
ah well teaching you here you go – a
baby he did
okay pal yah-tchi your onesie toy yeah
yeah check it out give it was it good no
my dog you could anything go yeah yeah
yeah get it on the job
oh yeah
give you the day she ate you tomato she
could imagine a bleep junkie kaga – oh
yeah but even they did come on hey hey
hey very gay ugly duckling
oh it do you think I view it in my song
my god oh my god
viola ki nobody need to go your but I
teach income don’t get me away your kid
teacher okay Kylie hey monkey to kill ya
dang gal are you dating – yeah did you
meet Ian we did it up
Emma victim oh yeah oh yeah I did moon
it yeah yeah I can’t be your mate
yeah but you’ll maintain that Oh baby I
shan’t return gallo Marie to my new you
okay yeah whoo yo yo my Jana if you wish
I kill your mind clear we’re good
good yeah clear I get the great good
away oh god I have to good well we do go
to be quite quick take it take it tap it
back too much of a tip yeah okay okay I
didn’t find a high heel mm we’ll get a
Jeff it go gone ah God George oh god I
get that God you don’t yeah yeah yeah we
go way up Oh to come up with your
yeah a bit what kind of junior high are
we doing I know yell out uh quite get
you know yeah oh yeah oh yeah uh quit
I think I didn’t I did get a chicken
could be I can’t believe it
hey check this two digit oh yeah can you
pull a quick kick oh good now boy give
me I anyway that oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
oh yeah you again thank you liked it
yeah ah ah God
mmm good I don’t know shake you a quick
your ginger every doctor worried I mean
look I get it Lupe oh yeah
oh yeah we can dig up hahaha you hit um
I couldn’t go come on your credit for
that one yet yeah my God my dick he goes
I want you bad huh
Yuma cookie so you do it

2016.7/21(木)〜8/2(火) @シアターグリーン BIG TREE THEATER


Produced by BREAKER Inc.





  1. たまにサムネの良さとかで2ndの動画が伸びて、純粋な料理動画かと思ってやって来た劇団スカッシュのキャラを知らない人達が「なんだこのふざけたキャラは」みたいに思って低評価押して帰っちゃうのめちゃくちゃ悲しいな

  2. 最近石油王にはまったんですけどもう全部見ちゃいました。どうぞこれからも石油王動画でてください!

  3. 食事の動画で下ネタは最低だぞ!(笑)