
    This time, we’re using long macaroni as it mixes well with the sauce and is easy to eat.
    Mix it properly to make a thick and firm sauce.
    The best part about gratin is this thick sauce.
    Hello everyone, I’m Hiroshi Modegi, the third generation of Taimeiken.
    The next recipe I’m going to introduce is chicken macaroni gratin.
    You must check this out. I’ll show you the professional technique today.
    I hope you’ll try my recipe that enhances your gratin to a whole new level of restaurant flavor.
    Today, we will use chicken thighs as an ingredient.
    [The list of ingredients can be found in the description.]
    I’m using chicken thighs because it has more fat and tastes better.
    If you’re concerned about calories, you can also use chicken breasts or fillets.
    However, it’s generally better to use thighs as there’s more taste in chicken thighs.
    Aside from that, we have these mushrooms for flavoring.
    And for the cheese, we have the one to thicken the sauce itself,
    and the other to sprinkle on top, it’s called Parmigiano cheese.
    Then, we’ll use this salted butter for cooking.
    Other than mushrooms, the only other materials are chicken and onions.
    As for the onions, they’re sliced up like this.
    You can also chop them up, but we’ll go for slices as it matches well with the long macaroni we’re going to use today.
    And we’re using wheat flour for thickening the sauce.
    Some people do not like wheat flour, but béchamel sauce is basically made from wheat flour.
    There are some alternatives like rice flour, but wheat flour is most suited for a thick and firm sauce.
    And we’ll use a bay leaf to remove the odor of the milk.
    And the most distinctive ingredient is this saffron.
    It’s a little pricey, but it’s great for getting rid of the smell of the flour.
    For that reason, the béchamel sauce in our restaurant is a little yellow.
    And as for the milk, while the cooking process this time is relatively easy,
    there are a couple things you should be aware of to bring the dish to the level of the restaurant. So please be sure to check those out.
    And then, we use this long macaroni for making a gratin.
    We break this into three parts.
    The reason why we use long macaroni is that it mixes well with the sauce. And it’s also easier to eat with a fork.
    So let’s start by boiling the macaroni!
    Add a little salt.
    Okay, so let’s start cooking.
    Put the milk in a small saucepan.
    Here’s the extra step. We’ll add a fraction of the onions we use for the sauce here.
    And add the bay leaf to remove the odor of the milk.
    If you combine the milk with the flour while it’s cold, it will quickly become lumpy.
    It’s easier to combine the hot ones together, so we need to heat this up but without bringing it to a boil.
    The onions and bay leaf inside will remove the odor of the milk.
    It’s a bit of a hassle, but this extra step will give you that restaurant taste.
    As for the saffron, we want to extract the color a bit. There are a couple of ways to do that.
    But this time, we’ll add just only a little water to extract the color. Add just a bit of water in two buds of saffron.
    We’ll leave this in here.
    The yellow color will begin to come up soon.
    So let’s continue cooking.
    First, we’ll add the butter.
    We’re not using olive oil. You have to use butter for the best flavor.
    Be careful not to burn the butter.
    Melt the butter on medium heat.
    We’ll start by cooking the chicken. Add the chicken thighs.
    As we’re neither sautéing nor grilling, it doesn’t have to be browned.
    We’re also not seasoning the chicken at this point since it can be too strong if we season it now. We’ll season it at the end.
    When frying the chicken, it is easier if you move the pan back and forth rather than just moving the spatula to prevent burning.
    So let’s add the onions. We’ll fry them together.
    Again, move the pan back and forth to cook them equally.
    We’ll keep cooking until the onions are wilted.
    Keep the heat at medium.
    It won’t taste as good if it’s not fried with butter.
    It’s getting cooked now. Now, we can add the sliced mushrooms.
    You can also use shiitake mushrooms here, but mushrooms generally smell better for western cuisines.
    Today, we’re using brown mushrooms.
    The reason why we added the mushrooms later is that mushrooms are pretty easy to break.
    As mushrooms can be eaten raw, you can just cook them lightly.
    This is how it’s looking now.
    Then now, add a little white wine to make it even more fragrant.
    You can also use Japanese sake if you don’t have one, but white wines are better.
    Don’t use red wine as the sauce is supposed to be white.
    Adding white wine really enhances the flavor to the level of restaurants.
    That’s the secret.
    Now, let’s add the flour.
    When adding flour, be sure to add it in about three parts as it may get lumpy.
    Mix the flour with the ingredients.
    Like as to cook the flour itself.
    Add it directly over the ingredients to avoid lumps.
    Mix it and cook the flour itself to make it less powdery.
    Your kids will no longer complain about the powdery texture of the sauce.
    Keep cooking the flour itself.
    The heat is currently set at low. Otherwise, the flour would burn quickly.
    Demi-glace sauce is made brown by burning the flour.
    Since we are making a béchamel sauce, we must not burn it. So be sure to keep the heat low.
    And now, look at this. It’s getting colored.
    It actually gets more yellow, but let’s just add this already.
    I can smell the paella.
    Adding saffron removes the smell of the flour.
    Keep the heat low. And now, we’ll filter the hot milk and add it to the pot in several parts.
    Add it little by little, or else the sauce will get too thin.
    I can really smell the saffron.
    The first moment is important. Mix it well, and it will start to become sticky.
    Add a little milk again. Adding all at once will make the sauce thin and watery.
    We’re still keeping the heat low.
    The milk and the sauce with flour are mixing perfectly. Look at this thickness.
    You may add some heavy cream at the end, but milk is just enough.
    The richness of the cream can be made up with Parmesan cheese later.
    Look at this thickness. The sauce is well thickened. Make sure to mix it properly to make a thick sauce.
    Let’s add the final milk.
    The remaining onions are wasteful, but we’re not using them today.
    At least we extracted the flavor enough from these onions.
    You have a choice to stop here, but if you want the sauce to have a cheesy stringiness, you can put the cheese directly in the sauce.
    Let them melt in the sauce. This makes the sauce cheesy and stringy.
    You can add it as desired.
    There are many kinds of cheeses out there, so you can use your favorite one.
    This time, I’m using Maribo cheese.
    It’s a simple and non-smelly cheese.
    It doesn’t interfere with the flavor of the sauce.
    Now with the macaroni. The macaroni is boiled and then tossed with olive oil to prevent sticking to each other.
    You can use butter instead, but I’m going with olive oil.
    Mix them together.
    Look at this. Long macaroni mixes really well with the sauce.
    This is the classic royal chicken macaroni gratin.
    Here, we’ll add salt and white pepper. Not black pepper, but white pepper.
    Since there is already cheese inside and it’s salty, we’ll add less salt.
    We’ll put this into the plate and bake it at 300℃.
    For commercial ovens, we set the temperature at 300℃, but for home ovens, you can bake at 220℃ for 5 to 6 minutes.
    So let’s pour this into the plate!
    The best part about gratin is this thick sauce.
    We humans are vulnerable to this thickening temptation.
    Let’s put this in.
    Can we put it clean?
    We also have a menu with seafood like crab or shrimp,
    so if you’re making this with seafood, you should rinse them in advance to remove the odor.
    Rince them to take out the smell, and maybe you can flambe with some wine, and it would be delicious.
    Once you put it on the plate like this, we’ll sprinkle the cheese over it.
    All right. Now, all you have to do is bake this in your home oven at 220℃ for 5 to 6 minutes.
    We have a commercial oven, so we bake them at 300°C for about 3 minutes.
    Let’s put this in.
    All right, it’s ready. Looking so nice!
    It’s now baked and ready to eat!
    Looks delicious!
    So let’s eat!
    This is truly the taste at the restaurant. I’m sure your kids will love it, please try it for yourself.



