ちくわのオニオンリング天ぷらの作り方!衣がサクサクで玉ねぎがジューシー!おもてなしにもピッタリな一品です!-Chikuwa Onion Ring Tempura-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made chikuwa onion ring tempura.
Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher.
This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information.
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Today I would like to make chikuwa onion ring tempura using chikuwa and onions.
I will also show you how to make the batter crispy and the other tips for wrapping the chikuwa.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
There are some key points here and there, so please enjoy to the end.
Please have a look at it.
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Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients.
Here are the ingredients.
Chikuwa, onion, flour, water, potato starch, cooking sake, mayonnaise, and oil for frying.
First of all, regarding the amount of onions and chikuwa, the number of chikuwa needed will depend on the size of the onions, so please adjust this one to make it.
And the key to the batter when frying is to add mayonnaise, cooking sake, and potato starch to the batter.
Adding these three makes the batter very crispy.
And here are the ingredients for the dipping sauce.
Here are the ingredients.
Here are the ingredients: water, soy sauce, mirin, and dashi stock.
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Now let’s start making them.
First of all, let’s make the dipping sauce.
This time, I would like to make it easily using a microwave oven.
Add water, soy sauce, mirin, and dashi stock to a bowl.
Now mix lightly once.
After mixing lightly, cover with fluffy plastic wrap and microwave at 600 watts for 1 minute 30 seconds.
Heated for 1 minute 30 seconds.
Wrap removed.
Then leave this one here to heat through.
Now let’s make the batter.
First of all, dissolve this mayonnaise with cooking sake.
If you mix it as it is, it tends to become lumpy, so if you dissolve it with cooking sake first, it will dissolve properly.
Add a little bit of this cooking wine at first.
If you put it in all at once, this will also become lumpy, so blend it in a little at a time.
When it is blended like this, add a little more.
When it is this shabby, add the rest of the cooking wine.
Then mix well.
Then add water to the mixture.
And mix lightly.
When lightly mixed, add the flour and then the potato starch here.
And mix well so that there are no lumps.
This is OK.
This is a little bit too much.
Then cover the surface with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use.
Once the batter is chilled like this, it will be easier to make it crispy.
Now let’s cut the onions.
Going to peel the onions and cut them into slices about 1 cm wide.
The peel is quite wobbly at this point, so be very careful not to injure your hands.
Cut the onion like this.
Then hollow out this center section.
Try to hollow out the center so that it is about this thick.
Now hollow out the rest in the same way.
Hollow out like this.
Then lightly sprinkle the onions here with flour.
The onions are now ready.
Now let’s cut the chikuwa.
Using kitchen shears, cut the chikuwa into spirals.
First, put the tip of the blade in at an angle like this and cut the chikuwa while spinning it around.
Like this.
Let’s cut it like this.
Well, the width should be roughly a little less than 1 cm.
Try cutting the chikuwa like this.
Now cut the rest in the same way.
Cut the chikuwa like this.
Now wrap the chikuwa around the onion you just cut.
Let’s hook the chikuwa first like this and wrap it around.
Let’s wrap around the center part of the chikuwa by pulling it through.
Be careful not to twist in the middle.
Try wrapping it like this.
Now wrap the rest in the same way.
If the onions are too big, you may use 1.5 to 2 pieces of chikuwa.
Try wrapping it around the size of the onion.
And then there’s this end of the roll.
Stick a toothpick here to stop it properly.
This is the part.
Here is a toothpick.
This is the beginning of the roll.
Please stick a toothpick here as well.
It looks like this.
Let’s put it like this.
Now I will make the rest in the same way.
I have finished winding all of them.
This time I made enough for 5 chikuwa.
I’m going to batter and fry them together with these onions that I have left over.
If you have extra chikuwa, you can wrap it around this one.
Then dust the top with flour again.
Dust the other side of the dough.
If the stitching gets torn off during the process, you can use a toothpick to correct it as shown here.
Now, let’s put on the garment.
Put onion and chikuwa into the chilled batter.
I would like to batter and fry them like this.
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Now please prepare a frying pan.
Pour in roughly 1 cm of oil from the bottom of the pan.
Then put it on the heat.
Medium heat.
Continue to heat the oil to about 170 degrees.
Now that it has reached the proper temperature, let’s fry it.
As a rule of thumb, it’s OK if it sizzles when you put the chopsticks into the pan.
Now let’s put it in.
Be careful not to burn yourself.
Continue frying until the surface is crispy.
After putting them in, give them this way without touching them for roughly 1 minute to 1 minute and 30 seconds.
It’s been a little over a minute now, so I’m going to flip it over.
And one side is fried again.
Let one side air once after roughly a minute or so as well.
And then fry it again.
This will help to achieve the effect of frying twice and make it more crispy.
After that, watch the color of the fried fish and turn it over occasionally like this.
In total, fry for about 3-4 minutes.
I just fried it for exactly 3.5 minutes.
When the surface is crispy like this, it’s ready.
Then take it out.
It is fried like this deliciously.
As for this toothpick, remove it when you can touch it.
And so we’re going to fry the rest of them in the same way.
As for these leftover onions, coat them with flour and batter them the same way, and then fry them together in the same oil at about 170 degrees Celsius.
Now let’s fry them.
Finished frying like this.
Then please remove the toothpick.
It will be easier to remove the toothpick if you turn it around.
Try to remove it quickly by spinning it around and around.
It turned out delicious.
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This is the onion ring tempura with chikuwa.
This is how it turned out.
As you can see, the batter is crispy and looks very tasty.
Extra onions are battered and fried together like this and served.
It’s done.
Now, I would like to eat
Now I would like to dip it in tempura sauce.
Let’s eat.
Batter is crispy.
And the chikuwa is fluffy and the onions are very sweet.
The chikuwa has flavor, so you can eat it as it is and enjoy it.
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It was finished deliciously today.
This is the point of this chikuwa onion ring heaven.
The first point is about the batter.
I added mayonnaise, potato starch, and cooking sake to the batter this time.
These three additions make the batter very crispy.
The batter is best chilled in the refrigerator to make it crispier, so make the batter first and keep it chilled in the refrigerator until ready to use.
And the onions, try to cut them about 1 cm wide.
When cutting the onions, be very careful not to injure your hands because they will roll around.
And as for the chikuwa, try cutting it with kitchen shears so that it forms a spiral shape.
The thickness should be about 1 cm.
And then you wrap the chikuwa around the onion, and the amount of chikuwa you use for one onion ring will depend on the size of the onion and the chikuwa.
So please adjust this one and try it.
If you have extra onions, there will be a little extra batter, so I think it would be good to fry them as is and serve them together.
When you have finished rolling, please fasten the beginning and the end part of the roll with a toothpick.
This way, the shape will be beautifully finished without losing its shape.
If the pieces get torn off during the process, just use a toothpick to hold them in place.
And here is the key to frying.
When frying, try to fry them in oil at about 170 degrees for roughly 3-4 minutes.
When you first put them in the oil, don’t move them for about 1 minute and let them fry as they are.
And after frying for 2 minutes, let it air out a bit and then fry it until the surface is crispy.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
It is very tasty and you should try making it.
Easy recipes at home
Today I made chikuwa onion ring tempura.
I have many other various videos on my channel.
Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.
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So that’s all for today.
Thank you for watching to the end today.
Please give us a good button.
See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make chikuwa onion ring tempura. The batter is crispy! The onions are juicy and have an addictive taste. The visual impact is also great! This is a perfect dish for entertaining. Introducing a homemade tentsuyu recipe that can be easily made in the microwave! It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・ちくわ 5本
・玉ねぎ 1個
・薄力粉 大さじ5 / 適量
・水 80ml
・片栗粉 大さじ2
・料理酒 大さじ1
・マヨネーズ 大さじ1
・揚げ油 適量

