

絹ごし豆腐 150g
ごま油 大さじ1

片栗粉 大さじ3
青のり 大さじ1
鶏がらスープの素 大さじ1/3
※濃い目の味付けなら 大さじ1/2




#豆腐レシピ #ヘルシースナック #おつまみ #簡単レシピ #家庭料理 #フライパン一つ #料理動画

Check out this page from influencer-8ecdae6f https://www.amazon.co.jp/shop/influencer-8ecdae6f?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_aipsfshop_aipsfinfluencer-8ecdae6f_CESVFZB7KE90GEG73ZMS&language=en_US


Today, I’m excited to share a simple and healthy recipe using tofu, a readily available ingredient, to create crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside tofu mochi. This dish is not only easy to prepare but also offers a deliciously healthy snack option.

**Tofu Mochi**
*Serves 2*

– 150g silken tofu
– 1 tablespoon sesame oil

– 3 tablespoons cornstarch
– 1 tablespoon Aonori (green seaweed powder)
– 1/3 tablespoon chicken bouillon powder (use 1/2 tablespoon for a stronger flavor)

1. In a bowl, combine the silken tofu with all the seasonings. Mix well, ensuring the cornstarch doesn’t form lumps.

2. Heat a frying pan with sesame oil over medium heat. Spoon bite-sized portions of the mixture (from step 1) into the pan and fry until both sides are golden brown.

3. Once fried, remove the tofu mochi from the pan and place them on kitchen paper to drain any excess oil. Serve on a plate and enjoy!



  1. 今回は、手軽に手に入る豆腐を使って、外側はサクサク、中身はもっちりとした簡単&ヘルシーな豆腐もちの作り方を紹介します。

    絹ごし豆腐 150g
    ごま油 大さじ1

    片栗粉 大さじ3
    青のり 大さじ1
    鶏がらスープの素 大さじ1/3
    ※濃い目の味付けなら 大さじ1/2




    #豆腐レシピ #ヘルシースナック #おつまみ #簡単レシピ #家庭料理 #フライパン一つ #料理動画

    Check out this page from influencer-8ecdae6f https://www.amazon.co.jp/shop/influencer-8ecdae6f?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_aipsfshop_aipsfinfluencer-8ecdae6f_CESVFZB7KE90GEG73ZMS&language=en_US


    Today, I'm excited to share a simple and healthy recipe using tofu, a readily available ingredient, to create crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside tofu mochi. This dish is not only easy to prepare but also offers a deliciously healthy snack option.

    *Tofu Mochi*
    Serves 2

    – 150g silken tofu
    – 1 tablespoon sesame oil

    – 3 tablespoons cornstarch
    – 1 tablespoon Aonori (green seaweed powder)
    – 1/3 tablespoon chicken bouillon powder (use 1/2 tablespoon for a stronger flavor)

    1. In a bowl, combine the silken tofu with all the seasonings. Mix well, ensuring the cornstarch doesn't form lumps.

    2. Heat a frying pan with sesame oil over medium heat. Spoon bite-sized portions of the mixture (from step 1) into the pan and fry until both sides are golden brown.

    3. Once fried, remove the tofu mochi from the pan and place them on kitchen paper to drain any excess oil. Serve on a plate and enjoy!
