【韓国料理レシピ】 彩りがいい野菜チヂミ+秘伝のチヂミタレまで!|野菜チヂミのポイント大公開! [4K]

Hi everyone
I’m going to make pancakes
I’m going to make vegetable pancakes
The point of pancakes is
There are three
Sauce, how to bake
The third point is…
Please check the video
It’s made from pancake sauce
The most important thing is green onions
Chop the green onions into small pieces
Put chopped green onions into soy sauce
The second one is garlic
I’m going to put this in, too
Please refer to the detailed information below
Mix until the sugar dissolves properly
As expected, this
Definitely delicious
And this is
Starting with green onions and garlic
It tastes good
It tastes better if you let it sleep for about a day
The vegetables we use today
If you can’t get Korean zucchini
Zucchini sold in Japanese supermarkets is also fine
The heat is about this high
Carrots are big, so they’re about half the size
Slice it
You can use a slicer for carrots at all right
Only the front part of the leek
And leeks. That’s about it
Korean zucchini
I’m going to slice it normally
It doesn’t matter if you add perilla leaves or not
I recommend putting it in
at this rate
Mix this well
This is small
I don’t need this much at home
Since I have staff
I was going to eat more
I prepared a lot
One-third of this at home
One-half is fine
If you only have a small bowl
with all the vegetables in the bag
Let’s leave some air here
when mixed
It mixes well
I’ll leave this for now
I’m going to make the dough for the pancake
I want you to make it with the ingredients you have at home
We use flour
Salt, Ajinomoto
Salt, Ajinomoto
It’s a Korean dashida, but I don’t mind if it’s real
Please prepare cold water
Mix well
I think the concentration is about it’s like this
If you didn’t come out this much
You can increase the amount of water a little bit more water
Add bread crumbs to make it more crispy
If you don’t have one, there is no problem if you can’t put it
I’m going to bake pancakes
The second point comes up,
I really want you to watch this
That’s about it
One, two
When you do vegetable pancakes
The dough of the pancake is really good
role of connecting vegetables
This is vegetable pancake
The main dish is vegetables
Light the frying pan
When the frying pan gets warm, add a lot of oil
between medium and high heat
Place mixture of dough and vegetables on top
I hope this sound comes out
The reason why I do it with my hands is
Gradually add the batter to the pan
I’m going to add oil again
And that’s how it works
I’ll leave it for a while
between medium and high heat
Move the pan so it doesn’t burn
It’s very important to bake it
The texture and taste are completely different
when the top dries up
Please check the color below
flip over here
It’s hard, but with this
with this
Like this
If this is difficult
You can flip it with both hands
It’s better to do it confidently confidence
Even if it’s half broken
You can put it back
on the other side as well
I’m going to bake it so that this color comes out
You’ve got a really nice color
a very delicious-looking color
When the vegetables are cooked
Now it’s done
It’s done
Can you hear this?
crisp sound
just a little
It’s so delicious
If you dip it in sauce
I wondered how delicious it would be
I’ll show you another one
I’m going to flip it over
The second pancake is complete
The sauce I made earlier
on a sauce plate
The rest is pancake
First, cut it in half
So, half of it
half on the other side
this way of cutting
This is a square
when using a round plate
There’s a sauce plate in the middle
This is the end of the pancake
As usual, I eat
Today, I made vegetable pancakes
How to make kimchi pancakes and green onion pancakes
Each one has its own best taste
I want to tell you
Today, I’m going to make it with the ingredients at home,
Please try making it next time
I’ll do my best with wheat
You dip it in the sauce you made earlier
Let us eat
This is delicious
everyone’s favorite flavor
This sauce is really good
The point of pancakes is
There are three
The third point is
The third point of vegetable pancakes is
As expected
It’s about eating deliciously
This is definitely delicious, so you can enjoy it
This is already…
I don’t mind snacks
I think it’s okay to have a snack with alcohol
<font color=#FFB100FF>Do you have any alcohol that goes well with pancakes?</font>
Isn’t makgeolli the best liquor with pancakes?
Sake is rice, so I think sake goes well with it."
It doesn’t taste strong,
I think sake is also good after all."
And Chamisul
You can eat pancakes on rainy days
It happens to be raining today
I’m glad to hear that
So today, I made vegetable pancakes
with the ingredients at home
Try making vegetable pancakes
Please look forward to the next video

【韓国料理レシピ】 彩りがいい野菜チヂミ+秘伝のチヂミタレまで!|野菜チヂミのポイント大公開! [4K]
#野菜チヂミ作り方 #韓国料理レシピ #新大久保






1つ目 – チヂミのタレ
2つ目 – 焼き方
3つ目 – 動画でご紹介😉

小麦粉 200g
パン粉 10g
ニンジン 1個 (大きいのは半分)
玉ねぎ 1個
ニラ 2束
韓国ズッキーニ 1個 (スーパーのズッキーニでもOK)
エゴマの葉 1袋
水 200ml
塩 2g
味の素 少量
韓国のダシダ 少し (なかったら入れなくてもOK)

濃口醤油 90ml
砂糖 23g
ニンニク 25g
唐辛子粉 6g
お酢 33ml
長ネギ 17g
ごま 3g


  1. 맛있겠어요..
    일본분이 너무 잘하시네요..
    번역이 너무 잘맞아 떨어지네요..
    무음으로 들음 한국사람 같아요..
    맛나게 잘하십니다..
    K푸드는 건강에 좋아요..