
Adding 15g of tomato paste… I’ll add a lot of parsely The thickness of the sauce is like this. Hi, I’m chef Fabio. I’m gonna make spaghetti with tomato sauce today. These are today’s ingredients. spaghettini/ tomato paste/ fresh cream/ parsely/ grana padano/ butter

As it’s getting cold recently, so I’m gonna make spaghetti with tomato sauce today. This is the popular pasta I posted on Youtube short. It’s been watched 7 million times now. So, I’ll tell you how to make it. It’s surprisingly difficult to have a good balance. So, I’ll the secret to make it right.

I’ll make the tomato sauce first. I’ll add butter first. This is unsalted butter, but you can also use the salted one. You have to be careful for the total amount of salt. Heating up… Today, I’m not gonna use extra virgin olive oil. It’s rare.

I imagine this pasta as the pasta in North Italia in Winter. They tend to use butter rather than extra virgin olive oil. So, I’ll use butter today. After the butter has been melted, I’ll add 15g of tomato paste. I’ll stir-fry the tomato paste firmly.

The reason for this is that the smell of tomato will be brought out. If you start to smell the tomato flavor, then you should add fresh cream into it. I’ll mix them firmly so that the tomato paste will be well-mixed with the fresh cream. I’ll boil this once.

After it’s been boiled once, I’ll turn off the heat. Look at this, it’s already the tomato sauce! The secret of this pasta is turning off the heat after the sauce is once boiled. If you keep heating up the sauce, the sauce will get too thick to eat.

If you use the fresh cream, you shouldn’t heat it up that much. I’m gonna taste it to decide how much salt I’m gonna add. This is already so delicious that I don’t actually need to add cheese. The thickness of the fresh cream depends on your taste.

I’ll boil the spaghettini as I finished making the sauce. Penne, paccheri, tagliatelle also go well together. Anyway, I’ll boil the spaghettini today. Making tomato sauce with a whole tomato is more difficult than using tomato paste.

The reason is basically tomato paste is whole tomato being boiled down and salt. So, you don’t have to heat it up for a long time. I prefer the tomato paste of Mutti but you can use any tomato paste you like.

I’m not gonna add other ingredients today but you can add canned crab or seafood you like. The sauce is this thick so you shouldn’t heat it up too much. Adding the boiled spaghettini… Then, I’ll turn on the very low heat so that the sauce is not gonna be too thick.

Like, I’ll heat up and boil down the sauce a little bit. Then, I’ll add parsley finally. I usually use italian parsely but today’s sauce is so thick and strong that it’s too light. So, I’ll use Normal parsely today. The thickness is now like this.

Turn off the heat after the spaghettini is well coated with the sauce. Then, I’ll grate the grana padano. I’ll melt the heat with the left-over heat. See, it looks delicious, right? You can use the cheese you like or if you like the light taste, you don’t need it.

Spaghettini with the tomato cream sauce. Itadaki masu. The balance of tomato and fresh cream is the best. Subtitle The flavor of parsely is doing a great job. White wine is going well! This is the wine in Niigata which my student gave me in cooking class. Thank you. Gochisou samadesu.

This recipe is so easy but delicious too. I want you to make it! Thank you for always leaving a comment. See you in the next video.


♪ https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio

スパゲッッティーニ 70g
トマトペースト 15g
無塩バター 20g
生クリーム 100cc
パセリ 6g
塩 適量
グラナパダーノ 適量 ※粉チーズでも可


ムッティトマトペースト3個入り https://amzn.to/3IPkTLB
ラ・モリサーナ スパゲッティ1.7mm https://amzn.to/3QmB70e
グラナパダーノ ポーション 150g https://amzn.to/3IyMhNI
クリスマス島の海の塩 https://amzn.to/3ElVG7C
ロレンツォNo5オリーブオイル https://amzn.to/3WWC4ic
グラスフェット無塩バター https://amzn.to/3vJWOhg

アルミフライパン 24cm https://amzn.to/3tWiEgB
ジオ 片手鍋 20cm https://amzn.to/3UWjbLr
貝印 KAI SELECT 100 ミニトング https://amzn.to/3BdvmvB
ドレッジ https://amzn.to/3d5FOMS
ゴムベラ https://amzn.to/3L2phFX
シリコンスプーン https://amzn.to/3quOoaS

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/3xcNDHa
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3AYmQQ8
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3B9P5eG

◆Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fabilog0016/
◆TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio
◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101


#パスタ #トマトソース #トマトパスタ


  1. トマトペーストは日本製のスーパーで買えるので代用しましたが、

    パスタ バリラ フェデリーニ150g 50円
    バター 16g 50円
    生クリーム100ml 200円


  2. いつも美味しいレシピをありがとうございます。

  3. これ作ったらホント美味かったー

  4. muttiのトマトペーストが近くで売っていたから、早速作ったが


  5. いつもファビオさんが使ってるフライパンが気になります。私は鉄のフライパンを使ってるのですが、鉄とトマトはあまりよくないと聞いた事があります。やはり鉄フライパンはやめた方がいいですか?

  6. クリーム系のパスタは苦手なんですが、これはそそるな! パセリが効いて美味しそう。

  7. 作りました!!料理上手な義理の母に出してみたのですが、美味しい美味しいと何度も言ってくれました☺️

  8. 今作ったら、美味しかったです!旦那がデイリーフリーなので、カシューバターとココナッツミルクとプラントベースのパルメザンチーズで作ったのですが、十分美味しくて感激🍅🐄🌱

  9. 作ってみました。蟹と芽キャベツを入れてみたのですが、とても美味しく出来て家族にも好評でした👍このトマトクリームソースは応用も効いて便利ですね。動画も丁寧でわかりやすかったです🙇‍♀️