
A roll. The total amount is 5 kg and the time limit is 60 min. Please enjoy as much as you can! Let’s do it! I’m here at “& Italiano”! It’s the biggest one. That’s easy to understand. The total amount is 5 kg and the time limit is different depending on a mode.

If it’s a hard mode, it’s 40 min. If it’s a normal mode, it’s an hour. I’d choose an hour. That’s a firm determination. This challenge menu is Zeus in terms of how hard it is. The last time was Apollon and Artemis. However, this time is Zeus. I’ll do a countdown from 5.

Thank you! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Let’s start! Thank you so much! It smells so good! Let’s dig in! I’ve never seen a skewer in a pasta. It seems that the pasta would collapse without skewers. I’ll start with fries first. I’ve not eaten a fry that was just fried. It’s the best.

It’s a cutlet of loin meat! It was just fried! A balance between its lean part and fatty part is amazing and you can enjoy tasting both! Look at the two colors. The fatty part is so sweet. What do I want to do? It’s so hot that the gravy comes out.

I like that it’s so hot. This is the last cutlet. I think I might have to start with potatoes. I like a basil is on top of it. I’m happy about that. # Eating as many potatoes as I can. # Speed up. It’s a potato that is buried.

It’s a potato that is escaping. I’ve eaten all I can see. No, there’re a lot of them. The cabbage is so delicious. I love it. Please don’t have a smug face. It smells so good. I’m scared about getting burned. Meat stuck to my throat. This is a type of pasta I like.

It’s a pasta with meat sauce that has a lot of meat! The sauce is basically sweet but spicy as well, and it’s so good! I love to eat a lot because the sauce is entangled with thick pastas! This is the third time I’ve tried here, but

There was something in there in the previous times. So, I bet there is something in there, too! I don’t think the fork I’m using hasn’t hit anything. The knife is assisting me. I’m scared about that side. The steam is great. I’m winding, winding, winding, winding, winding, winding… I drank it.

The steam is so great. That happens sometimes. This pasta goes through my throat very well. It’d be a kind challenge if I ignored the amount. It’s a big meat ball. A few potatoes come out.

It’s so soft and easy to eat! It’ll not be a problem if I eat it in the second half of the challenge. 15 min has passed. What did I say? Nothing comes out. It’s still warm. I made a mistake. Please help me out. I’m a bit relieved. Hello to a karrage, fried chicken. Oh. There’s a lot of cheese, too!

There’re tons of rich cheese and karrage at the bottom of the plate! The karrage is so soft and delicious because it absorbs the meat sauce! The sound of me swallowing food. It’s a reward. It’s so good. The steam again. It was like a mountain, but it’s become flat. I can see the bottom.

Oh, my face. It’s covered with karrage and cheese. This cheese is really delicious. I waste my time now. I switch back to normal. It was so quick. It’s heavy. It’s coming out. I think I’ll eat the 5 kg pasta and 500 ml of water. There doesn’t seem to be another karrage.

# I’m looking for a potato. The pasta, meat and cheese are left. Actually, it’s easy to eat because of the cheese. Thank you, cheese. I’m okay. Thank you. It’s a life saver for me. I’ve finally finished! Thank you so much! I’ve finished it in about 47 min 30 seconds. It was so hard.

Thank you so much. A cutlet on top was okay because I could eat it from the beginning, but It was hard to eat something that was inside of the pasta because it messed my speed and rythem. It was so delicious. Thank you! Bye! Thank you!

新宿駅近くの厳選牡蠣と炭火焼き &イタリアーノさん!以前は4kgまででしたが、今回ラスボスとして5kgのチャレンジメニューが始まったとのことで早速お邪魔してきました!!揚げたてのフライや、大きなミートボールなどとにかく具沢山のボリューム満点で美味しいパスタでした!!


えびまよ はプロとして特殊な訓練を積んでいるため、早食い大食いが可能となっています。










「株式会社KNOCK えびまよ」宛



【📩→ ebimayo@knock.co.jp】こちらまでご連絡頂けると幸いです。




#えびまよ #海老原まよい


  1. パスタの一巻きの大きさにびっくり😳えっ無理でしょ?あっ入っちゃったぁ〜ってあんぐりしながら観ちゃいました😃

  2. 40分で挑戦しろょ〜🤣草草草
    確かに年々 歳と共に
    なんか 汚いょ。ちょっと見苦しい。

  3. パスタの喉越し大事なのわかるぅー(;//́Д/̀/)'`ァ'`ァ危険だけど軽く詰まって抜けていく感じはたまりません(;//́Д/̀/)'`ァ'`ァ良い

  4. 相変わらず凄いの一言です。

  5. 過去動画(とくにパスタのチャレンジの回)を観まくって思う事。




  6. 大食いチャンネルって思考ゼロで見れるから人気あるのかな。でも、環境負荷が高いし、たくさんの動物を殺してるし、こんだけ気候変動やSDGsが求められる時代にふさわしくないと思います。

  7. パスタくるくる回してる時間無駄じゃないですか?

  8. やっぱり、えびまよちゃんは、大食い女王間違いなしですね😀 ミートソースは無限に食べれるとは言っても、これは凄すぎる😀

  9. まよさん、今晩は⭐️…おはようございますかな?😅

  10. ミ-トボ-ルをきれいに並べて食べるんですね‼️