新じゃがの煮っ転がし(煮物)の作り方☆切って煮るだけ!ホクホクしっとり!お弁当のおかず、お酒のおつまみにピッタリです☆-How to make Boiled Potatoes-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made simmered new potatoes. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make simmered new potatoes. This time, I will introduce a simple side dish recipe using new potatoes, a vegetable that is in season now. This time, the ingredients are very simple and the recipe is very easy to make. There are some points in the recipe, so please enjoy it until the end. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients. Potatoes, water, soy sauce, sugar, mirin, sake, salt, salad oil. I will use these materials for this project. First of all, for the potatoes, this time we will use new potatoes, a vegetable that is in season. I’m going to use 4 pieces this time. The total weight will be about 400g. Please use the g numbers here as a guide. Now I want to make it with very simple ingredients. Easy recipes at home Now let’s make it. First I will cut the potatoes. I will cut the potatoes into bite-sized pieces. Cut them appropriately like this. However, it is okay to use approximately the same size, so please make sure that the sizes are the same. This will ensure that the fire is not uneven. It is okay to use a rough estimate, so try to cut the same size as a guide. Now cut the rest in the same way. Sometimes there are some buds like this, so in that case, remove them like this. Cut potatoes like this. And then, you know, you get a bowl of water, and you put the potatoes in this bowl. And then you leave them like this for about five minutes, and then you drain them. And once you soak them in water like this, you can prevent discoloration. Five minutes have passed. Then quickly rinse once in cold water and drain. And once drained, pat dry with kitchen paper. The potatoes are now ready. Easy recipes at home Now we’re going to fry the potatoes first in a frying pan. If you fry them in oil first, they will cook faster. And then, you know, first I put salad oil in the frying pan. And then put the potatoes in. Turn the oil first over the entire potato. Then put them on the fire. Heat is medium. And you’re going to leave it like this. Fry the potatoes until they’re a little translucent around the edges. I just sauteed them for roughly 5 minutes. It might be hard to tell, but it’s getting a little transparent around the edges. Then it’s OK. Turn off the fire once. I would like to wipe off a little oil. Wipe off that remaining oil. OK. After wiping off the oil, the first step is to add sugar here. And then mirin and sake. Put this one in first and put it on the fire. The first thing to put in is the sweetener. Now mix well. This will add a rich sweetness to the potatoes as well as a delicious finish. The heat is about medium. Once it’s done, you can fry it for a minute or so. After a minute or so, then add water here Then add soy sauce and salt. Now mix well once. Once well mixed, bring to a boil. Once the mixture comes to a boil, the heat is reduced to low. Once the heat is low, place a piece of kitchen paper on the surface. And soak the kitchen paper thoroughly with the cooking liquid here. Properly cover the potatoes with kitchen paper If you need more, use two sheets. Then use a spoon or something to pour this broth over the surface as well. OK. Now, continue cooking until the potatoes are tender, about 10 to 12 minutes. Keep the heat on low. Now 10 minutes have passed. Then please remove the kitchen paper. Squeeze the water out of the kitchen paper as well. Now going to continue to cook it like this, skimming off the water, until the liquid has evaporated. Let’s heat it while rolling it like this from time to time. OK. I just removed the kitchen paper and then heated it for 3 minutes. When the flavors are well blended and the water has evaporated, it is ready. The fish is now teriyaki and looks delicious. Now I would like to put it on a plate. Easy recipes at home Now the new potatoes are ready to be boiled. Finished like this. It is finished like this with the flavor soaked in well and looking delicious. And the new potatoes are also done up. And here’s the other thing… this is out of the amount, but please sprinkle white sesame seeds on it if you like. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat. Let’s eat. Potatoes are also very tasty, hokey and sweet. And the skin is thin and very easy to eat. And the flavor is well blended. Please subscribe to my channel Another tasty finish today. This is the point of boiling new potatoes this time. This time I made it with new potatoes, a vegetable that is in season right now. This dish can be made with regular potatoes, but the skin of the new potatoes is softer, so you can use them as they are. So please wash the potatoes thoroughly before use. And when you’re cutting the potatoes, just make sure they’re about the same size. This will prevent uneven cooking. And before you cook them, fry the potatoes once in oil. This helps the potatoes to cook more easily, and also makes them sweeter and tastier. Fry the potatoes once to lock in the flavor and to prevent them from falling apart. And once the potatoes are translucent, you can turn off the heat and blow off the excess oil. And then after that, yeah, the first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to put in the sweetness. So, you want to make sure that you put the sweetener in first, because if you put soy sauce or something else in with the sweetener, it’s not going to go in. I’m also adding sake, but please use a non-salted sake, not a salted cooking sake. I would suggest that you use sake or something like that. And then, after you put the sweetener in, add soy sauce, water, and salt, and simmer for about 10 minutes with a kitchen paper lid on top. The proper cooking time may vary depending on the size of the potatoes. After that, take off the kitchen paper and cook until the liquid is gone. And again, heat it while rolling it. And when you’re rolling it, use a rubber spatula, so it doesn’t boil over as easily. And once the water has evaporated, you’re ready to serve. And then I’m going to sprinkle a little bit of white sesame seeds on top. Can sprinkle this on top if you like. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It’s very tasty. You should try it. Easy recipes at home Today I made simmered new potatoes. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello. This is Yukari, a culinary researcher.
This time, I will introduce how to make new potatoes boiled. Super easy just cut and boil! It’s a steamy and moist boiled roll. A perfect side dish for bento lunches and snacks with alcoholic beverages. It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・じゃがいも 400g
・水 100ml
・醤油 大さじ2
・砂糖 大さじ2.5
・みりん 大さじ1
・酒 大さじ1
・塩 ひとつまみ
・サラダ油 大さじ1

