もやしナムルの作り方☆節約&簡単おかずレシピ!おつまみにもぴったりなもやしナムルです♪もやしの茹で方のコツをご紹介!-How to make Bean sprouts namul-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made bean sprout namul.
Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher.
This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information.
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Today I would like to make bean sprout namul.
This time I would like to make Namul, a classic dish using bean sprouts, which can be found inexpensively in supermarkets.
I will introduce various tips for making the bean sprouts crispy.
I hope you’ll have a great time.
Please have a look at it.
Easy recipes at home
Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients.
Here are the ingredients.
Bean sprouts, green onions, white sesame seeds, sesame oil, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, chicken broth, grated garlic, salt, and this time I will use these ingredients.
Usually when I make namul, I don’t think I put much green onion or something in it, but this time I want to make it with green onion.
That way it will accentuate the flavor and make it very tasty.
And this time we’re going to use bean sprouts.
You can also use regular bean sprouts.
I will make it with these ingredients right away.
Easy recipes at home
Let’s start by boiling the bean sprouts.
Going to put a lot of water in a pot and bring it to a boil.
Now boiling.
Once it comes to a boil, we add 1/2 teaspoon of salt here.
Boil while seasoning.
Now let’s add the bean sprouts all at once.
Be careful not to burn yourself.
Now going to boil them in boiling water for 2 minutes to 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
Please note that if the bean sprouts are not boiled long enough, they will easily become discolored.
But if you boil them too long, they lose their texture, so for bean sprouts, boil them for 2 minutes to 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
For regular bean sprouts, boil them for about a minute and a half to check the texture.
Time elapsed.
Then I’ll drain the water.
The water is drained.
After draining the water, quickly cool the bean sprouts in cold water.
Cooled the bean sprouts thoroughly in cold water.
If left as is, the residual heat will cause the bean sprouts to cook more and more, and the texture will deteriorate.
Now drain for about 10 minutes.
Now, while the bean sprouts are draining, chop the green onions.
First I cut a slit on the surface.
Let’s make a diagonal slit.
Make a slit about 1/3 of the way deep.
Like this.
Make a slice like this.
Then turn this over and make the same cut on the reverse side.
Then going to cut it.
The green onions are now ready to go.
If you do it this way, you can easily chop them.
You can chop them in any way you like.
Easy recipes at home
After 10 minutes, draining is finished.
Now I put the bean sprouts in a bowl and combine them with the seasonings.
First of all, here are the green onions.
And then white sesame seeds, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, chicken broth, grated garlic, and sesame oil.
And let’s mix this one together.
If you mix too vigorously, you will get this bean part, so please mix it gently.
This is OK.
If it is not salty enough, add salt to taste.
Here’s how it turned out.
It’s done.
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This is an easy way to make bean sprouts namul.
This is how it turned out.
The bean sprouts are crispy and look delicious.
Now, I would like to eat.
Let’s eat.
Crunchy bean sprouts are the best.
And the leeks add a very nice flavor to the dish.
If you want to make it spicy, I suggest you add some hawk’s claw to it.
Easy recipes at home
Another delicious finish today.
Here’s the key to this time’s bean sprout namul.
First of all, I used bean sprouts this time.
You can use regular bean sprouts instead of bean sprouts.
And here’s the key to boiling them.
If you boil the bean sprouts too long, they will lose their crunchy texture.
For bean sprouts, boil them in boiling water for about 2 to 2:30 minutes.
After boiling, immediately place the bean sprouts under running water to cool them down.
If you leave the bean sprouts in the water, the residual heat will cook them and they will lose their texture.
So after boiling, be sure to cool it under running water.
And then drain the cooled bean sprouts in a colander for about 10 minutes.
If you are boiling regular bean sprouts instead of bean sprouts, boil them for about a minute and a half, but keep an eye on them a bit.
And then mix in the seasonings, so it’s very easy.
This time I also chopped up some green onions to accentuate the flavor.
I hope you enjoy it too.
After mixing the seasonings, I would like you to take a final taste and adjust the taste with salt.
Namul gets watery as time goes by, so please eat it as soon as possible after it is made.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
It’s crispy and very tasty, so please try making it.
Easy recipes at home
Today I made bean sprout namul.
I have many other various videos on my channel.
Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.
I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much.
So that’s all for today.
Thank you for watching to the end today.
Please give us a good button.
See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello ☆ I’m a culinary expert ♪
This time, I made bean sprout namul ☆ Saving & easy side dish recipe ☆ Perfect for sake snacks! Here are some tips on how to boil the bean sprouts. It’s very delicious, so please try it!


・豆もやし 1袋
・長ネギ 1/3本
・白胡麻 大さじ1
・ごま油 大さじ1/2
・醤油 小さじ1/2
・酢 小さじ1
・砂糖 小さじ1/2
・鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1/4
・おろしニンニク 小さじ1/4
・塩 小さじ1/2

・1 bag Bean sprouts
・1/3 Green onion
・1 tbsp White sesame seeds
・1/2 tbsp Sesame oil
・1/2 tsp Soy sauce
・1 tsp Vinegar
・1/2 tsp Sugar
・1/4 tsp Chicken glass soup
・1/4 tsp Grated garlic
・1/2 tsp Salt







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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#もやしナムル #もやし #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. これ、家にある調味料で出来そうなのでやってみたいと思います。

  2. 今日も美味しそう😃明日は豆もやし買いに行かなくちゃ🎵うちの息子が凄い可愛い声だよねぇ👍見た目どおりっていつも言ってますよ😁私はダミ声母ちゃんですが😆

  3. 豆もやしはないので、普通のもやしがあるのでナムル大好きなので夕食の一品に追加します⭐️🍴

  4. いつも色んなレシピありがとうございます‼️

  5. いつももやしがクタクタになっちゃうのは湯切りしただけだからだったんですね〜👀目から鱗

  6. ちょうどもやしを食べたいと思っていたところです😊いつも助かります✨夕飯のおかずにします👍ありがとうございます😊

  7. 最近おいしいもやしのナムルの作り方調べてたので運命感じました作ります‼️もやしは一人暮らしの味方です🤝🏻

  8. 絞らなくても水っぽくなりませんか?いつも時間が経つとベシャっと水っぽくなってしまうんです。茹でて冷ますだけだったのでこれからは水で冷やしてみようと思います!

  9. もやしを熱湯に入れてからカウントするのか、再沸騰してから計るのか迷いますが試してみます。

  10. いつも参考にさせてもらっています✨今日も美味しそうです🤤

  11. もやし、安価で美味しくて大好きです✨ポイントをしっかり守ってサクサク食べたいと思います😋作る前から、美味しさの予感😆💕

  12. ゆかりさんこんばんは🤗

  13. 丁度今日、モヤシナムルを作る予定でしたので、茹で加減に注意して早速作って見たいと思います❗️😉👍️🎶

  14. 先生!ありがとうございます~ナムル最高!あとマヨ水の厚焼き玉子も、作りましたぁ🥰もう、呑み過ぎちゃいます~

  15. シャキシャキとした食感が良く、さっぱりとしていて美味しかったです😄

  16. 職場のお昼当番で、メニューも全部自分で考えなきゃなので、コスパが良いメニュー紹介はとても助かります❕ありがとうございます😭✨

  17. もやし和え作るとき、手で絞って水切りしてましたがそういうのはしなくていいんですね!👀

  18. 普通のもやしが安くて3袋、小松菜も1袋、調味料を4倍で作りました♪美味しくなりました😊

  19. ゆかりさんこんばんは!今日、長芋のお漬物を作りました😊今度はもやしのナムル作ってみます!いつも動画ありがとうございます!