正直、この材料4つが一番旨い!!『濃厚やみつきカルボナーラ』Making Carbonara / simple recipe

    Everyone! Today! Ta-dah! I’m going to make Carbonara as I got a request You will never fail this Carbonara! Let’s get started I guess I made Carbonara before This time, I’m not going to use any cream which is more like original I guess the genuine is used different kinds of cheese and bacon I don’t use those I’m going to make Italian-ish Carbonara Little colser one Imagine Italian make "Never fail Carbonara" Let’s get started In Japan, Parmesan cheese is popular, right? This is called Pecorino Romano which made from sheep milk The bacon is Pancetta So this recipe is Japanese-ish But it’s more Italian-ish since we don’t use cream We are going to use a bacon, some garlics, cheese, and eggs Use 1 egg for 100g Pasta We are going to use 300g Pasta so we prepare 3 eggs Also for topping, I want to use 2 yolks on each So we use total 5 eggs If you don’t need, you don’t have to put topping yolk I heard that Japanese carbonara is based on cream but original recipe is based on cheese So for Japanese this recipe will be little bit rich So I think topping egg will make it more creamy I want to prevent it, so I use yolks for the topping Okay let’s start Please prepare hot water for pasta I’ll add some salt into the water We love bacon so we use a lot For make it crispy, I’ll cut little thinner Cut into half, like this The bacon is done I prepared 2 garlics but 1 is enough I think Let’s chop it Let’s use 1 This one is relatively big so Keep on chopping You can also use already cut one, or tube type one But I wanted to put all this garlic flavor in it As you prefer I prefer to use raw garlic to add the flavor Since there is not so many ingredients and simple, I want to use good one That’s my thought The garlic is done Let’s start cooking A little bit of olive oil It doesn’t have to be a lot since the bacon has extra oil Add the bacon Heat them up until they become crispy enough Meanwhile, let’s shave the cheese You can, of course, use powdered cheese in the market Actually buying a chunk of cheese like this is cheaper This one is 70g and sold 600 yen Powdered cheese is sold 350 yen with less than half amount of it So it turns out that this one is actually cheaper But, of course, you can choose powder cheese which is more convenient Whichever you like I recommend that we use 30g cheese for 1 serve, so I’ll use all of it Since they became enough crispy and oil came out Add garlic now Please make little low fire to not burn the garlic Transfer the flavor of bacon and garlic to the oil Let’s start boiling the pasta when the ingredients cooked enough I’ll let pasta cook 5min and half since it’s 7 min cook We have to take a thumbnail before eating so In your case, cook little bit longer until it becomes Al dente While you are boiling pasta, keep other ingredients warm with low fire The chunk of cheese became this much now After all, it became this much I’ll put this too Let’s make a sauce Although I’m going to use whole egg for it Personally, using too much white egg is not very good Use 1 whole egg And 2 yolks 1 whole egg and 2 yolks I separated the rest of white egg The pasta will finish cooking in 30 seconds or so Add all the ingredients with oil as well We are not going to use fire anymore It’s kind of a tip that you don’t use fire to prevent from failing making sauce Add pasta in it I prefer to wait little while to let the eggs cook with the remaining heat but It’s ok let’s mixing You can see it from the bottom What do you mean? Take a look at from the bottom Like this? I see Mix it up Smells so good When you done, serve it with a yolk and some black pepper on it Let’s try it! So Let’s start eating! Itadakimasu Great I’ll eat without the yolk first I broke it already I broke it I wanted to check the taste without it Itadakimasu What? I can taste cheese a lot Cheese? It’s like a "Parmigiano" Can I? Itadakimasu But it’s good This is really rich cheese It’s very thick and rich Yet it’s very light It’s not heavy at all! Very good! Definitely it’s different from usual Carbonara That’s more creamy I’m impressed! I can taste eggs too! Eggs and cheese This is good! It’s also good to add a yolk later Delicious Bacon is must thing Wow it’s delicious The saltiness of the bacon is awesome Also the black pepper you add in the end Yum I really want everyone to try it It’s kind of shocking This one is totally different from the one popular in Japan It’s rich yet not heavy We used a lot of cheese but an amount of cheese is up to you You can also sprinkle at last But it’s more tasty with a lot of cheese I will have a big bite now You can’t put it in the mouth The image of carbonara has changed This one I would order this carbonara in a restaurant I’m not really into carbonara usually It’s usually too heavy for me But this one is rich and delicious Rich but not heavy The richness of cream and egg are totally different Also I feel cheese a lot Carbonara for adult isn’t it? Kids would prefer the one from convenient store or so which using a lot of cream Adult would prefer this one That one has the taste children like Ko-chan you are genius it’s very delicious You made it again The pasta cooked perfectly Although we took time to prepare a thumbnail We have to calculate time for taking photo It’s difficult Plating takes time too So for today, we got a request Thank you those who requested to us We made a recipe called "Never fail Carbonara" today What did you call it? "Just Italian?" No it’s not ”Almost or Roughly” "Italian-ish!" We made it today This carbonara is the one you can taste richness of eggs Also taste of cheese As I mentioned before, it’s rich but not heavy at all You can eat as much as you want I want kids to try it but Also I highly recommend this recipe to adult If you don’t like heavy and creamy carbonara like me I want to recommend to the person like that I hope you will try this recipe We’ve got a request making shkmeruli He already uploaded the video so please check it out I remember I did around December Yes we did it since we knew "Matsuya" would start new menu Please check the video in our channel! So that’s all for today! Please try this recipe which is very easy! Gochisosamadeshita Thanks for watching! See ya! Bye bye!


