
How great a stomach is! It has 6 kg within 50 min. You should definitely enjoy if you try! Let’s do it! We’re at a restaurant called “Attachment” near the Shinjuku station! (I’m doing my hair.) It’s going to be a meat spaghetti! (like a lava?)

This is the first time I’ve seen such as plate actually. What is going on? But I think it should be delicious because cheese on the top is heated! A regular size for one person has been cooked I’ll also eat that regular size because it looks absolutely good!

For sure! Do you want bread to eat together, right? I’ve already thought about how I’ll finish up eating it (maybe with the soup?). It’s cute! It looks like a family (a mother and a child). I’ll start eating it from now on! Let’s dig in!

What does the inside look like? Do you want to have a look at it? Oops, look at this cheese! I’m wondering whether something is on the bottom of the plate. Something is haunting the pasta. I found a lot of pasta there. Look, it has a lot of meat and cheese. It’s very extended.

It didn’t roll off my tongue. I really miss bread! My voice is weird, right? It has a very rich sauce and cheese! You can eat it with a lot of meat in it! I can drink wine with it together. I badly really really want bread!

I want to drink wine together as I’ve said. But I’m not brave that I’ll drink one on my own. I want to try this once! When I eat pasta, I sometimes wish it would have more sauce, but this time I wish I would have more pasta. My voice is strange today.

It looks as of it was a cheese fondue. I’ve excavated a lot of pasta. It has a lot of mushrooms as well! I’m like excising now a bit. The cheese accounts for 40% I want to eat it from this side, but it’s not efficient at all.

The pasta is mixed well with the tomato sauce, so it’s good to combine the sourness with the richness! It’s so easy to eat actually even though it has ingredients that are very thick and rich! It’s like a all-you-can-eat. I’ll try to mix! It’s impossible. How the cheese is extended, right?

When I was editing, I got so hungry. The etiquette (cleanness) is important. It’s common to keep it in my pocket. This is a scene where I’m relaxed. I regret about wearing that shirt. I’m a bit panicked now. This is a size for one person. Hasn’t the pasta been solid?

No, it’s alright! It’s very delicious, isn’t ir? I’ve finished the half of it! Maybe…, but I already want to eat another bowl of this pasta. I’m better at it, right? As I go down to the bottom of the plate, it naturally has a more tomato taste!

The water with lemon (lemon juice almost) is also good. The fork is gone and buried in the pasta. I’m happy that I’m tasting this crispy cheese. It’s like an all-you-can-eat system again. Tabasco is fantastic! I’m not sure how much I should put. I haven’t said it, but

The regular size of it weights 540 gram actually. It’s like the heaven. 30 min is left! I’m almost there! Why am I holding this one? It’s so convenient! Only two bowls of the pasta are left! How much cheese does it have in total? It’s 1.3 kg! How is my bang?

The cheese accounts for 20% of this dish. Cheese gets solid if it gets cold, right? So, I know that cheese gradually gets solid in my stomach. 18 min is left! I’ll try to take all of the past inside. Only one bowl is left!

I tend to see other people moving and doing what they are doing. I’ve finished! Thank you! I’ll full! I’ve realized that I’ve eaten the amount of the past that was inside this huge plate! My stomach has been bigger like a pan! I thoroughly enjoyed all of it!

It’s nice to have only a regular size, but it looks smaller that it actually is if you compare it with the one I ate. But it wasn’t so heavy, so it was good! Bye~!:) We actually have a dessert for you. Is it okay for me to have it? Is that a dessert? Congratulations!

Thank you! It’s so pretty! Thank you so much! I thought that such a huge cake would be in the box because the case was also huge! If so, I would have had taken it out to my house to eat it. I’ve finished, too! Thank you so much! Bye~!:)

I’m always be like that after I eat a lot of food.


○イタリアンバー ATTACHMENTさん

えびまよ はプロとして特殊な訓練を積んでいるため、早食い大食いが可能となっています。










「株式会社KNOCK えびまよ」宛



【📩→ ebimayo@knock.co.jp】こちらまでご連絡頂けると幸いです。




#えびまよ #海老原まよい #えびまよ大食い


  1. Absolutely NO way you ate that entire pot of spaghetti in one sitting considering how tiny you are. Cannot imagine it.😊😊😊😊😊

  2. acabo de descubrirle…y me parecia imposible que ud pudiera comer tanto…y me encanto…me haria ud el hombre mas feliz de la tierra si le pudiera invitar a comer siempre…a mi me gusta tambien comer mucho…pero todas las parejas que tengo siempre les dio verguenza ir con migo a restaurantes, buffetes, hasta en puestos ambulantes de tacos la gente siempre mira raro y a mi antes me apenaba que me.vieran comer y siempre comia poco y me quedo con hambre, porque si comiera hasta "llenarme" pasan cosas malas…una vez en un restaurante de Los Cabos…quise comer "bien" y como habia muchos turistas (americanos y europeos) les incomodo y mandaron a meseros a que me taparan de la vista de los demas comensales…termino con golpes entre yo y 2 meseros hasta que llego la policia…en un restaurant de buffete…2 locales de comida china en Guadalajara me han corrido…y tambien termino en golpes y autoridad…no piense mal de mi…pero si a uno le dicen que todo lo que pueda comer y luego le quitan el plato de la mesa y la comida de la boca…¿como quieren que uno no se ponga enojado?

  3. why do asian females have the aptitude of being able to eat insanely large quantities of food even though they have such a small frame? Do they have black holes in their gut? black magic perhaps?

  4. Как в это маленькое чудо столько влазит? Она на унитазе сидит и у нее ,,прямой ход,,?

  5. This is about the portion a bear four times your size and ten times your weight would reasonably eat for lunch. And it would totally get him through the day until dinner.

  6. Прежде чем начать это есть, она приняла какое-то средство, но так или иначе, её желудку можно только позавидовать!😂😂😂