鶏肉と白菜のクリーム煮☆牛乳で簡単クリーミー!とろとろ甘い白菜のクリーム煮です♪-How to make Boiled Chicken Chinese Cabbage Cream-【料理研究家ゆかり】

    Today I made creamed Chinese cabbage. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make creamed Chinese cabbage.

    This time I would like to make a delicious cream stew with plenty of Chinese cabbage. The recipe is very easy to follow, but there are some key points, so please enjoy it until the end. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients.

    Here are the ingredients. They are Chinese cabbage, onion, carrot, shimeji mushroom, chicken thigh, milk, flour, salted butter, granulated consommé, grated garlic, salt and pepper, and salad oil. And also use water. This time I will use these ingredients.

    Going to add a lot of ingredients this time, but you can use any ingredients you like. You can also substitute chicken thighs with chicken meat or chicken meat. I will make it with these ingredients right away. Easy recipes at home Now let’s get started making it.

    First of all, I cut the Chinese cabbage. Cut off the roots. Then roughly cut into chunks about 2 cm wide. It looks like this. Then we put it in a colander. Put it in a colander like this and rinse it with water. Like this. After cutting, rinse with water and drain. Next, carrots.

    First, peel the carrots. If you prefer the skin on, you can leave the skin on. Then you stand the carrots up and cut them in half first. Now let’s cut them roughly 5 mm wide. The carrots are now ok. Next is onions. Onions are cut along the fibers, roughly 5 mm wide.

    Cut off these roots. Cutting. Onions are now ok. Next, shimeji mushrooms. Shimeji mushrooms are cut off at this root. This root is also cut off. Let the rest fall apart. The shimeji mushrooms are now ready to go. Next is the chicken. First, remove any excess fat from the chicken.

    Also remove any excess skin. There is sometimes yellow fat in this and other places, so remove that because it causes the odor. Also, if there are any sinews coming out of the meat, make sure to remove those as well. Then cut it into pieces that are easy to eat.

    I cut it into bite-sized pieces like this. Then season with salt and pepper. Season both sides inside out. Chicken is now ready to be prepped. Easy recipes at home Now let’s make it in a frying pan. First, salad oil in the frying pan.

    I lay out the meat while it is still off the heat. The meat should be arranged skin side down. If you put the meat in when the pan is hot, the skin will shrink at once, so start cooking when the pan is cold. It looks like this. Then put it on the fire.

    The heat is medium. Continue to cook until browned. Now baked for 3 minutes. When it is nicely browned, I turn it over. Like this. Looks delicious. Be careful not to burn yourself as the oil splashes quite a bit at this point. Once flipped, the other side should cook for about 30 seconds.

    Then turn off the heat once. You will get quite a bit of oil, so you wipe off about half of this. You don’t have to wipe off all of it because of the umami of the chicken. I think this is about right.

    There should be a little bit of chicken oil left in the pan. The meat is ok when it is not all cooked yet. Then add grated garlic, onion, and shimeji mushrooms and heat again. The heat should be medium. Let’s fry quickly with this.

    I’m imagining turning the chicken oil on the vegetables and mushrooms. I think this is about right. Once the oil has turned like this, the fire is turned off. Then add sifted butter and flour to the mixture.

    It takes a little bit of time to sift the flour, so turn off the heat and do it. I think that way you can do it without rushing. Now you can sprinkle the whole thing. Sift as much flour as possible, as it tends to form lumps. Then put on heat.

    The heat is again on medium heat. Blend all over. This way, the flour can be made without lumps and without rushing. It looks like this. When it is no longer powdery like this, I will add a lot of milk, water, carrots, and Chinese cabbage here. I also add granulated consommé. Now mix quickly.

    After quickly mixing like this, cover with a lid. 0:06:06:06.767,0:06:10.540 Then first we cook it like this for 5 minutes on low heat. Now 5 minutes have passed. Then once I opened the lid, it started to gag quite a bit. Let’s mix it once. Looks delicious. Almost there.

    Stir like this once in the middle like this. After stirring, cover again and cook for the remaining 2 minutes. It has now been 7 minutes total. Open. Open. Looks tasty. Looks very tasty. Now we turn the heat down to medium. Turn the heat to medium and let it simmer for roughly a minute.