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    I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


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    #こっタソの自由気ままに #絶対失敗しないカルボナーラの作り方 #カルボナーラ レシピ #パスタ レシピ #pastarecipe #美味しいカルボナーラ #男飯レシピ #ずぼら飯 #男の料理 #ビールのお供 #こっタソ居酒屋 #おかず #こうちゃん特製 #居酒屋メニュー #おつまみ #晩酌 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #bento #recipesfordinner #mukbang #下厨房 #男子ごはん #マツコの知らない世界 #먹방


    1. こうちゃん👑しゅんちゃん🦇🤤なるほどぉ❥❥❥❥❥❥💛🎀🎀🎀

    2. うわぁ〜😆めっちゃ簡単で美味しそぅ〜〜本格的カルボ🍝ですねぇ。生クリーム使わず作れるならこっちの方が全然いいですね👍私もしゅんちゃんと同じで、カルボナーラ得意ではないです、途中で味に飽きてきてしまって、残してしまうことが多くて💦

    3. カルボナーラってそれだけで十分美味いんだよね。でも粉チーズってなくなるの早いからどうしても渋ってしまうw

    4. 他のYouTuberさんが作るカルボナーラも美味しそうですが、僕はこうちゃんさんが作るカルボナーラが優勝だと思います。

    5. このタイプのカルボナーラよく作ります。

    6. こーちゃんと話して、しゅんくんが爆笑してるの本当にこっちも楽しくなるから嬉しくなります笑

    7. これ良いなぁ👍✨

    8. 最近ファンになりました!

    9. むつごいって四国の方言ですか?


    10. 最近ずっと食欲なくて体調悪かったけどこの動画を見たら食欲湧いてきた( ; ; )ありがとうございます

    11. ベーコンのカリカリ具合がたまらないですね😆

    12. 生クリームを買っておかないとカルボナーラは作れない、という感覚があって、ちょっと面倒な感があったのですが、これは良いですね。試します。

    13. またまた神回!毎回神回だけど。
      本当に助かりますm(_ _)m

    14. めっちゃ美味しかったです💕





    15. こうちゃんの、「お母さん直伝のトマトソースパスタ」、驚いた‼️お店の味‼️美味しかった➰❤️家では、家の味しか出せないものだと思ってましたが、そんなこと、無いんですね❗️カルボナーラも作ります🎵美味しそう😍

    16. 今日のお昼、このパスタ食べました🤗本当に簡単で、感動しました!美味しい‼️ 私は、田舎に住んでいて、なかなか欲しい調味料やチーズ等手に入らないのですが、出来る限り作ったいます。今度、遠出して、バルサミコ酢を買いに行きます🎵明日のお昼は「背徳パスタ」を作ります💕💞いつも有り難う🙆