夏野菜の焼き浸しの作り方☆少量の油でOK!焼いて漬けるだけで超簡単♪夏野菜の大量消費にオススメ♪さっぱり美味しい簡単おかず☆-Grilled Pickled vegetables-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made grilled soaked summer vegetables.
Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher.
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Today I would like to make grilled soaked summer vegetables.
This time I will make a refreshing side dish using plenty of summer vegetables that are in season now.
This time, it is baked and soaked, so you can easily make it with a little oil.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
I hope you’ll have a great time.
Please have a look at it.
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Let’s start with the ingredients for the dipping sauce.
Here are the ingredients.
Water, soy sauce, mirin (sweet cooking sake), sugar, dashi stock, and this time I will make dipping sauce with these ingredients.
You can also add vinegar or lemon juice if you want a little more acidity to your taste.
Or you can use mentsuyu to make it easy for you.
And here are the summer vegetables we’ll be using.
I would put eggplant, pumpkin, okra, zucchini, 2 kinds of bell peppers, and shiso leaves as toppings.
And I will use salt when prepping and salad oil when baking.
I will be using these vegetables, but you can make it with your favorite vegetables.
I will make it with these ingredients as soon as possible.
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Now let’s make it.
The first step is to make the first dipping sauce.
In a pot, add water, soy sauce, mirin, dashi stock, and sugar.
Put it on the fire.
Bring this to a boil once over medium heat.
The mixture is heated with occasional stirring like this.
The mixture comes to a boil.
Heat is turned off when mixture comes to a boil.
The dipping sauce is now ready.
I’m going to leave it like this until I’m ready to use it.
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Let’s start with the eggplant.
First, going to cut off the hefty part.
Then going to take this part here by hand.
And then cut off this part here with a knife because it’s still a little bit hard around here.
Then first cut it in half.
Cut this in half as well.
And cut this in half again.
After cutting it into 8 equal pieces like this, further cut this one in half so that it is easier to eat
Then put the sliced eggplant in a bowl and add 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
And then going to brush the salt over the whole thing.
And that will release the water from the eggplant and remove the scum.
And the water also allows the flavors to soak in more easily.
Let’s rub it in at this cross section.
And then I’ll leave this one here for 10 minutes.
Ten minutes have passed.
Then the eggplant is emitting water, so I’m going to wipe off the water here.
Wipe it off thoroughly.
Wipe off with kitchen paper.
Eggplant is now ready.
Then the zucchini.
The zucchini is first cut off here at the hard part of the head.
And then cut it into pieces, about half the size of the zucchini.
And then cut this in half.
You can cut it any way you like.
And then cut this in half.
And we cut this in half again.
Cut into bite-size pieces like this.
Cut this one into pieces like this.
Cut the top part in half as well, and divide the top part into 6 equal parts since it is a little thinner.
It’s OK to use a rough approximation here.
Cut the zucchini like this.
And then put about 1/2 teaspoon of salt in this zucchini as well.
And then I rub salt into this one as well.
The water will come out, and by doing so, the flavor will soak in more easily.
Now let’s leave this zucchini here for 10 minutes.
10 minutes elapsed.
Then this zucchini is also very moist, so I’m going to wipe this one off.
I’ve wiped off the water.
Zucchini is now ready to be used.
Then I have okra.
The okra is cut off at the tip.
This is the hard part.
And then the blackened part here is also hard, so we cut it off with a knife.
It looks like this.
Cut the okra like this.
Now cut the rest in the same way.
I have cut all of them like this.
Okra has prickly hairs on the surface here, so we’re going to remove this one.
Salt is applied to the okra.
Then going to put our hands on it and move it up and down.
This is a process called planking.
This is how I remove the hairs from the okra.
There are various ways to do it, such as using a netting net, so you can do it in a way that is easy to do.
It’s OK.
Then I’ll rinse the okra once.
Rinse it in water like this.
And then I’ll take the rest of the water off with kitchen paper..
And now ready to prepare the okra.
Then the pumpkins are ready.
Pumpkin first remove the seeds and then the cotton part with a spoon
Scrape it off with a spoon like this.
Remove the seeds from the pumpkin like this.
Then lay down this pumpkin here and cut it in half.
Be very careful not to hurt your hands.
And then cut the pumpkin into 5mm pieces.
Cut the pumpkin like this.
Then the bell peppers.
First cut the bell peppers in half.
Then cut this one in half again.
And then I cut off this seed part and then the cotton part.
And then going to cut them into pieces about 1 centimeter wide.
Like this.
Now let’s cut the rest in the same way.
Now cut the red bell peppers the same way..
Then the shiso leaves.
Oba leaves are first aligned at the stem and the stems are cut off.
And then roll it up from the front.
Cut this one in half first, and then align the cut edges.
Now let’s shred it.
That’s it for the shiso leaves.
Keep them shredded like this.
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Now let’s bake the vegetables.
First I add a tablespoon of oil.
And then arrange the eggplant before putting it on the fire.
And then I grill them starting with the eggplant.
I put the eggplant in this way.
Then once you do that, coat the eggplant with oil.
This will prevent them from absorbing too much oil.
Once the entire eggplant is coated, let’s put the skin part down first.
That way the browning will be beautiful.
Line it up like this.
Then put it on the fire.
Going to cook it for about 3 minutes.
It’s been about a minute now.
And then I’m going to turn it over.
It’s not so much flipping it over as knocking it over.
And let’s burn the whole thing.
Another minute has passed.
And then going to put the side down that hasn’t been baked yet.
Bake in this way for approximately one minute each.
The cooking time of this eggplant depends on the size of the eggplant, so keep an eye on it and adjust the baking time accordingly.
3 minutes have passed.
Eggplant is now OK.