・水 100ml
・醤油 大さじ1
・みりん 大さじ1
・だしの素 小さじ1/4

・5 pieces Chikuwa
・1 Onion
・5 tbsp / appropriate amount
Cake flour
・80ml Water
・2 tbsp Potato starch
・1 tbsp Cooking sake
・1 tbsp Mayonnaise
・Frying oil

・100ml Water
・1 tbsp Soy sauce
・1 tbsp Mirin
・1/4 tsp Dashi stock






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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#ちくわ #オニオンリング #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. この絶対美味しい組み合わせを あみ出した発想力!!! 感服です✨
    世界初ではないですか?! 凄すぎです👍

  2. 今日、初めてこちらのチャンネルのYouTubeを見ました。主夫です。小学生の娘も興味を示したので、一緒にこれを作ると、子どもたちも美味しい!と食べていました。素晴らしいアイデアで、作っていて楽しかったです^^ 他の動画を見て、先日の大学芋も作ると、子どもたちにも大好評でした☆

  3. 初めまして🙇



  4. わあっ❤

  5. 子供と今夜作ります~!!!

  6. 早速、丁度材料もあったので作らせて頂きました❣️

  7. 今日晩ごはんの一品として作りました。今 玉葱が高く小ぶりの物しかなく ゆかりさんの様上手く竹輪巻けませんでしたが美味しく頂きました😊 また作りたいと思います。

  8. すごいアイデアですね❤

  9. ちくわの磯辺揚げが大好物なので早速作りました。とっても美味しかったです。先生のようにきれいな仕上がりにはならないけど味は最高に美味しかったです。巨大なちくわになりましたがそのぶん大盛りで食べることができたので嬉しかったです。いつも素敵なレシピありがとうございます。

  10. やってみたくなりました😊噛んだときのたまねぎの美味しさを想像しちゃいニンマリですね〜。ありがとうございます。

  11. 作りました!ちょっとちくわを玉ねぎに巻くところ苦戦しましたが美味しくできました♡また作りたいと思います♬ごちそうさまでした🙏

  12. 見た目も可愛くてボリュームのあるオニオンリングですね❗

  13. みためも、たのし、おおきな、びたみんちくわ?では、うまくまけないですか?こげますか?たべたくなります😊💐どうも有り難う、ございます。💖🍃