じゃがいもチーズガレット(めんたい味)の作り方!フライパンで簡単!混ぜてやくだけ♪カリカリチーズガレットです!-How to make Potato Cheese Galette【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made potato mentaiko cheese galette.
Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher.
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Today I would like to make potato mentaiko cheese galette.
This time going to make a galette with potatoes, very nice and crispy on the outside.
This time going to add mentaiko (spicy cod roe), but if you don’t like spicy food, you can substitute cod roe for it.
There are also some points in how to cut and bake the potatoes, so please enjoy the dish to the end.
Please have a look at it.
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Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients.
Here are the ingredients.
Potatoes, melted cheese, cod roe, potato starch, mayonnaise, olive oil, parsley I will use these ingredients.
First of all, potatoes.
As for the variety, you can use whatever you like.
I will use make-in this time.
I think make-in is easier to use because the surface is not so bumpy.
And melted cheese. The melted cheese I use includes cheddar cheese this time.
Can use your favorite melted cheese here too.
I’m going to put parsley in the dough this time, but if you don’t like it, you can put small green onions, etc.
I will make it with these ingredients as soon as possible.
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Now let’s make it.
First, take the cod roe out of the skin.
Scrape out the contents with a spoon.
If you prefer the skin on, you can of course use the skin.
Please take out the mentaiko only from the inside like this.
Now continue to chop the parsley finely.
Roughly chopping is fine, so please chop finely.
The amount of parsley can be adjusted to your taste.
Parsley is okay.
Now going to peel the potatoes.
And if there are any sprouts, remove them as well.
Then continue to cut this potato in half.
After cutting, now slice it lengthwise into thin slices.
I would suggest that the width here should be roughly 4cm to 5cm.
So try to cut this according to the size of the potato.
Then we’ll cut this one into thin slices.
Be careful not to hurt your hands.
Don’t have to do it with a knife, you can utilize a slicer.
Now I will cut it into thin slices.
Once I have thinly sliced it, going to cut it into thin strips.
The thinner the slices, the more crispy they will be.
Now let’s cut it into thin strips.
Cut into small pieces like this.
About this fine. Use this as a guide.
Now I will shred the rest in the same way.
The potatoes are usually soaked in water, but in this case we are going to use the starch from the potatoes, so you don’t have to soak them in water.
But if you don’t soak them in water, they will discolor very quickly.
Now I will do the rest in the same way.
The shredding is done.
Shred them like this and put them in a bowl.
And then, after you do that, put half of the cod roe in here.
And the other half we’re going to put in later, so let’s just save it like this.
And next, melted cheese.
This can be added later as well, so please add only half first.
Save the rest of this one.
Then add mayonnaise and potato starch.
Mix well with chopsticks.
Mix well so that the entire mixture is uniform.
By using potato starch in this way, you can make it with a small amount of potato starch.
I forgot to add parsley, so I’m going to add parsley.
I forgot to add the parsley, so I added it at the same time as I added the cod roe.
Mix well like this.
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Now let’s bake it in a pan.
This time I will bake it in a 20cm frying pan.
First here is the olive oil.
Add half of it.
And put it on the fire.
And warm the olive oil for roughly 30 seconds.
Spread throughout pan.
Once warmed for 30 seconds, turn off heat.
And here, let’s add the galette batter.
Once the dough is in, spread it all over.
Lay it down while pressing it down like this.
Shape the surrounding area by pressing it down like this.
Press down quite firmly.
When you press it down like this, put it on the fire.
The heat is low-medium.
And here I would like to put the leftover cod roe and cheese on top.
First is the melted cheese.
Let’s decorate it like this, para para para, as you see fit.
Then put mentaiko on top.
Then put the lid on.
Once covered, the heat is low.
Continue to cook until well browned, roughly 7 minutes.
It has now been about 7 minutes.
The lid is opened.
Then check the browning once you have done so.
Looks good.