    マカロニ(ロングマカロニ) 30g
    鶏もも肉 250g
    タマネギ 1/2(薄切り)
    マッシュルーム 4個(薄切り)
    ローリエ 1枚
    バター 30g
    小麦粉(薄力粉) 30g
    牛乳 2カップ
    サフラン 2本
    塩 適量
    ホワイトペッパー 適量
    パルメザンチーズ 適量
    マリボーチーズ 30g
    白ワイン 適量



    ・「プレスキル」佐々木シェフから学ぶ「ポテトのグラタン ドフィノワーズ」





    (仮店舗) 東京都中央区日本橋室町1-8-6
    1F 平日  11:00~21:00(L.O.20:00)
       日・祝 11:00~20:00(L.O.19:00)
    2F 11:00~15:00(L.O.14:00) 17:00~21:00(L.O.20:00)
    1F:月曜日   2F:日曜日・月曜日・祝日
    ↓google map↓

    ◇Gourmet Studio FOOVER




    Our cooking channel introduces friendly recipes and ‘HOW TO COOK’ tutorials directly shown by professional chefs in Japan – presented by Gourmet Studio FOOVER and CUISINE KINGDOM.



    1. 洋食ってもう長い歴史と伝統が積み重なっていてもはや日本料理だなぁと感じる。

    2. これからの季節にピッタリ

    3. 牛乳だけであんなにとろみが出るんですね。。

    4. お料理Youtubeがたくさん出ていますが、やっぱりプロのレシピは一味違うし、間違いがない。最近はプロレシピしか信用しなくなりました。

    5. 基本的なところですみません。

    6. 小麦粉を、炒めるのに、具材に、まぶす方法 優しく丁寧に、教えていただきありがとうございます。

    7. 一流のシェフの技術が動画で見れる凄い時代になりましたね。惜しげも無く教えてくれるシェフに本当に感謝です。

    8. 初めまして。目からうろこのテクニックばかりで、見いってしまいました。
      具に粉をまぶす方法は 単に素人がだまを作らないために考え出した方法かと思っていました。
      これまでは バタと粉をいためてブールマニエを作っていました
      粉を炒めているときの クッキーにもにた香りがすてきですが、
      いつも残りを冷凍していました。これはこれで 市販のルーのように使えて あると便利ですが。
      次は この方法で作ります。サフランや牛乳の臭みけし 温めることなど とても勉強になりました。

    9. 美味しい料理を作るシェフに国民栄誉賞をあげてほしいです。美味しい料理は家庭の、引いては世界の平和に貢献する。💞