
Don’t fail! How to make "Mixed vegetables tempura" Hello! "Hiro-san Kitchen" Today is I won’t fail anymore! Here are some tips for beautifully frying round "Mixed vegetables tempura". Tempura is difficult, isn’t it? Today, let’s know three tips and make "Mixed vegetables tempura" that will not fail. The first tip is "secret tempura batter" The second tip is "rice flour (or potato starch)" The third tip is "small pot" Knowing these tips will make tempura very easy to make. Let’s take a look now. Confirmation of ingredients The ingredients are cake flour, oil, water, rice flour (potato starch), favorite ingredients, and frying oil. First, make a secret batter that will be crispy. Make a secret tempura batter The ingredients are cake flour, water and oil. You might wonder, "Why oil?", But this is important. After putting the cake flour in the bowl, add the oil. Oil is about half the weight of cake flour. Mix well. This makes it harder for gluten to form and makes it crispy. For more information, please watch the video from the link in the summary section. It’s OK if you make thick like this. Add 1.5 to 1.7 times as much water as the cake flour. If there is less water, it will be heavier, and if there is more water, the finish will be crispy. Today is 1.5 times. With this, anything will be crispy. It’s OK if it mixes well and thickens. The batter is ready. Next is the second tip. More crispy with rice flour Sprinkle the rice flour on the ingredients. Tempura may be sprinkled with cake flour. Use rice flour on the back. This makes "Mixed vegetables tempura" more crispy. If you don’t have rice flour, you can use potato starch. This is today’s ingredient. You can make 3-4 sheets. Sprinkle with rice flour. It’s OK if the whole becomes a little whitish. Now, let’s fry "Mixed vegetables tempura". The third tip comes out. Fry in a small pan A small pot with a diameter of about 15 cm is recommended. This lowers the hurdle for tempura. If you use a small pan, you can fry even if there is little oil. You can make it if you have a depth of 2 to 3 cm. Warm the oil to 170-180 ° C. Put 1/4 of the vegetables sprinkled with rice flour in another bowl. Put the amount of tempura batter that is tightly entwined with the ingredients here. Mix well. Insert it little by little so that it drops from a slightly higher position. It feels like it spreads out in a pot. Fry for 2-3 minutes. Don’t touch it too much and turn it over when it hardens. Fry firmly as it is. Small pots do not spread, so the shape is easy to determine. When it becomes a good color, it is complete. If you put it on the net, it will be crispy. Well then, I’ll get it right away. good! how was it? Just by pressing the three tips, you can make a round and crispy "Mixed vegetables tempura". The hurdle for tempura is lowered. I would be happy if you could try it. See you in the next video. Good button, please subscribe to the channel.

作るのが楽しくなる おうち天ぷらのレシピ本を発売中!↓


オープニング 0:00
材料の確認 1:00
天ぷら衣の作り方 1:22
米粉でサクサク度アップ 2:50
小さめの鍋で揚げて成功率アップ 3:42
実食とまとめ 5:47







mail hirosan_contact@yahoo.co.jp


天ぷらにも使える!ジオプロダクト 雪平鍋 15cm

楽天 https://a.r10.to/hwyOvs

Amazon https://amzn.to/3BdVSSt



  1. ち…小さめの鍋…




  2. グルテンができる(固まる)ことを抑えるために
     ア ブ ラ だ と ?

    (うp主に感謝(∂_ _)ペコリ)
     知 ら ん か っ た orz

  3. これホテルのビュッフェで使われるテクですよね👀。半日以上放置しても湿気ないので弁当屋や惣菜屋がけっこうこの揚げ方しますね、学生時代のバイトを思い出しました、懐かしい~。でもバイト先の天ぷらは食感がサクサクというよりパリパリ?カリカリ?っとちょっと硬かった記憶です。米粉を入れるとサクサクになるんですかね~、今度試してみます!

  4. 今晩、絶対に作ります。

  5. こんにちは ひろさん

  6. 子どもにかき揚げをつくりたい!と言われて、参考動画をさがしていました。

  7. ダイソーの揚げ器で作っていましたが小さすぎてどうしようかと悩んでましたが・・盲点でした。