
Pasta in a hot pot is coming soon again! You’ll have to 6 kg in 50 min. If you’re a man, it costs 4378 yen, and 4158 yen if you’re a woman (a child and female can drink as much as they can). Let’s do it! So, we’re here at… Oh, I’m sorry for that.

So, we’re here at a restaurant called “ATTACHMENT” in Shinjuku. I’m going to eat a carbonara in a hot pod like this, which is really famous in this restaurant! 3, 2, 1, Let’s start! Let’s dig in! This restaurant is very fashionable and fancy and this plate is for 1 people, right?

It’s in the world of optical illusion. I hesitate to speak out loud because this restaurant is fancy, so I’ll keep myself quiet at this time. Nope, it’s 2000% impossible for me to do that. It’s a extremely massive beacon. Another beacon here! You know what, is this amount of cheese insane, right?

Cheese accounts for 80% and the rest of it 20%. Don’t rely so much on editing, please. It’ll be definitely good! It’s really good! It’s very milky and mild, but it’s not that heavy even though it’s got a lot of cheese in it, so it’s good! This beacon is good!

The carbonara that is seasoned by the cream matches the salty beacon! I’m even unsure if I’m winding the past or cheese around the fork. It’s all about the law of universal gravitation, perhaps. This one is enjoyable. How much baked this beacon is fantastic!

This is my one bite size actually (it depends on the person). Is this cheese or pasta? The power of cheese is strong. It’s like a magma because it’s cooked as it is. It’s actually as if it was a magma pasta or something. Half of it is cheese! Is that insane, isn’t it?

Please kindly watch me doing this or that. You know what, if you think about a magma pasta… wait, where is my fork? There you go. I’m the one who scares others. The past fits this size of the plate. It looks like a miniature. A normal carbonara looks like this.

Cheese helps me to wind the past around the fork. It’s a bit spicy because of black peppers, but this also drives my appetite more! I reckon you thought that I wan going to say “It’s very good”. If the sauce is left by any chance,

It’ll be good to dip bread and rice into the sauce. This is a spectacular view, isn’t it? Cheese is playing with me. There’s something on the bottom. It’s almost like a treasure hunt. If you like a milky, mild carbonara, you’ll definitely like it! I’d highly recommend it!

I feel like the beacon does exist because it’s huge. If you put a spoon or fork in it, it’ll be like… It’ll be a needle in a haystack. Her vocab is getting scarce right now. Hello, I’m not really thinking about how to eat it. It’s been more baked a bit, I guess?

I’m getting smarter. The beacon is really good! It’s delicious since its fatty meat is a bit sweet whereas it’s a bit salty! It’s a combination with the carbonara! It’s heavy! I’m diving it into smaller plates. That’s my strategy. Which will be dead faster, my arms or the spoon? I can’t see that side…

I feel like onions are in there, too. Why am getting watery eyes? People say “Danger past, god forgotten”, but the cheese stick to my throat. That’s what causes my eyes to get watery. It doesn’t happen normally. Please stop saying “Beacon” in a quiet voice.

I wish I could have bread and dip it in. Look, there’s much sauce there. Please stop forgetting where I’ve put stuff. I think this dish uses a lot of cheese, but it’s amazing that cheese doesn’t get solid, isn’t it? It’s the effect of this huge pasta.

The inside of my stomach is hot right now. It’s a body warmer. I ate too much at once. It’s a huge spoon! 30 min is left! It’s noisy… I can feel my stomach is getting hot! I’m sweating even though it’s in February. There’s more sauce than the pasta.

The tripod I’m using is her way. It’s very hot and I can’ stop sweating actually. It’s better to hold the plate like that. I’ve been able to use my brain. It won’t get cold forever. I said something in a very quiet voice. It is what it is. 24 min is left!

Why am I sweating now in this fancy restaurant? If I eat it directly, it’s still quite hot. Seriously, I can’t stop sweating. Did I take a sauna bath? The three small pods are left! 2 pods more. 1 more. I’ve finished all the small pods. It’s empty now. I’m full. I’ve finished!

Please stop sucking up my right arm. It was really good! Thank you! Wow! It’s so sweet! Thank you so much! I’ve received this kind of really cute desert as a prize! The orange sherbet is really good! I’d highly recommend this carbonara. The beacon was great! It was great! Thank you! Bye~!:)


えびまよ はプロとして特殊な訓練を積んでいるため、早食い大食いが可能となっています。










「株式会社KNOCK えびまよ」宛



【📩→ info@knock.co.jp】こちらまでご連絡頂けると幸いです。




#えびまよ #海老原まよい #えびまよ大食い


  1. …….. оооооооо……..
    это незаконно!
    Это преступно сырно!
    Кушайте много кушайте вкусно.

  2. НАУЧНО ДОКАЗАНО–желудок может растянуться не больше 2 литров.Интерестно как она умудриласть съесть 6 литров–ЭТО ФЕЙК.Зачем вы себя так позорите обманывая зрителей

  3. この量食べるのももちろん凄いんだけど飽きない事の方が凄い

  4. The amount of cheese is completely absurd!!! No Italian would put that amount of it in their Carbonara!!! WTF?!?! That challenge is about eating cheese, not about eating pasta Carbonara!!! 😨

  5. Dude I’m American and even this is too much for me to comprehend. It’s better that it’s meant for four people, though