
Adding olive oil makes the spiciness milder. So adding these in can weaken the spiciness and let the flavor stand out instead. Hello everyone. I’m Tsutsui from Ristorante Chimera in Gion, Kyoto. Today, I’m going to introduce three different pasta recipes. Here, I have three ingredients you might find in the fridge.

Light brown miso, salted cuttlefish preserve (Shiokara), and wasabi (Japanese mustard). I’ll make pasta with these ingredients. This time, I’ll make Tiepido Federini with wasabi and canned mackerel. These are the ingredients. Since we’re making Federini today, we’ll use 1.4 mm thick pasta noodles, but 1.6 mm is also good.

I think the thinner ones will match better. As for the wasabi, we’re using fresh wasabi. And we also have this canned mackerel, broccoli, and shiso sprout. We’ll start with broccoli. Cut the stem in half and chop them up. If you have larger ones, chop about two small branches, and that should be enough.

Using some stems gives it a mixture of different textures. Next is canned mackerel. It’s okay if it breaks, so just cut it roughly. That’s just enough. Next is wasabi. Peel the harder part together with the skin. You can easily find fresh wasabi at supermarkets lately.

You can make up to 3 servings with one thick wasabi. If you can’t find fresh wasabi, you can use some tubed ones instead. But tubed ones are usually a lot more pungent, so you may have to reduce the amount when using them. We’ll use fresh wasabi for today.

If you only have some left, you can also mix it with the tubed one too. Now let’s grate this. There are some kind of capsules inside wasabi that produces a hot taste, and it gives move flavor as you break those capsules.

So try to grate it with more strokes, but with a weaker force so that it will be more spicy and savory. You’re probably wondering that I’m grating for so long, but we’ll go for just a little more. That’s about the amount. It’s a little terrifying, but it’ll be just fine.

Here, put the soup of the mackerel can. Add some olive oil and mix it. Adding olive oil makes the spiciness milder. You may use other types of oil, as it covers the spiciness anyway. After that, we’re going to boil the pasta noodles. Add some boiling water here.

That’ll be it for the sauce. Now let’s boil the pasta noodles. Today, we’re also boiling the broccoli at the same time. So put the broccoli about 30 seconds before the noodles are boiled. Now that it’s about 30 seconds before the noodles are boiled, let’s add the broccoli.

Now take both the noodles and broccoli out and mix them with the sauce. Let me taste the sauce. The sauce is still quite hot right now, but we’ll add these in. The spiciness of wasabi is weak against heat.

So adding these hot noodles can weaken the spiciness and let the flavor stand out instead. I said “Tiepido Federini” at the beginning, which “Tiepido” means “lukewarm” in Italian, so we’re not heating this pasta anymore. It’s still somewhat spicy, but it’s not hot at all considering the amount of wasabi we used.

And it has a really nice scent. We’ll add and combine mackerel with this at the end. The mackerel takes quite a bit of water, so you can add some olive oil if you need, or a little boiling water if the water is not enough. You can make some final adjustments at the end.

Now let’s serve this. Today, I’m going to sprinkle some shiso sprout on it. You can sprinkle any kind of herb here. And it’s ready to eat. Now, let’s see if it really isn’t hot. It surely is hot! Just kidding, try it yourself. Yes, so let’s eat. Isn’t it has a nice scent?

I’m so worried as it smells really like wasabi… How’s it taste? It’s not hot at all! I can still feel the pungent hint of wasabi, but it’s not hot at all. Isn’t it living together with a nice balance? Isn’t it living together with a nice balance? Yeah.

There’s still a flavor of wasabi but the spiciness is a lot milder, and it’s a great balance as a sauce. It’s a very tasty and refreshing pasta. It’s a taste I’ve never had before, and it’s addictive. Thank you so much. Thank you, too.



わさび・味噌・イカの塩辛 の3つの食材を使ったパスタを、3回にわたって紹介して頂いています。今回は、わさびを使ったパスタ、「ワサビとサバ缶のティエピドフェデリーニ」です。

パスタ(フェデリーニ 1.4mm)  100g 
ブロッコリー(3mm~5mm角にカット)  50g 
生わさび(おろし金ですりおろす)  25g 
サバの水煮缶(一口大にカット)  75g 
サバの水煮缶の汁  15g 
エキストラバージンオリーブオイル  10g
パスタゆで汁  25g
紫蘇の芽   適量


・イル ルォーゴ ディ タケウチから学ぶ「柚子胡椒の和風ボンゴレ」

・Chef Ropia 「梅とささみのワサビマヨ 冷製スパゲッティ」

定休日 :水曜日

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