As you can see, the skin burned beautifully without discoloration.
The baked products are placed in the bat to be pickled.
Let’s put them side by side like this.
Then I will grill the okra.
Put about 1 tablespoon of oil on the okra as well.
And put it on the fire.
Medium heat.
And then I put the okra on top of the okra.
Then I grill the okra, rolling it around for about a minute and a half.
A minute and a half has passed.
Then I turn off the heat.
When slightly browned, it’s done.
Then I put them on this pad.
Okra is now ready for this.
Now I’ll continue to grill the bell peppers.
Going to put oil on the bell peppers as well, and then going to put them on the fire.
Add the bell peppers over medium heat.
It’s OK to put them in all at once.
And then going to roll them around and cook them until they’re lightly browned.
OK, here we go.
I just baked it for a minute and a half.
It’s like this
It’s OK if it’s browned lightly.
Then going to put the bell peppers on these bats as well.
Let’s put them in like this.
This is how going to do paprika.
And then red bell peppers.
This one is baked in the same way as the previous bell peppers.
Grill these red bell peppers until lightly browned.
Then put this one in the bat as well.
Red bell peppers are now ready to go.
Then I have zucchini.
Zucchini should also have about a tablespoon of salad oil in it.
Then add the zucchini.
Put the zucchini in while it’s still on the fire.
Coat the zucchini with oil once as you did with the eggplant.
This will prevent them from absorbing too much oil.
Then I’ll cook the zucchini from the skin up.
Then I put them on the fire.
Grill over medium heat for about 2 to 3 minutes.
The skin is a little tough on the zucchini, so grill from the skin up.
Grill them one side at a time just like the eggplant.
Turns off fire.
Grill zucchini until this lightly browned.
Now I’ll put this one in the batting as well.
Here’s what the zucchini looks like.
And finally, we bake the pumpkin.
And put about 1 tablespoon of salad oil in the pumpkin as well.
And once the pumpkin is done, spread the oil out and put the pumpkin on the heat, too.
The pumpkin takes a little longer to cook, so I’ll lay it out while it’s still uncovered.
Lined up.
Then I put them on the fire.
the squash is baked over medium-low heat until cooked through.
I cut the squash into thin slices, so I recommend baking them for about 3 minutes.
Now it’s about a minute and a half in, so I’m going to flip it over.
Turn it over when it’s lightly browned.
Now let’s cook one side as well.
Total 3 minutes have passed.
If it is browned and cooked like this, it is OK.
Now, I’ll stuff the pumpkin as well.
They’re baking up like this, looking delicious.
Now, while the vegetables are still hot, going to add the dipping sauce we just made.
If the vegetables are cold, it will be difficult for the flavors to soak in, so be sure to add them while they are still hot.
Now let’s put them in.
OK, let’s put it in.
So the vegetables in the top part are a little bit sticking out, so going to put some kitchen paper here, and then going to let it soak in.
And going to let it soak for 30 minutes.
30 minutes have passed.
Now I will remove the kitchen paper.
It’s turning out delicious.
It’s marinated well like this.
Now, finally, I want to sprinkle some shiso leaves on top.
Going to sprinkle them in the middle.
It turned out looking delicious like this.
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Now your summer vegetables are ready to be grilled and soaked.
This is how it turned out.
From left to right: eggplant, okra, bell pepper, zucchini, pumpkin, and finally topped with shiso leaves.
And now it’s done.
If you want to serve this cold, remove from heat and refrigerate until ready to serve.
Then, let’s eat it right away.
I’ll start with the eggplant.
I would like to eat the eggplant first.
It’s very tasty, very flavorful, very refreshing, very tasty.
And the shiso leaves at the end are a nice accent.
The sweetened pumpkin also really stands out.
Now, I’ll have okra, too.
Okra also has a nice texture.
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Another delicious finish today.
Here’s the key to this grilled and soaked summer vegetables.
First of all, the vegetables, but you can make this one with vegetables of your choice.
This time I put eggplant, okra, bell peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, and shiso leaves on top.
I’m sure there are many other delicious vegetables that you can use, so please try making this with lots of your favorite vegetables.
I would like to talk about how to cut the vegetables and how to prepare the vegetables.
This will remove the scum from the vegetables, and the water will help the flavors soak in.
Please do this preparation before grilling.
This time, I cut the vegetables one by one, and also grilled them, but you can cut them any way you like.
This time, I used a little bit of oil for baking.
This saves oil and makes it very light and refreshing.
When it comes to eggplant and zucchini, coat them in oil first and then bake them.
This will prevent them from absorbing too much oil.
You can bake them in the pan together if they are similarly browned.
And finally, when the vegetables are done grilling, be sure to pour the dipping sauce over the vegetables while they are still warm.
This will allow the flavors to soak in.
The marinade should be left to soak for about 30 minutes to an hour.
If you would like to eat it cold, please take it out of the heat and refrigerate it before serving.
And lastly, this time we put shiso leaves on top, which also accentuates the flavor and is very tasty, so please try it with shiso leaves on top.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
It is very tasty and you should try to make it.
Easy recipes at home
Today I made grilled soaked summer vegetables.
I have many other various videos on my channel.
Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.
I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much.
So that’s all for today.
Thank you for watching to the end today.
Please give us a good button.
See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello ☆ I’m a culinary expert ♪
This time, I made a grilled summer vegetable ☆ A small amount of oil is OK! It’s very easy because it’s just baked and pickled. It is a simple side dish recipe that is recommended for mass consumption of summer vegetables because it can be prepared and stored. You can eat summer vegetables deliciously and refreshingly! Please try to make it ☆

