地作りま~す

    7:43 ここからが本番!焼き方~

    17:30 最後が大事!切り方~

    18:43 タレの作り方


    イカ --1ぱい(200g)

    玉ねぎ --中1個(120~150g) 

    にんじん --1/2本(60g )

    ニラ (小ねぎでもいい)--1束(80~100g)

    あればズッキーニ ー 60g


     ・小麦粉 --  280g

     ・水 ーー 400~450ml(初めての方は400mlにしましょう)

     ・塩 --  小さじ1 

     ・片栗粉 --小さじ2 

     ・卵 -- 1個 




    【好みで唐辛子粉、いりごま】 入れれば美味しくなります。^^(関連動画)




  2. 韓国での調理師の免許を取りたいのですが、どうしたらいいでしょうか?日本に住んでいるので分からないです😭

  3. この動画の通りに作ったら、カリッカリでお店より美味く出来ました…また、韓国の家庭の思い出も話して頂けるのが、色々と想いを馳せる事ができて素敵でした。

  4. 本場韓国の家庭の味を親切丁寧に説明してくれるところに親しみを感じます!感謝

  5. チヂミのレシピ色々見たけど、焼き方をここまで細かく教えてくださったのは初めて!!早く作りたい!美味しそう!

  6. チヂミ大好きなので日本のレシピ本を見たりYouTubeの動画を見たりして色々な作り方で作ってみましたが…これが一番おいしかったです!これからは毎回この作り方で作ります🤗💞

  7. 野菜が沢山とれるので大好きです。チヂミがベチャっとなるのが悩みでした。まさか、チヂミを寝かしておいてもいいなんて知らなかったです。

  8. なんて日本語がお上手なんでしょう!

  9. 안녕하세요^^ ヨンジョンさんに質問します。イカゲソについてくる骨。丸くて透明のやつ。あれって取りますか?

  10. 実はチヂミを一度も食べたことがないです




  11. チヂミは生地じゃなく具が勝つ。勉強になります。そしてすごく美味しそう!お婆ちゃんが韓国人なんですが、お正月に挨拶に行くと、茹でた豚肉、チヂミ、トックの汁、キムチ、鯉の刺身を振る舞ってくれてました。ひき肉の入った優しい味のトックの汁の味は忘れられません。

  12. 前に、韓国人のご夫婦が切り盛りしてるお店で食べた海鮮チヂミが本当に美味しくて、あの味が忘れられず本場のチヂミを家で再現出来ないかとネットをさまよっていたら、こちらの動画に辿り着きました。

  13. 楽し〜い‼️可愛らしい方だ😊 晩御飯、急遽ちぢみにしましたよ〜美味しそう〜同じ様に頑張って焼くわ

  14. とても分かりやすいビデオをありがとうございます☺️☺️何度も見てから作って、大成功しました!ドイツ人の夫も大満足でした🥰




  15. 今までいろんな作り方をしてきましたが、カリっと焼けなくてどうすればお店みたいになるんだろう?ってずっと思ってたんです。

  16. いつも韓国レストランで必ず頼む海鮮チヂミ、幾ら自分で作っても上手く出来なかったのに彼女の言う通りに作ってみたら美味しく出来た事!教えてくれてありがとう!

  17. 美味しいチヂミの作り方を探し求めてこちらの動画に辿り着きました

  18. この動画が配信された当時から、チヂミを作る度に復習する為に拝見しています。

  19. うちのチヂミは法事のタンスック?作った残りの海鮮細かく刻みミンチを入れ、卵、お味噌で味付け、プッコッチュを刻んで(辛い時と辛くない時があるのでかじって味見でカラッとなったり😅)、小麦粉は本当に少しだけで、ニラメインでした。ホットプレートにごま油も塗るほどで作ってました。焼くのは私が担当でした😅

  20. ものすごく綺麗に作れました✨

  21. こんなにシンプルに作るんですね!

  22. ヨンジョン송센大好きです。見てるだけで元気になって、笑顔になって、そのあとお腹が空いちゃう🥺💖

  23. すごく美味しく出来ました!

  24. はじめてメッセします。