・400g Potato
・100ml Water
・2 tbsp Soy sauce
・2.5 tbsp Sugar
・1 tbsp Mirin
・1 tbsp Sake
・pinch of Salt
・1 tbsp Vegetable oil





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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#じゃがいも #煮物 #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. 今日のレシピ美味しそうですね😋

  2. 今回は、新じゃがの煮っころがしですね🎵今の時期の新じゃがはとても火が通りやすいので、とても美味しそうですね。ぜひ作って見ます。

  3. ホクホク照り照りで美味しそうですね〜🥔✨ご飯にもお酒にもピッタリですね🍚🍻新じゃが今だけなので絶対に作りまーす😊レシピありがとうございます☺️

  4. 丁度昨日新じゃがを買ってきたので作ってみます。

  5. 新じゃがでコロッケやベーコンポテトパイを作りましたが、新じゃが本来の甘さと皮付きで食べれる煮っ転がしは栄養がたっぷり摂れてよき料理ですね😊

  6. ひたすらシンプルに、そこに本当のウマサがありますよね!色々アレンジもできそうです。今日もごっつあんでした。

  7. 新じゃがの季節ですね😊

  8. 美味しそうなレシピありがとうございます!
    今日たまたま新じゃがさんをゲットしたので、作っています⸜(* ॑꒳ˆ* )⋆*☆
    お酒を入れるタイミング、見逃したかもしれません…(˶ ̇ ̵ ̇˶ )何度か見返し中です(>_<")

  9. ゆかり先生は天才ですか?それとも努力家?今度は何の料理かな?楽しみにしてまーす。🎉コメ返期待大の博多ヤローっす!僕!自演乙😅

  10. こんばんは

  11. 新じゃがの煮っ転がし作った事ありますよ❗️凄く美味しいんですよね〜ご飯が無くても煮っ転がしがあれば何も入りませんまた作ろうと思ってます😊

  12. 新じゃが美味しいですよね!説明も分かりやすかったです!いつも勉強になります😊

  13. カレーで残ったじゃがいもと人参があったので人参入りで作りました。美味しくて直ぐにでまた作りたい。

  14. 料理苦手な主婦です😫料理動画を見ながら作ったリしますが、材料でg表記なのは、これ作ろって気にならなくなります。ゆかりさんみたくじゃがいも🥔4個とかって表記してもらえると助かります。料理苦手(ほとんど初心者🔰)な私でも分かりやすく丁寧に詳しく説明してくれる。初めて料理動画チャンネル登録しました(*^^*)これから少しづつ作ってみたいと思います😊

  15. 早速作ってみます😊

  16. 何時も水が多くてじゃがいもが溶けてしまっていたのですが上手に出来ました🎉アルミではなくキッチンペーパーを使うなんて目から鱗でした😊