Eng.【Diet Vlog#7】本気で痩せるための簡単ヘルシーレシピ!夏直前の追い込みダイエット🔥🔥weight lose journey gettin fit for summer !

make holes on surface of chicken 4 table spoons of vinegar 1.5 table spoons of soy sauce heat up in the microwave for 3 min flip over and put in the microwave for 3min again cover and leave it for 5 min after taking out from mircrowave steamed chicken steamed sweet potatoes homemade pickles pour 800ml of water and turn on the heat leave it for a while until chicken gets cooked add vegetables and stew until they get soft when carrot is getting softer, add cabbage as well when cabbage is cooked, it’s done! stew with chicken and vegetable im gonna be making lunch first im gonna put chicken in this container 1 table spoon of cooking sake salt then heat up in the microwave for 3min cut green onion into small pieces 1 table spoon of water 1/2 tea spoon of salt black pepper 2 table spoons of sesame oil and toss the seasoning. add 2 tea spoons of lemon juice flip over and add the seasoning on it put in the microwave for 3-4min put slices of lemon on top, cover it and leave for 5min steamed chicken with lemon sweet potatoes homemade pickles put minced chicken in the bowl add 1/2 tea spoon of salt black pepper 3 tea spoons of potato starch ginger tube and mix them well it’s done 1.5 table spoons of chicken stock 1.5 table spoons of soy sauce 1 table spoon of cooking sake make small meatballs with spoon cook them for a while when meatballs are cooked, add vegetables cover and stew until vegetables get soft chicken meatball soup with chinese cabbage good morning Azuki~ i feel bloated so i’m gonna drink hot lemon water before breakfast im gonna be making lucnh it’s already 1:30pm so i’m gonna make something easy real quick first i’m gonna cut green onion im gonna use this chicken breast it’s about 300g i cut into small pieces like that add 2 table spoons of potato starch 1 table spoon of cooking sake salt and pepper and mix them pour a little bit of sesame oil put chicken into the pan cook on low heat for a while when it’s getting cooked, add 3 table spoons of ponzu sauce and add garlic tube 1 tea spoon of sugar and add green onion as well mix them quickly and it’s done this is my lunch chicken with green onion sweet potatoes homemade pickles i’m gonna be making dinner i used only a half of onion i got a comment that it’s better cut onions vertically. is it right…? pour 200ml of water in the pot and also 200ml of soy milk i’m gonna add a little bit of fish stock when it’s boiled, add vegetables when vegetables got soft like this, add salmon as well 2 table spoons of miso stew it for a while soy milk miso soup with salmon



『Leean Tokyo (リーントーキョー)』



📷 SNS.
Instagram : @momomi__official
↑Workout Planも出してます!

Tiktok : @momomi__official


💛 things I use.
➫動画内のヨガマット https://amzn.to/3iu7cBd
➫両面焼きフライパン https://amzn.to/3iBhznt
➫動画内のウェア https://bit.ly/2PTr3NV


🔥 #MomoFit

▽1日4分 2週間で太もも痩せ!

▽1日4分 2週間で華奢な背中と肩を手に入れるトレーニング

▽1日4分 3週間で小さく丸いお尻を手に入れるトレーニング




  1. 自分用

    3:23 3:23 3:23
    3:23 3:23 3:23


    お酒 大さじ1
    塩 適量

    水 大さじ1
    塩 小さじ1/2
    黒胡椒 適量
    ごま油 大さじ2
    レモン汁 小さじ2

    レモン 1個

  2. Can you tell us the exact recipe of your smoothies? Like how many tablespoon of soy milk and yogurt do you use in every recipe. Thank yoy and more power to your channel. 🙂

  3. Thank you for your hardworking on the videos Love you soooo much ♥️♥️♥️ keep going ♥️♥️♥️
    I will try your recipe tomorrow thanks ♥️♥️♥️

  4. こんにちは!

  5. 8:00
    鶏胸肉 300g1口サイズ
    片栗粉 大さじ2
    お酒 大さじ1
    ごま油 適量
    ポン酢 大さじ3
    砂糖 小さじ1