・水 500ml
・醤油 大さじ3
・みりん 大さじ3
・砂糖 大さじ1/2
・だしの素 小さじ1
・ナス 2本
・かぼちゃ 1/6個
・オクラ 10本
・ズッキーニ 1本
・パプリカ赤・黄 1個
・大葉 10枚
・塩 適量
・サラダ油 適量

・500ml Water
・3 tbsp Soy sauce
・3 tbsp Mirin
・1/2 tbsp Sugar
・1 tsp Dashi stock
・2 Eggplants
・1/6 Pumpkin
・10 Okra
・1 Zucchini
・1 Paprika red / yellow
・10 Perilla
・ Salt
・ Vegetable oil






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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#野菜レシピ #焼き浸し #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. 彩りがキレイですね😃

  2. 彩り豊かな作り置きおかずで助かります😍

  3. ここ数日💦茄子やピーマン🍆🫑を焼いたり揚げたりして作っています。

  4. とっても美味しそうです😦色合いもキレイ✨✨

  5. 作ってからわずか30分で食べれるんですか😃

  6. 夏野菜大好きです💓 オクラがないのですが 他は、揃っています❗️ラッキー😃💕 我が家は 帰宅が遅いので これから 作り始めます‼️良かった~⤴️見た目も 味も 期待以上ですよね👏✨ すぐ取りかかります😃😆ゆかり先生 グット・タイミング‼️‼️‼️有難うございます🙋✨

  7. カラフルで、美味しそうですね😃

  8. 夏野菜の焼き浸し、とても美味しそうでーす‼️🥔🤽🧘🤱🍰🤱🎽🤱🤽🤱🏊🤱

  9. 栄養のバランスや彩りも鮮やかでこれは嬉しいレシピです‼︎😆
    今ズッキーニとパプリカが家にないので、近日中に材料が揃い次第 必ず作ります🎶
    ゆかりさんの動画では「今◯分位焼きました」等 具体的にお話しして下さるので いつも作る際に目安になり💡凄く助かっています😊🙏

  10. ナスが大量にあったので、作ってみました。夏にピッタリの簡単美味しいレシピでした。

  11. 焼き浸し、最高に美味しいです。これは私の定番になります。いつも素敵なレシピありがとうございます。

  12. 先生!夏野菜大好きです。絶対美味しいと思います。今から早速作ります~⬆️🙏有り難うございます。\(^o^)/

  13. 11か月前の煮浸しを参考に作りました。すごく美味しかったです。

  14. 先日はオートミール蒸しパンでアドバイスいただきまして それかずっと
    続けておりますまた今日キュウリのきゅうちやん漬けを教えてくだい一度動画を拝見したのですが 探してもなかなか見つかりませんので申し訳ありませが宜しくお願いいたします

  15. 2回目作りました!とっても美味しくて自分好みの味です。タッパーを開けて彩もキレイで毎回ウットリ🎵

  16. お酢加える場合どれくらい入れたらいいですか?

  17. 猛暑のなか、カラフルで見た目からも食欲をそそられ作ってみました。

  18. 奇跡的に野菜全部が揃っていたので、即決!作りました。

  19. 作ってみたら、とっても、美味しかったです、こんな私でも出来たのでとても嬉しいです。有り難うございました。

  20. 先生・・いつもありがとうございます。