Now if it’s nicely browned, flip it over.
Here we go.
It is deliciously browned like this.
And then when you flip them over, you put some olive oil around this.
Blend the olive oil around the whole thing.
Once the olive oil has been blended in, then you can use a spatula to press it down a little bit.
And then on one side, uncovered, continue to cook like this for about 3 to 5 minutes until browned.
Now 5 minutes have passed.
And check the baking color.
If it has a good browning at this time, it is OK.
I would like to flip it over once to see how well it cooks.
Here we go.
About this much.
Try browning like this.
Then turn off the heat.
It turned out delicious like this.
Now I would like to transfer it to the cutting board and cut it.
Can cut it any way you want to cut it.
Only be careful not to burn yourself because it is hot.
Now let’s cut it.
It is like this.
This time I divided it into 6 equal parts.
Can cut this one to your liking.
Now I would like to put it on a plate.
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Now you have a potato mentaiko cheese galette.
This is how it turned out.
The surface is crispy and the inside is moist and chewy.
It’s done.
Now, I would like to eat.
Let’s eat.
Crunchy on the outside, crispy on the inside.
And this cod roe works great.
The flavor is just right, so you can enjoy it as it is without adding anything.
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It finished well today.
Here’s the key to this potato mentaiko cheese galette.
First of all, the potatoes. You can use your favorite variety here.
I am using make-in this time.
I think make-in is easy to handle because of its relatively flat surface.
Also, you can enjoy the crispy texture of make-in.
And these potatoes, try to cut them as fine as possible into small pieces.
This will help to make them very crispy.
In addition, this potato is usually soaked in water after being cut, but this time we will use the potato’s starch as well, so please do not soak it in water.
If you don’t soak them in water, they discolor a little bit faster, so try to work quickly when you start cutting the potatoes.
I used a knife this time, but I think you can do it more easily with a slicer.
And here’s the key to baking.
I used a 20cm frying pan this time. I recommend a 20cm frying pan.
I recommend a 20cm frying pan.
I recommend using a frying pan about that size.
And when you’re baking, cover it at first, and when you flip it, then after that, leave it uncovered and bake it.
That way the surface will be crispy.
And this time I only put half of the cheese and cod roe in the dough and the rest on top.
This way, the taste of the cod roe and cheese is enhanced, so please try baking this way.
And the olive oil, you put half of it in at first, and then when you flip it over, you put the rest around the edges and then let it sit.
This will give a crispy finish on both sides.
And when finished, cut into pieces as desired and enjoy.
I cut it into 6 equal pieces this time, but I think you can also cut it into bite-size pieces and put it in your lunch box.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
It is very tasty and you should try to make it.
Easy recipes at home
Today I made potato mentaiko cheese galette.
I have many other various videos on my channel.
Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.
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So that’s all for today.
Thank you for watching to the end today.
Please give us a good button.
See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello. This is Yukari, a culinary researcher.
This time, I will introduce how to make a potato mentaiko cheese galette. Easy and convenient with a frying pan! Just mix and bake♪Crispy and delicious addictive cheese galette☆It’s very easy, so please try making it.


・じゃがいも 300g
・とろけるチーズ 50g
・明太子 50g
・片栗粉 大さじ1
・マヨネーズ 大さじ1
・オリーブオイル 大さじ1
・パセリ 適量

・300g Potato
・50g Melting cheese
・50g Mentaiko
・1 tbsp Potato starch
・1 tbsp Mayonnaise
・1 tbsp Olive oil







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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#ガレット #じゃがいも #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. お疲れ様です。超美味しそう~(≧∇≦)bワインに合いそう。おやつにもグッとですね。今夜の飲み会に作ります✌✌✌

  2. 明太子がずっと冷凍庫に眠ってたんですよねー!他の材料もあるし早速今夜作ります!いつもありがとうございます🥰

  3. ゆかりさんこんにちは!

  4. チーズとじゃがいも、冷蔵庫にちょびっとだけ残るのが面倒で分量多めにしたら何だか仕上がりが違う…

  5. うわぁ~これ絶対うまいやつぅ~♪ですね😊娘がサムネを見て美味しそう🤤と言っていたので後日昼ご飯に作ってみますね。こまめに動画上げてくださってありがとうございます🙇‍♀️

  6. 毎回、楽しみにしています❣️


  7. ゆかり先生、いつも見て作っています❤