    It’s a little thicker now, but it will thicken further. It’s a delicious finish. OK. If it thickens like this, the creamed Chinese cabbage is ready. Easy recipes at home This completes the stew of Chinese cabbage in cream. This is how it turned out. Finished like this, the Chinese cabbage looks tender and delicious.

    Now, I would like to eat Looks delicious. Let’s eat. Chinese cabbage is tender. Let’s eat. Chinese cabbage is very sweet. Delicious. Very flavorful. It is full of vegetable umami. We also get chicken. The chicken is tender and the chicken broth is very tasty. It warms you up.

    Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It was finished deliciously today. This is the key point of this stew of creamed Chinese cabbage. First of all, please cut the Chinese cabbage into 2cm pieces and rinse them in cold water.

    Then cut each ingredient into pieces and cut them into pieces that are easy to eat. If you cut the carrots and other ingredients into pieces, they will not be cooked well, so I think it would be better if you cut them into pieces about 5 mm thick, like in this case.

    I used chicken thighs this time, but you can also use chicken breast or chicken meat. Please try to make it with your favorite part of the meat. And here’s the key to stewing.

    The first thing to do is to cook the chicken, but when you cook the chicken, start when the pan is cold. If you heat up the pan, the skin will shrink at once. When baking, the skin should be spread out and baked skin side down.

    When browned, flip over and lightly grill the other side, then add the mushrooms and onions and toss with the butter and flour after all the onions have been coated with oil. This way there will be no lumps in the flour and it will be very smooth.

    And after adding the flour, add the milk and the rest of the ingredients after the flour is no longer powdery. Once all the ingredients are added, mix lightly and then simmer. I put a lot of ingredients in this recipe, but you can use whatever you like.

    Anyway, the Chinese cabbage is very sweet and tasty, so please try making this. Easy recipes at home Today I made creamed Chinese cabbage. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.

    I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


    Hello ☆ I’m a culinary expert ♪
    This time, I made cream boiled chicken and Chinese cabbage ☆ Easy creamy with milk ♪ Chinese cabbage is mellow and very sweet and delicious ☆ Chicken is also soft and juicy ♪ It is very easy, so please try it ☆

    ・白菜 300g
    ・玉ねぎ 1/2個
    ・にんじん 1/2本
    ・しめじ 70g
    ・鶏もも肉 250g
    ・牛乳 250ml
    ・薄力粉 大さじ2
    ・有塩バター 20g
    ・顆粒コンソメ 大さじ1/2
    ・おろしニンニク 小さじ1/2
    ・塩胡椒 適量
    ・サラダ油 大さじ1
    ・水 100ml

    ・ 300g Chinese cabbage
    ・ 1/2 Onion
    ・ 1/2 Carrot
    ・ 70g Shimeji mushroom
    ・ 250g Chicken thigh
    ・ 250ml Milk
    ・ 2 tbsp Cake flour
    ・ 20g Salted butter
    ・ 1/2 tbsp Granule consomme
    ・ 1/2 tsp Grated garlic
    ・ Salt and pepper
    ・ 1 tbsp Vegetable oil
    ・ 100 ml Water






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    「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」


    #白菜 #クリーム煮 #料理研究家ゆかり


    1. いつ見も元気な声と笑顔でパワーいただいて❤️

    2. いつも簡単で美味しいレシピをありがとうございます!

    3. 2回作りました!

    4. 今日はちょうど鶏肉を買ってきてシチューにしようかと思っていたので、冷蔵庫に白菜もあるし変更して白菜のクリーム煮にすることにしました(^o^)

    5. 70歳私男性ですが、レシピ通り作りましたよ。最高に美味しく独り暮らしなので翌日も牛乳足して頂きました。寒い北海道には最適です。

    6. こんにちは。

    7. ゆかり先生、こんにちは👋😃

    8. ❄️⛄寒い日に体が温まる食事をと思って作りました。主人がとても喜んで食べてくれました。😄

    9. こんにちは!良く雨☔が降っております。この料理を2度程、作りました。配信ありがとうごさいました。風邪を引かない様に気を付けて下さいませ。

    10. 白菜と牛乳を消費したくてこちらのレシピで倍量作りました。冷蔵庫に残っていたレンコンやほうれん草も入れたら大鍋で山盛りに出来上がり、これは2日がかりで食べよう!明日は楽できるわ〜

    11. 白菜が余っててどうしようと思ってたので、作ってみます!いつも分かりやすい説明ありがとうございます😊

    12. 料理好き男子です
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