海鮮ニラチヂミの作り方!冷凍シーフードミックスで簡単!カリカリもちもち食感に仕上げるコツをご紹介!-How to make Seafood Korean Pancake-【料理研究家ゆかり】

    Today I made seafood pancakes.
    Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher.
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    Today I would like to make seafood pancakes using frozen seafood mix.
    I would like to show you how to make the dough crispy and later how to make the seafood prettier.
    The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
    There are some points of interest here and there, so please enjoy to the end.
    Please have a look at it.
    Easy recipes at home
    First of all, here are the ingredients for the pancakes.
    Here are the ingredients.
    Chives, frozen seafood mix, carrots, green onions, shrimp, eggs, water, flour, potato starch, soup stock, sesame oil.
    First of all, seafood mix, please use what you like.
    I’m going to use a seafood mix of squid, shrimp and clams.
    And for the flavor point, this time I’m going to add small shrimp.
    If you add small shrimps, the soup stock will be very tasty.
    Seafood pancakes, but I also add chives, carrots, and green onions.
    Can add any ingredients you like here.
    Now let me continue with the ingredients for the sauce.
    Here are the ingredients.
    Soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, and white sesame seeds.
    If you don’t like spicy food, you can leave out the soy sauce.
    Now let’s start making it.
    Easy recipes at home
    So let’s start by making the sauce for the pancakes.
    I use soy sauce, vinegar, and grain vinegar for the vinegar.
    And after the sugar, we use soy sauce.
    Let’s mix this well first.
    Make sure to mix it properly and thoroughly so that the bean paste does not ball up.
    When well mixed, add white sesame seeds here.
    Then mix well.
    The sauce for the pancakes is now ready.
    It is very easy to make because all you have to do is mix.
    Now let’s continue to make pancakes.
    First, I will thaw this frozen seafood mix.
    When you thaw it, put water in a bowl like this and add about one-half teaspoon of salt here.
    Then mix well to make salt water once.
    The brine is used to defrost the seafood, and the seafood mix becomes crispy when defrosted in the brine.
    Also, you can get rid of the fishy smell, so be sure to thaw it in salt water.
    Once the salt has dissolved like this, add the seafood mix.
    Then let it thaw like this.
    I think it takes about 30 minutes to an hour to defrost.
    Then I cut the chives.
    Rinse the chives and pat dry.
    Then cut off a little bit of the root.
    And then cut roughly about 3 cm wide.
    Chives should be cut like this.
    Now let’s continue to cut the leeks.
    The green onions are cut diagonally into thin slices.
    Try to cut them roughly 5 mm wide.
    This is ok for green onions.
    Keep them cut like this.
    Then carrots.
    Peel the carrots first.
    Once peeled, cut into thin slices.
    Be careful not to injure your hands because it is quite wobbly.
    Then I will continue to cut it into small pieces.
    When you cut it into small pieces, it’s a little bit long, so cut it so that it’s roughly two centimeters wide.
    The carrots are now ready to be used.
    Cut them like this.
    Now, once the seafood mix is thawed, quickly rinse and drain.
    Then wipe off the moisture because it is paper.
    Wipe off like this.
    Then the squid is a little bit big, so if it’s too big, cut it in half.
    If you want to use it as big as it is, you can leave it as it is.
    It is better to make it a little smaller so that it blends better with the fabric.
    The rest is shrimp.
    If there is a dorsal fin, cut into the back like this, and then remove the dorsal fin, which is the black part.
    This is the black part of the back, the dorsal fin, and if it is attached, make sure to remove it because it can cause an odor.
    Remove any shrimp with the dorsal guts attached like this.
    Now let’s make the dough.
    First of all, crack the eggs into the bowl.
    Then beat and unmelt.
    After unraveling, add water here.
    Then mix well.
    After mixing well, add potato starch and the rest of the flour.
    If you add a little more potato starch, the dough will be easier to crisp.
    Then mix well.
    Mix well to avoid lumps.
    Then add the dashi stock and later the small shrimps here.
    Then mix well.
    Just by adding small shrimps, the flavor changes completely, so please try making it with them.
    For the dashi stock, I used bonito broth.
    After mixing well, add the ingredients.
    First of all, the seafood mix.
    Then add chives, carrots and green onions together.
    Then mix well.
    Once well mixed, leave it like this in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
    This way the flavor of the seafood mix will be reflected in the dough and it will turn out very tasty.
    But if you are short on time, you can just bake it as is.
    If you have time, let it rest in the refrigerator before baking.
    Now wrap here and then let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
    Now going to bake it in a pan.
    This time I will bake it in a 24 cm frying pan.
    First of all, put about half a tablespoon of sesame oil here.
    Then put it on the fire.
    Heat is medium.
    Keep warm for 30 seconds at a time.
    Then spread the sesame oil all over.
    After about 30 seconds, put the pancakes in this mixture.
    First put the ingredients on top like this.
    Put the ingredients on like this.
    Let’s shape it a little bit.
    After adding the ingredients, reduce the heat to medium-low.
    Press down a little bit, and the key is to leave a little dough like this, about 1 tablespoon.
    Then put the lid on.
    Continue to cook until browned, roughly 3 minutes.
    3 minutes have passed.
    The lid is opened.
    Now check the browning once.
    When the dough is nicely browned, turn this leftover dough on top.
    Then this side will be crispy and baked.
    Put the dough all over like this.
    Then turn this one over.
    Have ho.
    The surface is burned to a crisp like this.
    When you turn it over, now press it down a little bit with a rubber spatula.
    After pressing down, turn the remaining one-half tablespoon of sesame oil around it.
    Then shake it up a bit.
    Shake it so that the sesame oil permeates the whole thing.
    Press down lightly again and bake uncovered the rest of the way, roughly 2 to 3 minutes, until browned.
    The heat is low-medium.
    Now baked for 2 minutes.
    Then check the browning.
    If the browning is good, it is OK.
    Flip it over a little bit.
    Have ho.
    The back side also has a crispy surface like this.
    Now I would like to cut it.
    Can cut it any way you like.
    The reverse side is also fine, whichever side is the front.
    Now let’s cut.
    It is quite hot, so be careful not to burn yourself.
    It’s done.
    Now I would like to put it on a plate.
    Easy recipes at home
    Now the seafood pancakes are ready.
    This is how it turned out.
    The surface is finished with a crunchy surface like this.
    The inside is filled with seafood for a delicious finish.
    It’s done.
    Now, I would like to eat.
    Now I would like to dip it in sauce.
    Let’s eat.
    It is very tasty with a good flavor of seafood.
    And I put a lot of seafood mix in this time, so it’s a very filling pancake.
    The sauce goes great too.
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    Again, the result was delicious.
    This is the key to this seafood pancake.
    First of all, it’s a seafood mix, and this one should be thawed in salt water.
    This will make the seafood mix very plump.
    This time I used shrimp, clams, squid, and this one, but you can make it with whatever you like here.
    And a point about the dough, I add a little more potato starch.
    This makes the surface crispy.
    And when the dough is ready, let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
    This will bring out the flavor of the ingredients and make the whole dish very tasty.
    If you are short on time, you can bake it as is.
    The shortest resting time is 30 minutes, and the longest is overnight.
    And here’s the key to baking.
    When baking, first spread sesame oil, put in the ingredients, and leave about 1 tablespoon of dough, a little bit of that.
    And the first time you bake it, make sure to cover it and let it steam.
    And when the surface is crispy, turn the leftover batter and then turn it over.
    This will make it crispy on one side as well.
    Now you can bake it until it is nice and crispy on one side as well.
    And now I also introduce the sauce for the pancakes.
    This is a very tasty sauce that tastes just right when eaten with pancakes, so please try making it together.
    The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
    It is very tasty and you should try to make it.
    Easy recipes at home
    Today I made seafood pancakes.
    I have many other various videos on my channel.
    Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.
    I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much.
    So that’s all for today.
    Thank you for watching to the end today.
    Please give us a good button.
    See you in the next video. Bye.


    Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
    This time, I will show you how to make seafood chive pancake. Easy with seafood mix! Crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside! This is an exquisite pancake with lots of ingredients and plenty of seafood flavor. We will also introduce homemade sauce recipes. It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


    ・冷凍シーフードミックス 150g
    ・にんじん 20g
    ・小エビ 大さじ1
    ・卵 1個
    ・水 100ml
    ・薄力粉 大さじ3
    ・片栗粉 大さじ4
    ・だしの素 小さじ1/2
    ・ごま油 大さじ1

    ・醤油 大さじ1
    ・酢 大さじ1
    ・砂糖 小さじ2
    ・豆板醤 小さじ1/2
    ・白胡麻 小さじ1

    ・1/2 bunch Chives
    ・150g Frozen seafood mix
    ・20g Carrots
    ・1/2 Green onion
    ・1 tbsp Shrimp
    ・1 Egg
    ・100ml Water
    ・3 tbsp Cake flour
    ・4 tbsp Potato starch
    ・1/2 tsp Dashi stock
    ・1 tbsp Sesame oil

    ・1 tbsp Soy sauce
    ・1 tbsp Vinegar
    ・2 tsp Sugar
    ・1/2 tsp Bean sauce
    ・1 tsp White sesame







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    「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

    □著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


    #チヂミ #韓国料理 #料理研究家ゆかり


    1. いつも参考になる動画をありがとうございます😊

    2. こんにちは🤗海鮮チヂミ美味しいそう美味しいそうです〜自宅で焼いた事はありませんが先生のヂヂミ焼いてみたい〜です‼️

    3. チャンネル登録と高評価ボタン押しておきましたよ〜〜⭐❣
      Good by❣

    4. 美味しそう〜😋チヂミですね。

    5. 投稿観てから、今日これでいこう!って思いたっても、その辺のスーパーで揃えられる物で出来る物ばかりの紹介でいつも有り難いです!

    6. これは簡単!シ―フ―ドも好きなので作ってみます。

    7. 時々海鮮チヂミを作るのですが、カリカリ具合がイマイチの時もあります。ゆかり先生のちょっとしたコツがわかりやすくて有り難いです。今度は美味しく作ります。

    8. 恥ずかしながら、シーフードミックスの解凍方法を知りませんでした😅

    9. 小エビは桜エビとは違いますよね?シーフードミックスのエビより小さなものですか?

    10. ゆかりさんこんにちは!

    11. ゆかり先生、お疲れさまです❣️


    12. いつも美味しいレシピをありがとうございます😊教えてくれるレシピはどれを作っても外れがなく期待以上の味に感動してます❤