🥰海鮮チヂミ 作り方|海鮮チヂミ レシピ🥰人気料理教室の講師が教える「油少なく」ても出来るサクッとモチモチの海鮮チヂミ 作り方

Hello. My name is Yong-Jung.
Today, I’ll show you some tips on how to make Chijimi!
The overall flow and recipes are
Read the blog in the comments section below!
It is an ingredient of Chijimi. You all know how to cut.
I think I do.
I think a thin cut is fine.
I’ll show you just the squid today.
Cuttlefish, everyone, don’t cut them sideways.
Cut lengthwise, the squid will be curled up.
Please cut it into two or three pieces if you can.
So make sure you cut to the side.
It’s all vegetables.
I’ll put squid in.
Add the flour as it is. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
The rest of the process is done, fast forwarding 1.5 times @
I don’t care if I get dumbfounded, I’m fast-forwarding by 1.5 times
Here’s the trick, folks! It’s coming. Be sure to check the dough (moisture)
I think it’s a lot looser than you might think.
The looser one will be crispy on the outside.
The inside is fluffy and mellow.
If you do it like an okonomiyaki, it’s hard.
It’s not going to taste very good.
It’s a little bit dry, isn’t it?
That’s the trick! to be. One dough trick.
The fabric is now finished.
It’s just that if I let this thing sleep for a day or so.
Though it makes a more delicious pancake
It will be delicious even if you make it now.
I’m going to go into how to grill the pancakes.
First, I will prepare two oils.
I’m going to start with the regular oil.
Prepare the oil, dripping a little at a time as it bakes.
So it’s not a fried pancake with a lot of oil
Even with a small amount of oil, it becomes a crispy pancake on the outside.
It’s done.
First of all, a couple of tablespoons of frying pan.
I used this oil with plenty of room for oil.
When it gets warmer.
Here’s the trick again!
It’s a pancake.
I often mix it when I see everyone.
It’s great to mix it up.
If you put it in like this.
Then the dough will flow full.
The dough tastes better with a certain amount of less, so
First, reduce the dough a little.
Add only the ingredients as much as possible.
That’s the second trick!
It’s like putting the ingredients in first.
Try not to let the fabric flow out as much as possible
I just took a little bit of the ingredients.
I don’t make them in large sizes.
It’s difficult even when you have to turn it over.
It should be about 2 cm from the frying pan.
Let’s get on with it.
And everyone was looking at it from a little distance.
Balanced like this.
I wonder if the entrails are still stuck.
and so on.
The oil may harden at times.
Mix well.
Let’s try to turn it around.
The fire should be a little stronger than medium.
There is room for oil, so we will go on as is.
Once it’s baked to a certain degree, here’s the trick again! It can be done.
Now it’s just the fabric.
The dough is only slightly covered.
It will be crispy down the middle.
I’ll turn it over in a minute.
Squeezing and pushing. Press first only.
Though it’s already getting tasty now.
Turn this upside down a few more times.
by baking them carefully and carefully.
Crispy while making a little oil.
It’s going to be a pancake!
This is where this comes into play.
It’s less burnt and crispy when it’s moistened.
It will be a beautiful brown.
Think of it as a signal to scorch when the oil is low.
Turn it a little like this.
I’ve written about this on my blog as well.
Press lightly and gently while turning.
The fire is slightly medium.
Turn it in this way.
Different frying pans require different heat.
With a little spin.
It’s all over the place.
It will be quick and easy.
Also, turn.
The whole thing is starting to burn.
That much less oil.
It’s such a crispy pancake!
Turn the heat down a bit.
Also pour about a tablespoon of oil on this bowl.
I’ll spin it as soon as I’m done.
Allow the oil to go all the way to the middle.
I won’t push you from here!
If you’ll just give me one good push.
Next time it’s going to be naturally crispy.
Just turn it.
00:07:13,640 –> 00
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



・ヨンジョンブログ【韓国調味料紹介】はこちら→ https://kankoku-ryouri.jp/ajituke/


イカ --1ぱい(200g)
玉ねぎ --中1個(100~120g) 
にんじん --中2/3本(60g )
ニラ (小ねぎでもいい)--1束(80~100g)
あればズッキーニ ー 40g

 ・小麦粉 --  280g
 ・水 ーー 400~450ml
 ・塩 --  小さじ1 
 ・片栗粉 --小さじ2 
 ・卵 -- 1個 

【醤油大さじ3・ごま油大さじ1・みりん大さじ1/2 】【好みで唐辛子粉、いりごま】

◆公式ブログ 韓国料理店に負けない!韓国家庭料理「眞味」著者。
◆韓国料理教室「韓サモ hansamo」主宰



◆NHK BSプレミアム 「食材探検おかわり!にっぽん」
◆テレビ朝日 「スゴ~イデスネ視察団」
◆「韓国農水産食品流通公社」 韓国料理レシピコーナー担当
◆統一日報 韓国料理レシピコーナー担当
◆富士食品 豆もやし料理コーナーレシピ担当

◆韓国料理フェア イベント多数担当

#海鮮チヂミ作り方 #海鮮チヂミカリカリ #海鮮チヂミレシピ #韓国料理#チヂミ #チヂミ人気 #チヂミ作り方 #韓国料理レシピ #チヂミレシピ #お好み焼き作り方 #ニラチヂミレシピ


  1. ヨンジョンさんのblogからたどり着きました!

  2. いつもメルマガでの連絡をありがとうございます~


  3. チヂミのトラウマを克服しました!サクサクにできて、家族も「おいしい〜!」と、大喜びでした♪ ありがとうございます!

  4. 雨の日は、で今日もチヂミつくりました。お教室でもうまくできなかったですが、動画を見ながら何度かつくったらなんとか合格点のできになりました〜。レシピはもちろん、丁寧な動画すばらしいです!ありがとうございます。

  5. ヨンジョンさんのブログを参考にちょこちょこ韓国料理作ってます。

  6. この前 スンドゥブチゲとチャプチェ作って 韓ドラ見ながら食べたら すっごく美味しかったです😅 このサクサクなチヂミ だーいすき 絶対 つくりますよー ありがとうございます😆

  7. 初めて動画を見て作りました。やはり焼き方がむつかしいですね❗

  8. 緑豆 初めてです😊 サクサクで美味しそうですね。年明けにカルディで探してみます。今年はコロナもあり、おうちご飯も多かったので、ヨンさんのご飯 たくさん作りました‼️とっても美味しいものばかりです✨✨✨

  9. もう何年もチヂミを作る際に参考にしております!


  10. ★チヂミ材料


    イカ --1ぱい(200g)

    玉ねぎ --中1個(100~120g) 

    にんじん --中2/3本(60g )

    ニラ (小ねぎでもいい)--1束(80~100g)

    あればズッキーニ ー 40g


     ・小麦粉 --  280g

     ・水 ーー 400~450ml

     ・塩 --  小さじ1 

     ・片栗粉 --小さじ2 

     ・卵 -- 1個 


    【醤油大さじ3・ごま油大さじ1・みりん大さじ1/2 】【好みで唐辛子粉、いりごま】
