
Today, I got lots of bread from SONG SABU, a Korean donut chain.
I took a video with the bread from here before,
but this time, they had many new menus.
I’ll try out the new menus with the one I enjoyed last time.
They put the breads in this plastic bags.
You can’t really see them, so let me take them out here.
Oh no, I think they got kind of squished.
They were rounder when I bought them, but now they’re squished.
Today, I’m gonna drink
Sprite, but I found one that looks kind of strong.
Doesn’t it look strong?
It’s been a while.
That is good.
It doesn’t taste special, but it’s delicious.
So here are the breads I bought from SONG SABU today.
I just selected these, and in total,
[Total: 10,000 won (around 1,000 yen)]
it costs 10,000 won, which is 1,000 yen.
One bread is around 1,000~1,900 won.
It’s around 100~190 yen.
I’ll eat these now.
Time to eat.
What should I start with?
This is kkwabaegi.
Kkwabaegi is Korean twisted donut.
I got glutinous kkwabaegi and crispy 64…
Crispy kkwabaegi made of 64 layers.
And croquette.
I think this was onion cream cheese.
This is Saeng donut, and it has red bean paste in it.
This is glutinous donut,
and these three are cheese balls.
I don’t know which is which.
Corn cheese ball,
ordinary cheese ball,
and potato cheese ball.
And lastly, I have ham & cheese toast.
This is like Monte Cristo sandwich, and it’s really good.
Here I go.
Guess I’ll start with kkwabaegi.
This is glutinous kkwabaegi, and it has sugar sprinkled on it.
It’s true.
The dough really is chewy.
It’s delicious.
It’s delicious because of the big sugar on it.
The dough is chewy.
Every fried bread here are delicious.
[Fried bread bakery]
If it’s alright with you, please check out the previous video. That one’s really fun too.
It’s so chewy inside that I could say this is rice cake.
There’s no rice cake in it, is there?
There’s none, right?
Huh? Is there rice cake in it?
If you don’t like seeing food I was just eating, please skip this part.
Here I go.
I’ll show it to you.
Isn’t this rice cake in it?
Can you see it?
Over here, the white one.
It really feels like rice cake.
I think it is rice cake.
That is good.
I really like this ham & cheese toast.
They put ham and cheese in between the bread and fried it.
I’m gonna try it.
Or was it cheddar cheese and ham?
It’s so good.
The one I had earlier was sweet,
but this is salty and delicious.
It’s moist inside.
The bread inside.
The bread is crispy.
That is good.
My goodness.
I should try a cheese ball now.
This… This is the biggest one, but it’s the lightest.
It’s corn cheese.
This is good.
I should’ve cut it.
I want to show it to you.
I’ll cut out the part I was eating.
Look at this.
Corn cheese.
It looks like cream and corn are mixed here.
It’s sweet cream, so it’s delicious.
There are lots of Korean foods that are crispy outside and chewy inside.
What should I eat?
Hold on.
Should I try the red bean paste? This has red bean paste.
Look at this! It’s totally rice cake.
Look at this.
It’s totally rice cake.
Do you see the dough?
That’s the dough for rice cakes.
It’s like rice cake donut.
That is good!
This is the best.
It’s a red bean paste rice cake.
That’s delicious.
It’s so good.
What is this?
Cheese ball?
I was right.
It’s a cream cheese ball.
Hold on. Why didn’t I cut it?
I never learn.
It’s cream cheese.
It’s not stretchy, though.
This is also nice and chewy.
What next?
I should try the kkwabaegi now.
This one’s name is interesting.
64-layer kkwabaegi.
It says it has the crispiness of 64 layers.
Oh, this side was the front.
I was showing the opposite side.
It looks crispy and delicious.
It’s true.
It’s extra crispy.
But the bread inside is nice and moist.
It’s so good.
This is the best.
That was good.
This last one is definitely
Potato cheese ball.
It looks so chewy.
It’s like potato rice cake.
It looks good.
It’s totally rice cake.
This is good.
It’s so good.
Where was it again?
The fried chicken place I ordered last time had a side menu similar to this.
Where was it?
That was so good.
I can’t remember the name.
Why did I even mention it…
But if they had this as their side menu, I would order from there every time
just to eat this.
It’s so good.
Guess I’ll go with this.
It just says it’s croquette.
They have many kinds of croquette, and I think this was onion cream.
I was right.
But what is this?
I still don’t know.
It’s something white.
Something like onion cream cheese.
I can smell so much garlic.
This is good.
It tastes like onion cream garlic.
It’s the taste of garlic you can taste from garlic bread.
It’s the last bread already.
Saeng donut.
In direct translation to Japanese, it means live donut,
but it has red bean paste in it.
It’s white bean paste.
Can’t believe it was white bean paste.
Come to think of it,
Saeng donuts in Korea always had white bean paste in them.
It’s crispy.
The white bean paste is so moist.
Hold on, this is so good.
Unexpectedly, this is the crispiest one.
I never expected this.
All done.
That was delicious as I thought.
The last one was quite a shock.
The Saeng donut was so good.
I always liked SONG SABU.
They’re specialized in their fried bread.
I took many videos with their breads before,
but I didn’t take one recently, so I wanted to take one.
And as expected, it was delicious like always.
It’s a donut chain with many shops in Seoul, so if you see one, make sure to try it.
That was delicious as always. Thanks for the food.
[Today’s bonus clip]
Today, I got breads from Korean fried bread bakery, SONG SA… SA… BU…
That was such a mess.
My tongue got tied there.
Let me try again.
[Previous video, thank you for watching♪ / Togimochi eats Korea / Togimochi’s second channel, subscribe here, check out the description!]



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住所 :
13th, Dream Tower, 19, World Cup buk-ro 56-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea

宛先名 : CJ ENM DIA TV Global team Togimochi







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  1. ぱくぱく食べてくれるから見とってほんまに気持ちいい!🥐🥐

  2. 韓国行くと駅ナカに美味しそうなパンが売ってていつも誘惑に負けそうになります。それを思い出しました(笑)

  3. とぎちゃん揚げ物たくさん食べれて羨ましい(´;ω;`)

  4. こんなボリュームあるのに1個100円から200円の間は安いな、美味しそうやし、この時間に見たの間違いなの知ってけどほんまに間違いやったお腹空いた😂

  5. プレミアロッテマートの惣菜また食べてほしいです!

  6. 久々に見たらすっごい可愛くなってる〜!この動画の髪型とメイク好きすぎる🤍最新メイク動画作ってほしい💄🤍もしかしてもうあるかな?